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Need help with Lock on and IL2

Discussion in 'Force-Profiler Simulator Control' started by leandroter7, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. leandroter7

    leandroter7 Member

    Jul 15, 2009
    - 89Coins
    +1 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, 6DOF
    Hi fellows

    I need help with Lock-on and Il2, i cant make it works with x-sim

    Some one knows how can i do this?????

    Please help me

    Leandro Tercette
  2. demon

    demon New Member

    Jun 30, 2009
    +0 / 0 / -0
    For IL-2, try adding the [DeviceLink] port=10000 higher up in the conf.ini file (beneath [Net]...that seemed to do the job...but who knows...Black Magic? I was disappointed with the pitch and roll values...they spike! Perhaps you could filter this out by increasing the smoothness slider in Profiler. Back to the plugin...Even if you get it working, who wants the whole 2xPC+UDP / :eek: MESS! You're better off adding the addresses in to Injector :yippiee: : Pitch: 0D018490 (F32x100) Roll: 0D018488 (F32x100)

    As for LOMAC...haven't tried.
  3. leandroter7

    leandroter7 Member

    Jul 15, 2009
    - 89Coins
    +1 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, 6DOF
    Thankyou for you reply man.

    Sorry, my english is not good. Please, can you explain me better this procedure?
    Wha ti s device link? I need use Force injector to make il2 work?
    I runing in one pc (C2Q9550 8 gb ram)
    Thank you
  4. demon

    demon New Member

    Jun 30, 2009
    +0 / 0 / -0

    1 - Open Force Sender and select none - Plugin, then from Settings select start injector plug
    2 - Open IL-2 then Alt-Tab back to Force Injector.

    1st Step...click search and find your process IL2-Sturmovik Forgotten Battles...Accept. It should now appear in the TextBox.

    2nd Step...enter the Pitch Address I posted in the Hex calculator TextBox and click calculate...Your new DMA will appear to the left.

    3rd Step...(F32,100) Select FLOAT 32 bit/... and factor 100

    4th Step...Select default, no conversion

    5th Step...choose a position ... add description pitch and click add value to list... (more)
  5. demon

    demon New Member

    Jun 30, 2009
    +0 / 0 / -0

    You should now see your new entry on the right.

    Do the same for Roll...don't forget to calculate the new DMA and pick a different position than Pitch and ***SAVE***your new profile.

    That's it..Clean Values will appear in Profiler/Math Input for profiling....!

    These Values only work in Cockpit mode and be careful with Pan View...hat/mouse...this will interfere. Not Perfect, but better than Not Working. Have Fun.................DEMON