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6 DOF Racing sim project

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by kankkis, Nov 3, 2020.

  1. kankkis

    kankkis New Member

    Nov 3, 2020
    +6 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Hello. I'm presenting my eager 6 DOF project that I (we) have been planning on for some time. I need validation and help from XSimulator community on many parts of the project.

    I have all the tools/knowledge needed to build a sim, but I have no prior experience building simulators. I might be missing something important without knowing it, so don't hesitate to comment!

    Total budget is flexible, but initial goal is to stay under 4000€. (Without PC or Screen(s).)
    Theme of the project is to get the most responsive, fast and precise movement out of the rig.
    Main usage will be racing.
    I'm located in Finland, so the mains is 220V.

    Initial plan:
    - 6 DOF, stewart platform. Maybe a hexapod design. Rotary actuators.
    - 750 Watt AC servos 80ST-M02430
    - 50:1 gears
    - Controller thanos AMC-AASD15A.
    - SimTools

    Initial plan is have the seat sit low on the frame, so center of mass is a little bit higher.
    I know that I need to make sure the gears and motors match when ordering from AliExpress.
    Also I am aware that I might get a license for SimTools if I make a great DIY thread.
    Aim is to make the sim compact enough to be transported in a van. Shouldn't be a problem.

    Inspiration for the project comes from:

    If you guys read this post, how much am I allowed to copy your work? :) Big fan.

    Dumb questions to get this thread rolling:
    - Controller - Is it fast and precise enough or is it better to build own ESP32 controller like here?
    - Where should I order the motors and gears? Shipping costs of the linked servos and gears from AliExpress to Finland sums up to 458€ which is quite a lot?
    - Do I need to order anything else?
    - I saw a video of a racing sim setup somewhere on youtube where a big car motor idling/revving was vibrating the seat accordingly, just like in real life. How can I achieve that?

    Future work to be considered after the sim is complete:
    -Building direct drive force-feedback wheel
    -VR integration

    Regards, kankkis.
    P.S. There are two of us, despite the post being "I" instead of "we". :)
    • Like Like x 3
  2. lromaniuk

    lromaniuk bny

    Mar 23, 2018
    Software Programmer
    +20 / 0 / -0
    I'm not at a stage of building a 6dof to make viable comments on the parts and construction. But regarding the controller go with Thanos AMC - it's the most convienient option for driving servo motors you are about to buy. As for the servos and shipping costs - shipping costs are unavoidable (i already bought 6 of them and spent quite a lot on it - also from the same seller which I recommend). Another cost you must be prepared for is the VAT and DUTY you are about to pay on behalf of DHL importing your motors to Finland - at least in Poland it was unavoidable, so you might add another 24% (in your case) to the price of total (goods and shipment value).

    About your budget - for crank 6dof it seems resonable - you should fit in it quite easy. I'm planning to do a 6dof with diy linear actuators and my budget is more in 5000EUR ballpark.
    • Like Like x 1
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2020
  3. coyote

    coyote Member

    Nov 20, 2014
    France - Yonne
    +72 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    • Like Like x 2
  4. kankkis

    kankkis New Member

    Nov 3, 2020
    +6 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:

    Soon to order all parts for the big build.

    In the meantime I bought a few small servos and built a small scale sim with arduino board to test out a few things. Testing seems to work well and axises seem correct.
    (yeah few cables came undone)

    Do I need a license for SimTools to test this with a game like Dirt Rally? Now SimTools Game Manager only has Live for Speed and no other games.
  5. noorbeast

    noorbeast VR Tassie Devil Staff Member Moderator Race Director

    Jul 13, 2014
    Innovative tech specialist for NGOs
    St Helens, Tasmania, Australia
    +10,993 / 54 / -2
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, JRK
    Well done :thumbs

    SimTools comes bundled with the fully functional Live For Speed plugin, specifically for testing purposes: https://www.lfs.net/downloads

    For other plugins you do need a licensed version of SimTools.
  6. kankkis

    kankkis New Member

    Nov 3, 2020
    +6 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Small status update before a bigger one. I promise! :)

    -All the servos have arrived.
    -Thanos controllers have arrived.
    -Racing seat with 4-point harness, and mounting brackets (slider to move seat also) have arrived.
    -Steering wheel has arrived.
    -I just placed an order for a new PC, 49" Samsung odyssey Screen, Audio (headset as well as 5.1. outside setup), small keyboard with touchpad and some extension cables(usb+displayport). PC has Ryzen 7 5800x and rx 6700 xt. Headset is Sennheiser GSP 370, while the 5.1 system is Logitech Z906. These parts totalled 3409.30e.
    -I also ordered the pedals, shifter and handbrake. All from Heusinkveld! Pedals were the Sprint model. These totalled 1126,82e. (Including 61.45e postage)

    Happily for me, these costs didn't belong to the budget I said in the opening post.:) I still have outside-budget money for a VR, but thats for later.

    I have been training myself on Inventor (school licence) trying to model the rig, but it's painful and slow when doing it for the first time! I find it easier to stare at the parts on my garage. I have plenty of 20mm pipe (wall thickness 3mm), and I can get 30mm pipe from a local hardware store. The 30mm pipe looks better.

    I dont have much time right now to write more. The project is going strong! I promise the next update will have pictures on it!
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Motion4Sim

    Motion4Sim Member

    Jun 13, 2020
    +109 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Arduino, Motion platform, 6DOF
    Yor design is similiar to my one . if i may help with experience

    the width of the hexagon is 800 mm and the side length is 400 mm, then everything (motors and power amplifiers) fits into the rig
    the feet down works as hardstop for calibration with thanos or m4s controller. with your gearboxes you can have levers of 180 mm .
    To make the machine very compact, I recommend that the connecting rod between the upper and lower is curved.

    i use spacers to m16 for the m24 ball joints to obtain more freedom but for the beginning m16 balljoints work too.
    Cool Project. Have fun.
    Viel erfolg

    from my first plattform
    • Like Like x 1