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Where to put a Buttkicker on a seat mover ?

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Building Q&A / FAQ' started by netshaman, Apr 17, 2019.

  1. netshaman

    netshaman New Member

    Apr 13, 2019
    +2 / 0 / -0
    I m just wondering about the best place to put it to avoid loss of vibrations and perhaps damage to motors or electronics if used for a long time ?
    It is just a guess from me, because i really don t know what can be going on .
    So , if placed directly on the main frame where motors and electronics are , can it damage them because of the powerfull vibrations ?
    Or when placed on the seat , can it be damaged because of the platform moving ?
    What do you think about this , what is the best choice ?
  2. yellofella

    yellofella Member

    Aug 8, 2011
    +84 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, SimforceGT
    I would mount it under the seat bolted to the seat frame if your only going to use 1 buttkicker ( under yr butt).
    if its the gamer 2 buttkicker then a short post welded or bolted firmly to the seat frame then clamp on the post using the gamer 2 clamp, if not then bolt a plate onto your seat frame (close to yr butt) and bolt buttkicker to that. check from the manufacturer if the model of buttkicker you have has to be mounted on flat surface to preform properly or not, and use quality cables if diy connecting it.
    Excessive vibrations are never good for electronics so if you feel you are getting to much vibration where your electronics
    are situated while still having enough vibrations to feel through the seat then id suggest building some anti vibration mounting for the electronics your worried about or removing them off the sim platform altogether to another location on or next to the sim
    hope this helps
  3. netshaman

    netshaman New Member

    Apr 13, 2019
    +2 / 0 / -0
    Thank you for your advice !
    My buttkicker is a Pearl Throne thumper .
    And the fact that you said " under yr butt " had given me an idea.
    Previously i was thinking to put it behind the seat , but now if it is directly blted on the seat frame i can put the seat itself on a bunch of silentblocks !
    Thank you mate , you made my day !