version change :
- TM1638 library with onther more fast as reported in Arduino forum (
(direct download library link :;topic=190472.0;attach=92905)
- added display other value like oil temp, water temp, fuel, lap and position selected by button; when press a button, a value is displayed on right side, if before 3sec. a second button is pressed another value is displayed on left side (all values in game engine are configured with TOHEX and PAD 4 0).
- save display config via EEPROM and loaded every power on.
values sends with this characters :
- S<DashX> - Speed
- G<DashX> - Gear
- M<DashX> - RPM
- O<DashX> - Oil
- W<DashX> - Water
- F<DashX> - Fuel
- L<DashX> - Lap
- P<DashX> - Position
by default display show gear on left and speed on right, leds show only RPM.
the buttons value from left to right are:
- S1 - Speed
- S2 - Gear
- S3 - RPM
- S4 - Oil
- S5 - Water
- S6 - Fuel
- S7 - Lap
- S8 - Position