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Arduino and TM1638 for simple DashBoard 2.0.1

Code for Arduino with TM1638 for a simple Dashboard with buttons

  1. change TM1638 library, add button functions and value to display

    version change :

    - TM1638 library with onther more fast as reported in Arduino forum (http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=190472.0)
    (direct download library link : http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=190472.0;attach=92905)

    - added display other value like oil temp, water temp, fuel, lap and position selected by button; when press a button, a value is displayed on right side, if before 3sec. a second button is pressed another value is displayed on left side (all values in game engine are configured with TOHEX and PAD 4 0).

    - save display config via EEPROM and loaded every power on.

    values sends with this characters :
    - S<DashX> - Speed
    - G<DashX> - Gear
    - M<DashX> - RPM
    - O<DashX> - Oil
    - W<DashX> - Water
    - F<DashX> - Fuel
    - L<DashX> - Lap
    - P<DashX> - Position

    by default display show gear on left and speed on right, leds show only RPM.
    the buttons value from left to right are:
    - S1 - Speed
    - S2 - Gear
    - S3 - RPM
    - S4 - Oil
    - S5 - Water
    - S6 - Fuel
    - S7 - Lap
    - S8 - Position
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