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Question 6Dof Project with Odrive

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Building Q&A / FAQ' started by Acmed, Mar 22, 2021.

  1. Acmed

    Acmed New Member Gold Contributor

    Jan 15, 2021
    +2 / 0 / -0
    Hello everybody,

    I would like to build a 6 Dof Simrig

    I already bought :

    3 Odrive 3.6 cards for 6 Actuators and my problem is really big because i don't have any knowledge concerning programming...

    So i started to follow the steps and i don't know how it works ...
    I succed to communicate the odrive card with the computer ok ...


    I followed your step by step video @SilentChill (thanks a lot) explaining how to program but at the step when you are on the odrivtool configurator i didn' found the "main.py" .

    I did a small rig test to know if it works but i don't know how to try it ...


    I wanted also how can you make the link between the simgame and the odrive card ?
    How can i be sure that this communication can work ?
    I also have the command table from @PeterW


    But i'm clearly lost ... i found an Odrivegui.exe

    But it doesn't work i don't know how to fix that problem also...

    I would be greatful if someone can take time with me to succed and resolve my problems ..
    1-connection to odrive ok but i don't know how to setup and config the odrive correctly.
    2-I have AMT 102V but doest i need end switches ?
    3- how to make the link between game engine and odrive card and all configurations .
    4-how to config an odrive on the easiest way ?
    5-I can give you my discord, can someone can take time to axplain me on live how to approch this config step by step ?

    I hope someone would like to help me , because im in a road-end.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2021
  2. PeterW

    PeterW alias Wickie

    Oct 21, 2018
    Dipl. Ing. Mb (FH)
    +425 / 3 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Hi @Acmed
    Wellcome at the Odrive community!
    There are some main steps that you have to follow to get the Odrive working for sim use:
    1. Read all Odrive building threads here in the forum...
    2. Install the firmware from @SilentChill (that is a custom made firmware from the great company insectatech)
    3. Install the matching my_config.json from silentchill
    4. Swap wire A and B on one side of your AMT102 encoder cable (if you have this encoder)
    5.Check the motor pole-pairs.
    5. Make a motor calibration sequence and save

    After restart, the motor should turn a little (making the index search) and stop in closed loop control (so you feel the resistance when turning the motor by hand).
    Ok... this are the first steps...

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  3. Acmed

    Acmed New Member Gold Contributor

    Jan 15, 2021
    +2 / 0 / -0
    Thanks a lot for your fast reply @PeterW

    I will try to find all the threads concerning odrive but in some points I'm lost ...

    Where can i find the @SilentChill files ?

    I'm really sorry because in my case programming isn't my best point ...

    I wanted to thank you guys because helped me with your threads and videos !

    And i started my project because you inspired me to build a rig !

    Have a great day !
  4. PeterW

    PeterW alias Wickie

    Oct 21, 2018
    Dipl. Ing. Mb (FH)
    +425 / 3 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    For the firmware and setup pls see this video from @SilentChill at Youtube

    • Informative Informative x 1