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Oculus Rift S

Discussion in 'VR Headsets and Sim Gaming - Virtual Reality' started by Pitchoun511, Aug 5, 2019.

  1. RCFlyer

    RCFlyer Member

    Mar 22, 2018
    United States
    +16 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Yeti, thanks for the reply. My platform moves a lot depending on the flight. Which of the two, Rift S or Reverb, did you like best? What type of simming do you do (car, plane, etc.)?

  2. Brass Yeti

    Brass Yeti All show - No go

    Mar 20, 2017
    United States
    +11 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    I mostly do sim racing (car) in project cars 2. I wrote a review of the two that I will copy paste. One was between the cv1 and reverb. And a second one between the rift s and reverb. Two reviews because I got to borrow the rift s after receiving the reverb.

    Got my reverb setup a couple days ago and did a few back to back comparisons against the rift cv1. I bought the reverb brand new, but the right headphone came broken with the wires exposed. I couldn’t snap it back in place so i just removed the headphone from that side. If I decide to keep the reverb, I’ll end up having to exchange it for another one.

    Swapping between the two headsets in project cars 2 was a bit of a hassle, but defiantly showed the strengths and weaknesses of the reverb.

    The rift felt more comfortable. The straps had more give, the fit felt more glove like. That may be because I’ve used the rift exclusively since I launch it and it just feels “right” on my face. That’s not to say the Reverb was uncomfortable. The Reverb was very light and I got used to the new headset pretty quickly.

    The display is razor sharp. I was blown away with how much detail I could see on the track. It was amazing!

    The horizontal FOV was slightly better than the CV1.. maybe like a degree or two. Not noticeable. I didnt pay attention to the vertical fov.

    I could see the edges of the display panels on the reverb which was distracting at first and a little annoying, but when racing it all fades away.

    I had no issues with my headset tracking during the race with my 3 dof motion rig (although my motions are pretty small).

    The colors on the Rift were much better. The reverb's color seemed harsher compared to the rift. I may try reducing the gamma in game.

    The sweet spot was easy to find because it’s so apparent when you are not in the sweet spot. The only time I noticed the blurriness during a race was when I was trying to look down with my eyes to my gauges, otherwise I’m usually looking straight ahead where the reverb really shines. I don’t think the small sweet spot is a deal breaker for me at this moment.

    As a sim only headset I think this is a winner despite the questionable build quality and small sweet spot. As a general use vr headset I think you should look elsewhere. The controllers are ergonomically uncomfortable, and have very poor tracking.
    90% of my time right now driving so I think I will be keeping it.

    I still have to find time to compare it to my friends Rift S this weekend. I’m excited to see how it stacks up to the reverb.

    First impressions with the Rift S were generally positive..
    -Much more clear and sharp the the Rift CV1
    -Headset felt higher quality than the Reverb
    -Colors seemed better than the Reverb
    -FoV seemed Lower than the Reverb

    God rays are more apparent on the Rift S than on the Reverb, but godrays never really bothered me while racing so that was a non issue for me.

    I could not maintain 80fps on the Rift S no matter what settings I used in Project Cars. I had to download oculus tray tool and manually disable AWS to get high frame rates with high graphics settings.

    Switching back and forth from the Rift S to the Reverb made it apparent that the Reverb really does have the crown on clarity and sharpness. The other cars on the grid were just a little fuzzier on the rift s. I also noticed more aliasing artifacts along the edge of spoilers and fences.

    I will say the gap in clarity between the CV1 and the Rift S is much bigger than the gap in clarity between the Rift S and the Reverb. I think going from a Gen 1 headset like the Rift CV1 or a HTC Vive to the Rift S is a meaningful upgrade.

    I was also able to correct the colors on the Reverb by reducing the exposure compensation from 1 to .8 or .7 in the settings in pcars2.

    In the end I still think the Reverb is the best sim racing headset out there from what I have tried personally (CV1, Rift S, and Reverb). The clarity is just amazing and cant be matched. If you plan on using your headset for more than racing, the Rift S performs admirably with superior tracking, controls, and ecosystem.

    PC Specs
    Mobo: Asus Crosshair VI Hero
    CPU: AMD R5 3600x @ 4.3Ghz
    GPU: EVGA RTX 2080ti
    RAM: G.Skill TridentZ 3700Mhz DDR4 16gb

    Settings Used
    Rift S
    In Game Super Sampling: 1.3
    Texture Resolution: High
    Texture Filtering: Anisotropic 8x
    V-Sync: No
    MSAA: High
    Reflectoins: High
    Environment Map: High
    Car Detail: High
    Track Detail: High
    Enhanced Mirror: Yes
    Shadow Detail: Low
    Detailed Grass: Off
    Particle Level: Low
    Particle Density: Low

    In Game Super Sampling: 1
    Steam Super Sampling: 180%
    Texture Resolution: High
    Texture Filtering: Anisotropic 2x
    V-Sync: No
    MSAA: Medium
    Reflectoins: Low
    Environment Map: Low
    Car Detail: Low
    Track Detail: Low
    Enhanced Mirror: Yes
    Shadow Detail: Low
    Detailed Grass: Off
    Particle Level: Low
    Particle Density: Low

    Track: Long Beach
    Time: 18:00
    Car: Renault RS.01
    5 AI cars - Start from behind.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. Tags..(VR)

    Tags..(VR) Member

    Aug 28, 2017
    - 6Coins
    +29 / 2 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform
    yeah i really love the rift s.upgrading from the cv1 was a good choice though i have gone past the recommendations of those who know. i have oculus tray tool turned up to super sampling to 2.0 and equal in steam 2.0. i picked up rtx 2070 super. running on my motion rig simhub , simtools , crew chief . running oculus tray tool and to me runs smooth. my main driver is project cars 2. no regrets. i watched some rift s mod video and saved alot of cash. no regrets
  4. RCFlyer

    RCFlyer Member

    Mar 22, 2018
    United States
    +16 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    You have not experienced issue with tracking while using the Rift S on the platform? I use the OTT and run SS at 1.8 on my CV1. I figure if I got the Rift S I would most likely continue to use the OTT and some level of SS.

  5. Tags..(VR)

    Tags..(VR) Member

    Aug 28, 2017
    - 6Coins
    +29 / 2 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform
    no, no issues with tracking at all. the only issue i had was the halo on the rift s but then i just picked up the original vive head strap super strong Velcro to add strength to the head strap. and bought a few extra clips to adapt watched some videos and i would say about 30 bucks in all for extra parts and is good. i use my own wireless corsair headset.... never an issue the sound on the halo for the rift s suck but i keep that around for the wife and kids.its easy to switch between the halo and the vive head strap.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Tags..(VR)

    Tags..(VR) Member

    Aug 28, 2017
    - 6Coins
    +29 / 2 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform
    I should say that the HP reverb or the Pimax is really something i would like to have , more the Pimax but i feel the wide view is something that would be a next level step up from the canned view from the 110 fov. in comparison the hp reverb or the rift s? rift s is solid , solid foundation rift home always good to go. i cant say the same for hp reverb.i have to stress that i am running ott super sampling at 2.0 AND steam super sample at 2.0. i keep an eye on the cpu and gpu ,NOT to overdue it but i am also running with a new rtx 2070 super clocked with MSI afterburner.not the stock software aura that came with the gpu card. the only draw back is the refresh rate on the rift s is still at 80 compared to the 90 hrtz of the reverb . still im happy with the rift s. it will due for the next couple years till an upgrade.
  7. Wajdi

    Wajdi Member

    Aug 13, 2018
    +10 / 1 / -0
    I have the oculus S since 2 weeks and no issues at all with motion... no tracking loss or drifting.
  8. Javo5

    Javo5 Active Member

    Oct 10, 2014
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    +52 / 3 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    8 months with Rift S and 2dof, tracking works perfect
  9. yangsqr

    yangsqr Member

    Feb 2, 2019
    - 21Coins
    +8 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    I'm thinking about buying a rift s recently, will using rift s cause dizziness?
  10. GWiz

    GWiz Active Member

    May 12, 2019
    Aberdeenshire, Scotland
    +124 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    DC motor, Arduino, 6DOF
    There's little difference between VR headsets as far as causing dizziness compared to each other. If you haven't tried VR before then it varies a lot person to person. If you get car sick easily, then chances are you won't like the Rift S with driving games, I'm not sure if flight sims are any better for motion sickness? A well set up motion rig will result in less motion sickness than playing static, but if you have too much lag or the wrong forces, it will be worse.

    Personally, I don't get motion sickness, but I have friends who have tried my set-up an can't go more than a half hour without feeling sick, so it depends!