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Simplicity SW10C+ Direct Drive (early) Review

Discussion in 'Direct Drive Wheels' started by Night Dav3, Oct 1, 2018.

  1. Night Dav3

    Night Dav3 New Member

    Feb 8, 2015
    Electronics RnD
    Grenoble, FRANCE
    +15 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, Arduino
    Hi everyone,

    It's time to share some news about my simplicity SW10C+ direct drive wheel, since there is not much information on simplicity wheels around here.


    For 6 monthes I was waiting for the new fanatec podium series, but I've been quite disapointed by the availability date and the price, so I decided to order the 10Nm simplicity kit and go for some DIY stuff with the wheels, even if there were no reviews of it...

    I have to say that it took more than the advertised 28 days to get it : I waited 6 weeks... (received it by the end of August)

    The kit is good quality, made of one control unit, some cables, the MIGE motor and the mounting plates.
    the assembly is very easy, not more than 20 minutes, taking your time.
    (unboxing pictures in a future post)


    After that you have to schedule the installation meeting to go through the software installation process.
    It's very easy, you just need to follow the instructions and it can be done in 15 minutes. (installing the driver, checking the hardware and that windows peripherals are correctly recognized).
    Fortunately Ollie was available the day after I received the box so I did not have to wait for a long time to play with it.

    The control software is pretty basic, as it is in the following picture.
    Despites the small numer of options it works well and you can tune your wheel the way you want.
    (Ollie told me that they are still actively working on the dev, and I received 3 software/firmware updates since end of August)


    I tested the wheel mostly with Assetto Corsa and the new Assetto Corsa Competizione.
    The feeling is very good, I've had to reset all the parameters I made for my previous G27, and in less than 30 minutes I was able to fine tume the settings.

    All the effects are really on another level compared to my G27. the force is really high, very very few cliping and all effects are present (slip, understeer, kerbs, road bumps, ...).
    There is no lag, everything works fine, no cogging. The combination of rotation speed and torque is impressive.
    I have a lot of USB DIY stuff in my ring and I did not noticed any interference with the wheel.

    I have two different wheels, both of them DIY.
    the first one is based on OMP wheel copy from aliexpress, 35cm diameter. I added 3D printed magnetic shifters and quick release (fake 15€ Sparco).
    This wheel is pretty heavy (>1.5Kg).
    With this wheel I run at 10Nm and 85-100% of force in games.
    With the weight/inertia there are some missing details in the FFB, and with the large diameter you can 'counter' the force effects with a lot of strength.
    with such a wheel you can be at the limit of MIGE motor, and it can get quite hot after intense racing, that is why I added a fan to keep the motor at a reasonable temperature (to be able to keep the hand on it).

    The second wheel is a DIY replica of the Huracan GT3 wheel (should be perfect for VR in ACC in the future...)
    I made it from 6mm plexiglass and foam so this wheel is very light.
    The diameter is also reduced to 280mm
    with this wheel I can feel more details, but my arms cannot suport running at full torque for a long time.
    In AC i'm running about 60 to 85% depending on the car.
    with ACC I'm running at 70% with the Huracan.


    one word about ACC :
    It worked quite well out of the box, but I did not have the time to do intense testing with the 0.1.0 version.
    Now, with the 0.1.2 version of ACC and the new firmare I received (maybe with some updates dedicated to ACC ?), it works as expected.
    Of course like everyone says the FFB is not at the same level as it is in AC, but I did not found any lag or wrong behaviour.

    So I'm very happy with this wheel, for me it works as it should.
    I did not have the opportunity to test other DD wheels more than few minutes, and not with the same cars/setups, so it is difficult for me to compare and say if there is a gap or not with this wheel.
    The software is still under development, but already OK. One missing feature is game profiles, but I can deal with it easily.
    The torque of the 10Nm Mige motor is OK for me.
    With heavy/large wheels, you can reach the limit, but with small/lightweight wheels it is more than you need, unless you like to drive with very very heavy steering force.
    I have the '+' version with the high precision sensor, but I cannot say at the end if it's really better than the standard version.
    At the end it costed me 700€ for the SW10C+ and less than 80€ for 2 DIY wheels (half of the fanatec budget for base+wheel) so I'm very satisfied.

    I will follow with pictures of my unboxing, feel free to comment / ask questions if you need !
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Night Dav3

    Night Dav3 New Member

    Feb 8, 2015
    Electronics RnD
    Grenoble, FRANCE
    +15 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, Arduino
    Here are some pictures of the unboxing

    001s.jpg 002s.jpg 003s.jpg 004s.jpg 005s.jpg 006s.jpg 007s.jpg 008s.jpg 009s.jpg 0010s.jpg 011s.jpg
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. whitestar

    whitestar New Member

    Oct 1, 2018
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thank you very much for this review! I'm considering going for this wheel as well (or maybe the SW7C, 7C+ or 10C). But reviews of these are extremely hard to come by.
    Please keep us updated with how the software develops and also any game you test. AC and ACC are my main games also, but I would also be interested in what this wheel is like in R3E, Automobilista and PCars2. Also, that Huracan wheel looks really good. You wouldn't happen to have a video of how you created it? A written tutorial or explanation would also be cool. :)

    One thing I'm concerned about regarding DD wheels is electromagnetic interference. Are all the cables above shielded?

    Thanks, and look forward to hearing more about the SW10C+
  4. Night Dav3

    Night Dav3 New Member

    Feb 8, 2015
    Electronics RnD
    Grenoble, FRANCE
    +15 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, Arduino
    Thank you for this feedback.
    I don't have these games, so unfortunately I won't be able to give you feedback for them...
    I play rF2 and Dirt rally besides Assetto.

    Here is thread to detail the building process for my wheel:

    Regarding EMI, I don't notice anything on my rig. I have many DIY things (button boxes, shifter, custom pedal set, ...) and everything works well.
    the cables between the base and the motor are using shielded connectors.
  5. Tibor

    Tibor New Member

    Mar 12, 2020
    +0 / 0 / -0
    May i ask if you still use your Simplicity wheel, and if so are you still satisfied with the wheelbase? I am looking for a dd wheel and find simplicity very interesting, but cant find many reviews or users.