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Platform Calculations help needed

Discussion in 'New users start here - FAQ' started by marios, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. adgun

    adgun Active Member

    Jan 28, 2008
    +137 / 4 / -0
    Hi Mambo
    First wippermoter are made from plastic and last longer without grease between there tooth.
    If you are using them one way cont.motion youre having a thin layer of grease between the tooth
    with breaking, accelerating, reversing youre pushing it out.
    Wormgears are made for simple aplications like tranportationbelts etc. etc.
    Indextable are very slow and dont get greasing broblems
    All type of gearboxes have this grease problem high dynamic used,only rolling ones can handle it between factory given lifetime limits,if you're stay below there torque max.
    DIY it's inpossible to make a cheaper scn5 ,but with big loads the cheapest way is to make you're
    own ballscrew actuators,it's douable for les than 250,00 Euro .
    And 500kg dynamic loads are no broblem 700/800kg will be the max (angular contact bearings are the weakest spot) but using thrust and normal bearings you could go further,big gearboxes are fare more expensife

    Regards Ad
  2. Mambo

    Mambo New Member

    Aug 5, 2008
    Czech Republic
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Yes greas problem gives reason. But look at the gearbox witch i post. This gearbox is used to move cnc machines tables so its all about chose right desing of worm gearbox. Ballscrew acutattor would be better, probably cheaper but also bigger and if we dont know what exactly Mario want bulid and what is his possibilities its hard to say which way is best.