Co-Ordinate System

With credit to Value1 he has set in place a Standard Co- Ordinate system for our game plugins. For example all game plugins should move the slider in the same directions.

All information is taken from:

Conventions for Game Plugins

Nomenclature of movements in SimTools

Pitch is the tilt of the car forwards or backwards in [°]
Roll is how much the car is dipped to the left or right in [°]
Yaw is the heading of the car (north, east, south, west) in [°]

Surge means the acceleration of the car in longitudinal direction [g]
Sway means the acceleration of the car in lateral direction [g]
Heave means the acceleration up and down [g]


Directions of Movement in SimTools

Accelerationpitch slider moves to left, surge slider moves to right
Deceleration (braking) → pitch slider moves to right, surge slider moves to left
Right turnroll slider moves to left, sway slider moves to right, yaw slider moves to left

Turn right

Left turnroll slider moves to right, sway slider moves to left, yaw slider moves to right.

Turn left

Driving downhillpitch slider moves to right

Downhill Slider Pitch

Driving uphillpitch slider moves to left

Uphill Slider Pitch

Tilted to the leftroll slider moves to left

Tilted left Slider Roll

Tilted to the rightroll slider moves to right

Tilted right Slider Roll

Written by

"Enthusiastic Sim-Racer from the north of germany. I write here about web development, hardware, software and latest motion simulator technologies."