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Question motomonster maximum power

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Building Q&A / FAQ' started by mathieu, Oct 7, 2018.

  1. mathieu

    mathieu New Member

    Sep 30, 2018
    +1 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, Arduino
    Hello Did you know if the motomonster card can take a power supply of 700w with 58a it will be with 2 windshield wiper motor. I'm afraid that is too powerful for the card I think already put a fuse between each engine and the card motomonster. thank you in advance
  2. F22raptom

    F22raptom Member

    Aug 31, 2017
    +5 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Arduino, 6DOF
    If there is 1 thing I am aware of in regards to monster moto's - its that if you cheap out and buy anything other than the ridiculous $70 ones from the original supplier, you should get used to replacing them. Hell, one of my chinese VFD went bang and it was only plugged in - under no load. I am looking at replacing them with three BOSCH ones (over 3 times the original cost).

    Chinese and OEM quality are worlds apart so I would make sure you know where you got the part from because theres no answer for this question until we know whether its the original or a copy (which can appear extremely high quality).

    You can use cheap crap for development, but when it comes to go time - I would replace whatever you can with the best you can.

    Fom SparkFun monster Moto website
    Note: When using this board in extreme high-demand applications it may be necessary to improve thermal performance with a heat-sink or fan and to solder the wires directly to the board instead of using a screw terminal (in addition to the myriad other complications present in a high-current system) However, when using the board at currents up to 6A the chips will barely become noticeably warm.

    58A would vaporize them. A 700w PSU....wont deliver 58 amps. Do you mean 5.8? Its usually 10 out the wall.
  3. Pit

    Pit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gold Contributor

    Oct 2, 2013
    +3,096 / 31 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    DC motor, Arduino, 6DOF
    the liming factor for the MM are the windshield wiper motors, if you got a good MM unit it should handle both motors - but in reality the range of good and bad MM samples is huge. That said do not expect to much. There are a lot of better motor drivers on the market. A Sabertooth 2x32 is around $130 new, you buy it and you forget it. MM is a bunch of problems, I have a few samples running since years without issues, but this is more an exception than the rule

    PS: MM supports only 12V (16V does not work and much less 24V.---> tenor.gif
    • Agree Agree x 1
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2018
  4. Alexey

    Alexey Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2014
    Electronics Technician
    Adelaide, Australia
    +622 / 2 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    MM will more than handle wiper motors. Use 1 MM for each motor to ensure the MM do not get over-stressed and stay cool.
    Here is the link on how to do so: https://www.xsimulator.net/communit...cts-as-a-single-motor-driver-more-power.5482/

    I have now bought around 20 of these units and have only had issues with two of them. Every other issue has been me blowing them up by doing silly things.

    Your other option is an IBT_2 which is about the same price. I can't comment on these as I have not run them for any long periods of thime. Bought 3 of them and they have all had no issues.

    Your power supply should more than handle the power requirements of these motors. The power supply doesnt just spew out 700W continuously, 700W is how much it can supply.
    The motors will draw however much power they need from the supply, not the supply force feeding the motors.

    Do not use a fuse! you do not know how much power the motors will drain at full load, therefore you will not know what rating the fuse needs to be!
    Instead place an emergency off button at the power supply incase you spot something going wrong.

    If this is your first attempt at playing with electronics then I would strongly suggest the MM as a $130 driver can just as easily self destruct if you wire things incorrectly.
    Get about 4 MM just so that you have spares and dive into it!

    Once you get confortable with the electronics, then decide if you need to spend more money
    • Like Like x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2018
  5. Pit

    Pit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gold Contributor

    Oct 2, 2013
    +3,096 / 31 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    DC motor, Arduino, 6DOF
    Where did you buy the MMs? If not almost in the FAQ we should add your source.
  6. Alexey

    Alexey Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2014
    Electronics Technician
    Adelaide, Australia
    +622 / 2 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    Back in 2016 was my last batch from

    However, this store does not seem to sell then anymore. Just another one of those bulk buy/resell vendors.
    By the looks of things quite a few people have issues with the clone drivers, guess iv'e been lucky.
    Only reason I've gone to IBT_2 is because they can run 12V - 24V.

    The issues that I've had from the two MM that failed was dead on arrival.

    MM that I have blown up was running without fans or incorrect wiring. cause of death = overcurrent or over heating.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  7. ne02005

    ne02005 Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    +29 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Yes me too, I´m using one MM per motor, I´m using for cold and works perfect! Just About 30ºC working! Only use a interesting heatsink!
    I don´t know how many people say that MM are bad, I have 3 motors and works about a month... and playing about 2 hours per day and works great!
  8. micma80

    micma80 Member

    Nov 27, 2010
    +30 / 0 / -0
    ITA io ho preso dei driver basati su BTS7960 - chip 16 mΩ @ 25 °C, PWM capability of up to 25 kHz, Current limitation level of 43 A, voltage supply up to 45 V c.c. (sulla baia BTN7960 Stepper Motor Driver 43A H-Bridge PWM For Arduino).
    Non ho ancora provato ma dalle mie conoscenze in elettronica credo siano sufficienti per molte delle nostre applicazioni. Importante nella scelta del motore da collegare vedere i dati di corrente di spunto poichè nei nostri sistemi i motori lavorano quasi sempre in transitorio (considera una corrente di circa 5 volte la nominale a regime per poche frazioni di secondo). Utilizza buoni collegamenti con morsetti generosi, cavi da almeno 6 mm2 (5A / 1 mm2) e fusibili lato alimentazione ponte con corrente poco inferiore alla massima (es. 40 A per max 43A).
    Spero di esserti stato utile,
    a disposizione

    ENG I have taken BTS7960-based drivers - 16 mΩ @ 25 ° C chip, PWM capability of up to 25 kHz, Current limitation level of 43 A, voltage supply up to 45 V c.c. (7 €. on the bay BTN7960 Stepper Motor Driver 43A H-Bridge PWM For Arduino).
    I have not tried yet but from my knowledge in electronics I think they are sufficient for many of our applications. Important in the choice of the motor to be connected see the inrush current because in our systems the motors almost always work in transient (consider a current of about 5 times the rated full speed for a few fractions of a second). It uses good connections with generous terminals, cables of at least 6 mm2 (5A / 1 mm2) and fuses on the bridge supply side with current slightly below the maximum (eg 40 A for max 43A).
    I hope I was helpful,
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