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Question OSW hardware list plan, advice needed (SimuCube,big MiGe)

Discussion in 'Direct Drive Wheels' started by vinceT, Jun 20, 2019.

  1. vinceT

    vinceT New Member

    Jun 20, 2019
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hello everyone,

    So I have decided to move on from the mainstream sim racing, coming from a Logitech G920. I decided the first step is to upgrade to a Direct Drive wheel -(and DIY load cell pedals, load cell handbrake, and a realistic sequential shifter) . I am a rally racer, so my hardware and software goals focus on Rally. Eventually, when my wallet allows I will continue with a DIY motion setup.

    I am EU based and decided that a DIY OSW is what I need, but I need some advice/clarification. Based on the granite devices and simucube guides and wiki, and some build threads I found, I composed a list of parts I will need for my wheel build.

    The list:

    - large MiGe with Biss-C Encoder(+2x 3m cables (?) included):
    I got a price offer for ~345 EUR shipped for the small MiGe, still waiting for a price on the large MiGe,I assume it will be around 400 EUR max.

    - Ioni Pro / Pro HC:
    179 EUR /199 EUR . Is there a real difference? (going for the 30nm mige)

    - Power Supply, 48V.
    I sourced 2 PSU in my country that seems to fit the requirements. Are these ok? Is 600W enough or should I go for 1000W ?(big mige):

    - I will make my own mounting brackets, and steering wheel adapter.
    - do I need any specific cables, adapters, ect. ? Do I need the emergency stop button, where to get it from? Anything else not on my list?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. vinceT

    vinceT New Member

    Jun 20, 2019
    +0 / 0 / -0
    EDIT: I dont seem to have permission to post the PSU links yet..
  3. 1oldbiker

    1oldbiker Member

    Apr 4, 2014
    +39 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    DD wheel is good project. Buy bigger PS, keep all high current traces large, big wire where needed. I have a Fanatec, thinking about a DD.
  4. yellofella

    yellofella Member

    Aug 8, 2011
    +84 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, SimforceGT
    Hi buddy. I purchased a simucube OSW about 2 years ago and went for the large mige motor. Now ive been a builder for 25 years so made of pretty tough stuff and this wheel scares me. Its so powerful that I have it set to 50% power max when racing and if you crash into something its like trying to hold onto your washing machine drum on spin. So id just like to add that you may not need the large mige motor and could save some money buy buying the small mige as your probably have the power turned down on it anyway. As for the stop button I wouldn't run mine without it, way to powerful to take any chances. Power wise the G920 is a baby toy compared to this.
    hope this helps.
    • Informative Informative x 1