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Question Kangaroo vibrating and shaking violently .

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by David Harbour, Dec 27, 2020.

  1. David Harbour

    David Harbour Member

    Sep 5, 2015
    Computer Technician
    Surrey, UK
    +22 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, 3DOF, Motion platform
    Hi can I ask anyone who has experience of the Dimension Engineering’s Kangaroo controller.

    The problem I am having is that the motors vibrate and shake violently in the downward motion and it is not so bad going in reverse generally ok I have tried this in simtools with the same effect .

    I have tried all the settings in DEScribe with no effect.

  2. Sam Neall

    Sam Neall Member

    May 14, 2019
    +15 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform
    This sounds like a SMC3 issue. Maybe try changing the baud rate. I have a Sabertooth which is also made by Dimension Engineering and I never had to configure anything on it. I had the same issue with the motor skipping when going down and I fixed it with changing the baud rate from 500000 to 115200.
  3. RacingMat

    RacingMat Well-Known Member Gold Contributor

    Feb 22, 2013
    Marseille - FRANCE
    +2,092 / 21 / -2
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    did you use the autotune kangaroo function?

    what is your mechanical setup? some pics?
  4. David Harbour

    David Harbour Member

    Sep 5, 2015
    Computer Technician
    Surrey, UK
    +22 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, 3DOF, Motion platform
    Hi Sam
    thanks for the reply, at the time of writing I was having issues with Kangaroo controller and the sabertooth, without using the SMC Software although I have had issues since I decided not to use the Kangaroo Controller and went over to SMC.

    The problem I was having with the Kangaroo was severe oscillations in the downward motion that I could not get rid of, to the point the motors would lock up, this was more pronounced on the right motor.

    I have also tried SMC again with problems, I think the root cause is in the design and implementation of the hall sensors, my first attempt was using a pully system this seemed ok but i am getting to many errors so I am in the process my hall sensor mounting to be driven direct from the motor.

    Attached Files:

  5. David Harbour

    David Harbour Member

    Sep 5, 2015
    Computer Technician
    Surrey, UK
    +22 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, 3DOF, Motion platform
    Hi RaceingMat

    Thanks for your reply, I did use the autotune function and managed to get a successful tune using limit switches I tried this three times and it worked every time, the autotune that is.

    but after the tune in Simtools I had severe oscillations in the downward motion to the point the motors would lock up and i would need to reset the simulator.

    I think the root cause is in the design and implementation of the hall sensors, my first attempt was using a pully system this seemed ok but i am getting to many errors so I am in the process my hall sensor mounting to be driven direct from the motor, at this point to rewire my simulator to make this work.

    Attached Files:

  6. Sam Neall

    Sam Neall Member

    May 14, 2019
    +15 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform
    Oh ok. I have never used my motors in the DE software, to be honest I didn't know you could haha. I have had very similar problems to yours where a motor will oscillate when going one direction but move smooth the other direction. This was only prevalent in one motor for me and occurred after using the simulator for about a minute. The baud rate setting has been known to cause these really weird issues.
    I have my sensor direct driven, but I would experiment with the baud rate because your design could be fine. Try changing it to 115200 on the game engine and the Arduino code. Some off-brand Arduinos like the one I have cant handle 500000.
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