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[2DOF] My first simulator for my VR setup!

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by Antho494, Apr 15, 2020.

  1. Antho494

    Antho494 New Member

    Apr 15, 2020
    +2 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, Arduino
    Hi everyone!

    I am officially new here, but unofficially, I've been here for a few years, thanks to a good friend of mine who has a really great thread on this forum!

    So, just to present myself a little, I am a french Canadian living in Quebec City. When I was 12 years old, I started to develop a rock solid passion for everything related to cars and racing! And this passion is stronger than ever today! I have a few (too many if you ask people around me) of car projects going on and I am doing some AutoX in an amateur league!


    A few years ago, I met a man who started to build a 6 DOF rig with close to no knowledge at all in this kind of project. I quickly become one of his reference since I had a few tips and tricks for him to start his build, mostly about mecanical stuff and how you want a sim to react to feel like a real car. Today, the roles have changed since he is now my reference for this build! Here is a link to his 6DOF epic setup :
    During the last years, I was a "bad" influence for him! Why? Because everytime he asked me for something related to hardware he needed for his simulator, it ended up with him buying something a bit expensive hahaha! I am the guy behind the buy of his bucket seat, his Pimax 8K, the design of his new shifter/handbrake setup and maybe some little things here and there! Sorry for all this money spent because of me bro'!! hahaha
    Oh, and I am the guy who's testing his sim in this video:

    And also doing a few skids! ;)

    It's really really fun! Nothing beat the feeling of hitting your apex just right and feel the tires touching and setpping a few inches on the curb!! And this feeling of precision about where you tires are in the 3D space is why I am here today! After having a lot of fun on the 6DOF of my friend during Christmas holiday, I decided to build my very own setup and give it a go in the world of SimRacing! I see in this setup a good potential to improve my driving skills and maybe start doing some SimRacing Championship during winter when every track around Quebec City are close due to the impressive amount of snow we get here! :p
    Alright, now that you have the background story, here is how the first steps of my build went! I took a few pictures during the process, but basically, I spent around 3 days total to build this up to where it is now, including the 3D models to get a concept and the fabrication with a good friend who's a welder!
    There we go with some pictures of my progress! :D

    1. I started by doing a few concept in 3D to get a general idea of what I wanted! Main objective was to:
    - Get a seated position feeling like a sport car
    - Have a G27 well fitted to it
    - Include a Hydro Handbrake
    Concept 1:

    Concept 2:

    2. And after a few concept, it was time to weld this all together! I have used a seat from my 2002 Subaru WRX that decided to die last summer! For now, my friend and I only had time to build the upper part, so I can already enjoy it with the VR headset, but no motion at all for now!

    And since I wanted a really good quality in VR, why not buying a really good VR headset? :p

    So, this is where I am on my sim! I started yesterday night to assemble the electronic part! I found two wiper motor in a box of parts for my Datsun, so I will try these early 80's wiper motor since it's free! :p I don't expect too much from them, but who knows, maybe they are going run strong and work well! For now I sorted out the wiring for them!
    It is the first time I am working with an Arduino and stuff like that so I also started to figure out how to connect everything! But thanks to my friend who give me a few links, I have this good tuto to follow:

    Here is a quick picture of my wiring! I'm planning on just testing the reaction of the wiper motor without any load on them!

    So now it's gonna be time to get SimTools 2.0! And I was not really planning on doing a build thread for my 2DOF Sim since it has nothing really special, but since the licence is 50$US and I would prefer to get the free DIY version, well here I am! Let's wait those long 30 days now... :(

    Enjoy guys and if you have any comments and/or questions, go ahead! It will be a pleasure to share with you guys! ;)
    • Like Like x 2
  2. Pierre Lalancette

    Pierre Lalancette Sir Lalancelot Gold Contributor

    Dec 11, 2016
    Tech Artist
    Quebec, Canada
    +928 / 6 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, Arduino, 6DOF
    Hey! Who are you? What are you doing with my videos?

    Ah, ah! Hello Antho. Nice to see that you finally post on the forum.
    You have a nice PSU there. ;) Let's hope it will be strong enough.

    Don't forget that your Sabertooth 2X32 needs some sort of voltage clamp resistors. Never used them since I use batteries, so I cannot help you with that.

    Take care an see you around!
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Antho494

    Antho494 New Member

    Apr 15, 2020
    +2 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, Arduino
    Hey guys!

    Here I come with my first question!

    Following the tuto I posted above, I've started to look for the resistors I need for this part of the tuto:

    While I understand why we need them, I am not sure what size I must use for my setup. I have two wiper motors that usually run on a 15amp fuse. So considering I have a 12V (more like 12.5 in fact) input from the power supply I am using ( DELL DPS-500CB ) and a load of maximum 30A, the calculator give me this result:

    So am I suppose to get resistors similar to the picture (10W1Ω i'm guessing)? or am I suppose to get big heavy duty resistors like a 100W1Ω?

    Thanks a lot for your help!

    Bonus Question (off-topic):
    Anyone knows if there is a chance to save this electronic board if I change the burnt element with something similar?

    Thank you all and have a nice day! :D
  4. MarcoMade

    MarcoMade Active Member

    Jan 3, 2018
    Tecnico pc hardware/software MadeFix
    +63 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, 3DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    in the picture...
    they are Schottky diodes. this seems to be put to protect the EMF of the relay, if it has burnt out and it is probable that polarity inversion are rather robust usually.
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Pierre Lalancette

    Pierre Lalancette Sir Lalancelot Gold Contributor

    Dec 11, 2016
    Tech Artist
    Quebec, Canada
    +928 / 6 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, Arduino, 6DOF
    As long as you have the metal circuit path, you should not have any problem to replace the part. It's worth the try.
  6. Antho494

    Antho494 New Member

    Apr 15, 2020
    +2 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, Arduino
    Hey! Thank you for your answer for my Datsun problem hahaha! Well a past owner of the car decided to change the wiper switch for a newer model that uses a different type of connector. While the wires shared a similar color pattern, they were not wired the same way and gave a wiper switch completly messed up! :D

    Now I have the switch all sorted and I perfectly match the wire diagram for the switch! I didn't know the name of this part, so a huge thank you for that! I'm gonna look for this and try to fix it! :D

    Also, for the power supply of my sim, I will probably buy 2x 100W1Ω resistor ( https://www.amazon.ca/-/fr/Boîtier-...ords=resistor+100w+1ohm&qid=1588120691&sr=8-8 ). After thinking about this, the purpose of the resistor is to get rid of regenerative energy and it should not be anywhere close to the load my wiper motor will put on the circuit. I even think that it might be overkill to put 100W1Ω resistors... But I am really not an expert for this and since they are cheap, I will take a guess and try it! :p