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Question Yaw 2 VR is it any good?

Discussion in 'Commercial Simulators and Peripherie' started by comatrix, Aug 30, 2023.

  1. comatrix

    comatrix New Member

    Aug 28, 2023
    +1 / 0 / -0
    first of all I searched before opening a new thread, this is the result

    Keywords (Yaw 2 VR):
    The search could not be completed because the search keywords were too short, too long, or too common.

    The Yaw 2 VR is a good Motion Simulator for fun? (may be in future competitive), I'm looking into this list:

    - something affordable
    - with a good longevity
    - possibly compact (I have a small area)
    - using in Racing as well in Flying Simulation
    - easy to preserve (where possible)
    - budget 5k max

    I'm aware that the Yaw 2 VR is an "Entry Level" Motion Rig, unfortunately those are my limits (actually).
    Keep in mind that I'm a heavy VR User.
    I found that the Yaw 2 VR collimates mostly on several aspects mentioned before.
    I was also wondering about the DOF Reality (H3 or P3, suggestions are welcome), but I read people that easily have breakdowns.
  2. dgiatr

    dgiatr Member

    Oct 17, 2023
    +7 / 0 / -0
    Hello i am at about you situation too..
    Did you make your choice or nothing yet?
    I am between making my own rig or buy one of yaw2 vr or dof 2-3p..heavy vr user just to be sure...
  3. comatrix

    comatrix New Member

    Aug 28, 2023
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Hi dgiatr,
    First of all, let me say that I'm quite disappointed about this forum, just watch when I posted this thread, almost 2 months ago and no support at all -_- (sad).
    Afterwards, yes I made my choice and I opted (and already mounted) for the DOF Reality P3 for those mainly reasons:

    1. Support: I contacted both supports, I'm still waiting an answer from YAW Team about certain questions, meanwhile DOF Reality Team always answered and even several times, the support of DOF Reality is more present. Sure, they don't answer right away but in a couple of days, but you will receive your response on any question and support.

    2. Wear and Tear: the YAW model is more prone to wear then the DOF one, if you wish to replace something, you have to acquire an entire part of the setup, meanwhile on the DOF you can acquire single parts of anything if it wears out or breaks

    3. Upgradability, recently the YAW team came out with YAW 2.5, but we all know what's the first YAW, it is completely different from the second one, meanwhile DOF one is practically the same since several years, I mean the concept is the same and just upgrades from previous versions, to prove it just see the SFU, people who acquired the DOF several years ago, today can mount them and improve the entire setup.

    3. More user friendly and less space required, I mean the YAW 2 VR needs a bigger area to evolve, the YAW turns 360° degrees on YAW, it's much more longer, cables needs to be attached somewhere otherwise they will twist on the Simulator or head (see even the Official Video) and so on, sure there are VR Standalone Headsets, but that's a constraint if someone already own a wired Headset, also we all know that still today, the wired ones are still the best choice for Racing and Flying Simulation, less resources required from PC side, no battery drain and so on, meanwhile the DOF has not all those problems

    4. The Concept, I mean I watched and read hundreds of reviews and opinions, the final response is that the YAW 2 VR is apparently..., how can I describe it, "LESS REALISTIC" then the DOF one (I cannot confirm that because I never tested the YAW 2 VR)

    5. Money, the DOF costs less and offer more then the counterpart YAW (and don't forget the upgradability and replaceable every single part as said before), the DOF is almost entirely made of metal meanwhile the YAW has several parts in plastic, which let me prefer the DOF one

    6. Last but nor least, I chose the the DOF Reality P3 versions for those mainly reasons:
    • more power
    • faster reaction
    • better heat dissipation
    • longer lifespan
    That because I'm about 90kg (about 200 pounds), I'll also put on the RIG itself the HOTAS, Wheel, Shifter, Pedals, Handbrake, Chair and so on (only the seat itself is 15kg, about 33 pounds), so I'm not far away to reach the maximum weight support of the H3 version which is 150kg (about 330 pounds), I made my calculations and everything will be around 130kg, about 285 pounds.

    Those are my reasons about my choice, I hope I didn't forget anything.
    Best Regards
    • Like Like x 1
  4. dgiatr

    dgiatr Member

    Oct 17, 2023
    +7 / 0 / -0
    ...Man thank you so much!!!

    I am surprised i had news from you so quickly..thank you again!!

    Sorry to hear you are dissapointed from this forum. All i can say i feel i am lucky so far since everytime i asked something i had a quick reply like Noorbeast or like you...

    ...its not a political comment but what scares me is that since DOF reality is placed in Ucraine i am afraid if there is any danger to loose your money if you put your order and something happen and not get your product when it was suposed to be sent because war is war...
    Do you think its a little risky?

    And something else. .sinve i am planning of using it to a combat flight simulator like Il2 sturmovik...do you think dof 3p has big enough angles of movemnt and speed to make you feel happy and immersive for a dogfight simulator?...i think yaw2 gives greater angles of pitch and roll...

    Thank you again for your fast reply!!
  5. noorbeast

    noorbeast VR Tassie Devil Staff Member Moderator Race Director

    Jul 13, 2014
    Innovative tech specialist for NGOs
    St Helens, Tasmania, Australia
    +10,993 / 54 / -2
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, JRK
    Please be aware the very explicit Rules, Rights and Obligations of Commercial Entities make it very clear to anyone here that it is commercial entities who are responsible for supporting their products, not this community: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/faq/rules-rights-and-obligations-of-commercial-entities.364/

    Rule: While members may start threads to assist owners of commercial products, the XSimulator community is in no way responsible for commercial product support or the resolution of support disputes. XSimulator requires any commercial entity posting or advertising on XSimulator to provide a link for their dispute resolution processes. Members are free to express personal views on Xsimulator about commercial products and support, but not to use Xsimulator as a platform for ventilating unresolved and ongoing commercial product disputes.​

    Denigrating the efforts of community members here, who freely give of their personal time, experience and expertise to help others, only serves to discourage members from trying to assist those who choose to purchase a commercial rig, particularly in circumstances where some commercial entities have historically and blatantly sought to exploit this community and members for profit.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. comatrix

    comatrix New Member

    Aug 28, 2023
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Well, first of all the RIG is shipped from Poland (at least mine), so I don't know if in Ukraine there is only the development section and the building and shipping assembly part is in Poland, I just suppose it.
    Noorbeast is a GREAT supporter about this forum, but a forum is not made only from one person, I suppose that all the users in this forum are Simulation fans, the community should help every newcomer meanwhile maintaining the older experienced users.
    Finally, I own IL- 2 Sturmovik but I hadn't the chance to test it yet, I assembled my RIG last week and since I'm working, I will try it deeper in this weekend probably, if nothing unexpected happens.
    Until now I "LIGHT" tested only Elite Dangerous and F1 2022, which both were "Ready to Play", they're working good but I have to be honest, it's not what I expected, more experienced users told me that the standard profiles need to be refined to personal preferences to have maximum effectiveness.
    One thing I can assert:

    - I need to re-learn again how to drive and flying, because with the Motion Simulator is totally different from static ones, at least to me, it moves of course and make me errors very often
  7. comatrix

    comatrix New Member

    Aug 28, 2023
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Absolutely, but my purpose is not to denigrate but to evaluate, it's different.
    People can prefer YAW then DOF and vice versa, that's why I just exposed my experience, that doesn't means anything else (and from the thread title itself, you should get the idea that before this experience, I was YAW 2 VR oriented, but what happened changed my mind).
    My only fault is to be honest, as I always do in life (and sometimes it is counterproductive)
  8. dgiatr

    dgiatr Member

    Oct 17, 2023
    +7 / 0 / -0
    I didnt know that about Poland..thats good news..

    Since i am only Multiplayer il2 sturmovik biased...i think that a motion platform will make me a worst pilot than i am right now...but the immersion and the feeling (i guess) couldnt be compaired..

    About that thing you said that until now its not what you expected...are you vr user or not? because i plan to use it eith hp g2 vr headset...

    Please if you have any news about dof 3p and il2 sturmovik...just let me know

    Thank you!
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2023
  9. comatrix

    comatrix New Member

    Aug 28, 2023
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Here I am again (sorry, late response), I am A VERY HEAVY VR User, personally I don't get the idea to use a screen for Motion Simulators, it's too, how can I say, less immersive, less realistic and so on, unless people suffer from Motion Sickness or similar, my suggestion is to use a VR Headset as much as possible, if you can of course.
    On the other hand, VR leads to Motion Compensation, so it needs more hardware and set up to avoid those problems.
    I will let you know as soon I tried everything on IL-2 Sturmovik (undecided if I'm gonna buy Normandy Battle, still too expensive, but I already own Stalingrad, Cliffs of Dover, Tobruk and 1946, so I suppose I can wait for a price drop).
    Stay tuned
  10. Map63Vette

    Map63Vette Active Member

    May 19, 2016
    Mechanical Engineer
    Lawrence, KS
    +46 / 0 / -0
    I've been interested in the Yaw2 for a while now as well. I was thinking about getting my dad one as he has taken up some flight sim stuff and I thought it could be a fun addition for him, though it seems like the prices kind of took off. Was thinking about one for myself as well as I was interested in potentially pursuing a pilot's license someday and thought this would be a good way to get some virtual hours before having to pay money for actual plane rentals. If it's "good enough" it could pay for itself.

    I'm having a hard time finding much about them though, at least as far as new news. I've seen the initial review videos and stuff that came out when they were still in the preorder and prototype kind of phase, but really nothing since then. Did they just not start shipping these until more recently or did something else happen? I also noticed you can only buy the pro versi0n now, the standard doesn't show up on their store at least.

    I know these aren't necessarily the best bang for the buck you can get, but an "off the shelf" solution with that amount of movement per axis is pretty tempting from a flight sim standpoint. I built my own DOF Reality style 2 DOF rig already, but it really needs a motor/gearbox upgrade to make it work the way I think it should. The more I think about dumping the money into building something a lot nicer from a DIY standpoint (or building a 6 DOF unit from scratch), the better a commercial setup starts looking, within reason at least.
  11. Radioproffi

    Radioproffi Active Member Gold Contributor

    May 15, 2014
    +88 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, 3DOF, DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform, 4DOF, 6DOF
    with SFU-gearbox?
  12. Map63Vette

    Map63Vette Active Member

    May 19, 2016
    Mechanical Engineer
    Lawrence, KS
    +46 / 0 / -0
    No, I had some heavy duty windshield wiper motors I got from work (industrial truck kind of stuff). Power-wise they are okay, but the gear ratios are just a little too low so they backdrive when you sit in the seat with the power off. I think I need some higher ratio worm drive gearboxes that will auto-lock from the gear ratio to take the strain off the motors when I'm just sitting in the chair. Right now they have to hold me up all the time, albeit at a lower amount of current. Here was my build thread for what it's worth: https://www.xsimulator.net/communit...orm-mover-eventually-3-dof.15789/#post-214383