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IRACING - The best racing sim?

Discussion in 'Off Topic - All other stuff here' started by Fahim, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. Fahim

    Fahim Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    +2 / 0 / -0
    I'm thinking of getting iracing - does any know if there is a demo out there.

    And is there any x-sim user who use iracing and whats the thought. is it the best game out there for pc?
  2. Ringorumble

    Ringorumble Active Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    +48 / 1 / -0
    Its the best in my opinion, but its also the most expensive.read in some forums before you get it, its not the jump in and have all cars all track sim, where you can hop in the fastest car and drive ...
  3. njracer

    njracer Member

    Dec 31, 2007
    +0 / 0 / -0
    hey Fahim, iRacing really is the best sim out imho. there really is nothing that comes close. everything is not perfect, there are some oddities but all around, nothing still come's close. there is a torrent out there but i don't recommend that. the whole service is very nice, online netcode is very nice, accidents need some work, there are blinking cars when 2 cars hit and that can be a problem at times. the cars are on another level then anything else out there. really have to control the weight transfer on the cars, the tracks are amazing. bumps in the road, colors, the crowds are weak, flat people, textures are really nice, ffb is excellent.

    i would suggest getting a month for 20 bucks, imo, there is no way you won't walk away impressed. some tips, give it time, there is a learning curve here, some rookie cars are just as hard as a harder car in say, race 07. you really have to be up on the wheel, always gives you that feeling of being on the edge and pushing it. if you're a road racer, try out the spec racer ford, that car gives a good feeling of weight, speed, balance, and the ffb is very nice in that car. on the oval side you'll only have the legends to try, i suggest the rookie, they're easier to control and again the ffb is very nice.

    btw, if you're not into oval racing at all i strongly suggest you try it out. imho, there hasn't been any sim out there that has ever giving oval racing the credit it deserves. there are open practices and i highly recommend jumping in a few. in no times you'll be having a blast with cars all around you trying to find those .2 that separate you in last from the guy in first.

    apart from the sim, the service is very nice and professional. always updated, devs always listen to members, its very nice. i'll be a member for as long as they are around. i still play the other sims we my old buds from my league, but its tough to go back tbh. i feel gtr evo isn't as bad as say gtr2 as far as slip angles go and saving a car, but the cars themselves feel dead with no weight transferring, the tracks are all smooth as glass like they were paved the day before, and you don't really get that edge of out of control feeling you do with iracing. couple that with the fact that you all have safety ratings and if you hit someone else you'll both drop even though you're trying your hardest to push everything out of your car its just awesome, some of the best racing i've ever done. throw in x-sim, i'm in heaven :D
  4. Fahim

    Fahim Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    +2 / 0 / -0
    well ve emailed them a for a trial but they have not got back. how long does it that take for them to give me the trial code?

    I want to use it for x-sim. have you got really good profiles for it?

    btw njracer: have you made a video of your simulator. would be nice to see you playing iracing with x-sim :)
  5. Ringorumble

    Ringorumble Active Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    +48 / 1 / -0
    There is no trial, there are promotional codes where you get 3 month for 25 $ or the radical + silverstone free with one month etc..
  6. Fahim

    Fahim Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    +2 / 0 / -0
    It says there is ONE free month trial... but then it says put in credit card details. This seems to be another one of these companies that could take me for a ride....

    Dear Racer,

    Thanks again for your interest in the Radical SR8. We hope to see you racing with it soon.

    In the meantime, let’s get you in the Radical SR8 for a test drive. Below you will find a promotion code that will grant you a FREE one-month membership to iRacing.com’s simulation service*. Also included is the Radical SR8 race car, Silverstone (Grand Prix, National, Southern and Historic Grand Prix configurations) and other free iRacing content. To get started, just click on this link, https://members.iracing.com/membersite/ ... Choices.do, and enter the promotion code at the top-left. After that just follow the simple instructions to download the software, and you will be ready to take the Radical SR8 out for your first lap.

    But they still want my credit card details. How scammy is that. Why cant they just do a normal free trial. I hate companies like that. They act so sly and clever with even demo trials but i've heard good vibes about iracing so im probably being paranoid and im sure they wont do bad things.
  7. njracer

    njracer Member

    Dec 31, 2007
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hey Fahim, i'm using the cxc profile for iracing, its not overly done with crazy movements, this one seems very realistic to me, the most realistic i've tried yet. just make sure you set your speed up the way they want, i dropped the accel to get less road vibrations iracing-scn5-100mm-generic-profile-t1837.html
  8. Fahim

    Fahim Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    +2 / 0 / -0
    Is this profile for the Radical car: Also the game physics seem like rfactor a little do you think?

    I think Live for Speed is the one that driving feels alot different to these two.

    Iracing and Rfactor have similar feel? As I am now playing the demo for one month before I start to pay.
  9. njracer

    njracer Member

    Dec 31, 2007
    +0 / 0 / -0
    hey Fahim, i use the cxc profile for all the cars. i honestly don't think iracing is to much like rfactor really. i hope rfactor 2 will push the bar and get closer.
  10. Ringorumble

    Ringorumble Active Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    +48 / 1 / -0
    Its like an Rfactor mod, i heard.
  11. Ringorumble

    Ringorumble Active Member

    Jan 20, 2008
    +48 / 1 / -0
    ont know, but the licensed rfactor or the engine, so it should ..
  12. njracer

    njracer Member

    Dec 31, 2007
    +0 / 0 / -0
    yeah, they basically built it off rfactor. its pretty much exactly rfactor, they went to teams and got accurate data to plugin in for the physics. imo, this should work using the factor plugin.

    i don't have the game anymore otherwise i would've tested it for you sorry.

    what i can say, all the menus are the same, the speed indicator, the position indiactor, the spotter. you can use real feel with it, you can use any rfactor plugin with it. its basically a 50$ rfactor mod. it does feel better then some of the lower mods, but not any better then a high rated stock car mod for rfactor.
  13. Fahim

    Fahim Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    +2 / 0 / -0
    I played the i racing demo last night and with the radical car it was the best sim I have ever played.

    When I drove with the pontiac it did feel hard to control. Maybe it is the the car that makes the racing game good :)

    Btw the damage in iracing is great and even the graphics are better than rfactor.

    But you have to pay each month which let's the game down :( :( :(

    njracer: So you use the cxc profile on all the cars. In your honest opinion does it perform extremely well.

    I saw egoexpress video on the video section and that is the best I have seen. If it reacts like that then im going to get really excited when my setup is ready.
  14. njracer

    njracer Member

    Dec 31, 2007
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hey Fahim, i haven't seen this video, can you give me a link??
    The CXC profile feels realistic, the movements aren't really crazy, more subtle less is more approach.
    If you're looking for really strong movements, try the spec racer ford profile from Nima. That one is very strong and lots of movements. I can't drive good with it though cause it's throwing me all over the place and i can't concentrate, It's fun though.

    The CXC one gives me good movement, realistic feeling's, and the ability to stay focused on the track and have the seat give me cues of the cornering loads.

    This is all my opinion though, part of the fun is loading up all the different profile's and see what one you like best. Definitely give them all a go though i would say.
  15. Fahim

    Fahim Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    +2 / 0 / -0
    Egoexpress video is the one rated 5 stars on the video section. He is not using it with i-racing :). I was just making a general point that his setup is performing really good to the game.

    good @ cxc profile that your able to stay focused on the track :)

    I'll continue to drive this trial month and see if i buy at the end.

    One more thing. I was driving pontiac solice and iracing does not use clutch system on it. I can change gear without pressing clutch pedal!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. pointer4

    pointer4 New Member

    May 2, 2008
    +4 / 0 / -0
    Is not a perfect simulation but good road on it to this.
    He has a couple of children's diseases,
    - from a standing does not whirl the wheel (start help :S )
    - there is no tire wearing on road
    - mechanics mistakes very rare (you can do things, faaaaar away from reality)
    - don't have single or own multiplayer mode, you can't drive with friends
    - clutch does not work :S
    Into an exchange:
    + laser scanned tracks and cars, with licens
    + the European and Australian tracks and series come now, that the US is in him almost already
    +almost the best car physics what i ever been seen (maybe just the NetKarPro is better)

    Very expensive simulator, the makers mark it into a sport car driving school,
    it is develops dynamically because of these (like LFS).

    This is one Session Schedule (3 months)

    And the one month free promotion code is same for every one PR-RADICAL-ONE-MONTH (just don't forget uncheck the Auto-Billing , because every another month is 19$)
  17. Fahim

    Fahim Member

    Dec 11, 2008
    +2 / 0 / -0
    thanks. Just downloaded netkar and unistalled it after ten minutes :)

    I also posted message on iracing forum asking if there is any time scope on when they will introduce the proper clutch system.