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JRK feedback issue

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by Onesus, Dec 4, 2018.

  1. Onesus

    Onesus New Member Gold Contributor

    Jan 10, 2018
    +3 / 0 / -0
    This is my first post but I was reading a lot during the past time on this forum and I believed to gain all the necessary knowledge to build a 2 DOF seat mover – which is apparently not the case. After some research, I decided to use the following components (which I already bought) for my project:

    - 2 x WG73BD76 gear motors (12V, 80W, 180 U/min, 30 Nm)

    - 2 x 12V PSU with 400W, 33 Amps max

    - 2 x Pololu Jrk 12v12 USB Motor Controller

    - 2 x 6127V1A180L.5FS Hall Sensors http://au.element14.com/bi-technolo...-5/sensor-hall-0-2v-20v-to-10v-pin/dp/2319662

    I covered all the steps suggested by eaorobbie from this post:
    I can start the motor and it runs but the problem is that I’m not able to set the min and max points. It seems that the controller doesn’t pass the feedback signal to the configuration utility. When I’m moving the pots, nothing happens on the graph in the right upper corner. The scaled feedback value sometimes jumps between 0 and 65000.

    At the beginning, I thought that the hall sensors or the controller are not ok, but both of them!? That’s pretty unlikely. My soldering is fine. I even soldered two additional cables directly to the GND and Feedback PIN from the bottom side of the jrk to check if the signal from the pot is ok. Measuring with my voltmeter shows that when I turn the pot, I can see the voltage changing (it works for both pots). Both of them are adjusted to the middle position and they seem to work perfectly from about 1V to 4V (from min to max position) with no jumps in between. So they seem to work fine but somehow the jrk is not passing the signal to the software.

    Due to the fact, that the software doesn’t recognize the feedback, it’s not possible for me to do the learn procedure. Currently the pot is connected to the jrk as follows - 5V pot to 5V jrk, GND pot to GND jrk and V out ppot to Feedback pin jrk (like in the picture in eaorobbie's post linked above). I also tried to connect the pot’s V out signal to the RX pin with the associated +5V and GND pins (configured in the input tab) with the same negative result.

    Then I found this post from @MarkusB with a similar issue but there is no real solution mentioned:

    I connected the usb cable directly into my computer and I used an active USB hub as well. I already tried two different USB cables and ordered some new USB cables with mini USB connector to check if there is something with the USB cable – hoping to get them this week. But the jrk’s are being recognized and I am able to start and stop the motors – that’s why I don’t really believe, that that’s my problem.

    Within the software I restored to default values several times and put then the values from aeorobbies post.

    Any Ideas what could cause this?

    Thx for any hints in advance.

  2. noorbeast

    noorbeast VR Tassie Devil Staff Member Moderator Race Director

    Jul 13, 2014
    Innovative tech specialist for NGOs
    St Helens, Tasmania, Australia
    +10,993 / 54 / -2
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, JRK
    Can you please post pictures of all of your settings and of the wiring for the pots.
  3. Onesus

    Onesus New Member Gold Contributor

    Jan 10, 2018
    +3 / 0 / -0
    I was just shooting the pictures of my wiring and I recognized what a fool I am... I could kick myself. To make it short, instead of connecting the feedback pin I connected the AUX pin. Now everything is working like expected. Sorry for bothering you.
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