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Polarized stereo 3D using 2 projectors + cheap foil filters

Discussion in 'DIY peripherals' started by Skaut69, Jun 20, 2010.

  1. Skaut69

    Skaut69 Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    UK, Hull
    +1 / 0 / -0
    When looking at the projector check for lumens and contrast. On my it is: 1500 Lumen and 60.000 Contrast. Lumens are crucial.
    Other things which helps are zoom and adjustable lens (up, down left and right).

    Over the weekend i`ll check all racing games to see if there is any issue with them when 3D is kicking. At the moment i know that LFS is just impressive! No problems! In other hand GRID have some problems with disappearing textures (not so bad tho).

    Also i will put so advices for those who might need them.

    Back to games - they looks now like completely new ones! :yippiee:
  2. Skaut69

    Skaut69 Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    UK, Hull
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Few technical things.

    - when you will start setting everything up try to swap projector filters or turn glasses upside down if you will see messed up picture.

    - Windows Desktop has to be in Extended Mode (not Clone one) with two outputs on.

    - screen surface has to be clear (no stains or scratches). If not you will feel like watching to the store by dirty window. You will still see the space but through that mess on the front.

    - effect is about depth and proper geometry not things flying out of the screen like some adverts are showing (i found people complain without understand that). Actually you can see some objects from the center of screen looks like they are outside. Good example is Split/Second in menu where all glass bids flying on the front of you and you feel like they will cut your face.

    - with additional frame which will be rendered by software for second eye you will have to double computer power if you got fair frame ratio at the moment and you still want to keep that. Usually it is like with others 3D solutions -times two (at least close to that). Only Crytec with his Crysis 2 recently introduced his new 3D code which will affect system only by average one frame per second. Will see...

    - some projectors can burn those foil filters out. I didn`t get anything like this because bulb on my PJ is under ventilation and even if light is quite worm nothing affect filters (5 hours last time)

    - lumens and contrast ratio - as high as you can get. My is: 1600 ANSI lumen and 60000:1 Contrast Ratio.

    - adjustable lens (zoom, focus, all ways....) also keystone helps to set picture right. Some software can do keystone.

    - second projector on the top of first one (not next to) to be able setup view properly (match them)
  3. Skaut69

    Skaut69 Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    UK, Hull
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Some games have theirs own code to run game with dual output. Avatar the game for example - you have to switch to Dual Head output (not IZ3D - that is for theirs monitors) in game`s setup. This games have theirs own optimization for 3D which means no weird things (flying shadows or clouds on the ground). First racing game with 3D code will be NFS: Hot Pursuit

    IZ3D Drivers now support DX10 and DX11. At least they try to. Still plenty of issues.

    Games which i have tested.

    - Live for Speed - looks great and you do not need to much computer power to run it smoothly. You can go with depth really far and still have clear view.

    - GTR (2, Evolution and Race On) - little bid annoying shadows. Setting them to low helps and everything looks great. Absolutly the best to play with view from cockpit and TrackIR.

    - Grid - Okutama Grand Circuit is the only track where i did get some weird textures (to flicker). The rest is perfect. Cockpit looks like real one and that open space outside of car !

    - NFS: Shift - absolutely the best looking racing game from all of them in 3D. Everything looks great. Now i can see how many details those cars have and how many geometrical parts are on them.

    - Dirt 2 did not even start when drivers are on. I`ve read that this game suppose to work like Grid. I have even change settings to force game to use DirectX9 but did not help.

    - Split/Second - wow this game looks great! 3D is giving you extra advantage. Actually there is so many details on the street that sometimes with this speeend it is really hard to noticed some turn or obstacle. Definitively 3D makes it all correct! Here you have lots parts flying out of screen.
  4. Skaut69

    Skaut69 Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    UK, Hull
    +1 / 0 / -0
    If someone will be interested i can post some details about other games.

    I have just read abut Codemaster`s point of view at this subject and they admitted that this is part of theirs strategy to put 3D on the track!
    Hopefully it will come witch F1 2010 and Dirt 3.
  5. Skaut69

    Skaut69 Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    UK, Hull
    +1 / 0 / -0
    Soon i will give it a try with Flying Simulation. It must be great to see whole earth deep down below you and feel this space around!
  6. Frakk

    Frakk Active Member

    Apr 15, 2009
    +4 / 0 / -0
    You have to stop teasing us! :D

    I am getting really jealous of your 3D setup..

    Thanks for sharing your tips and experiences!
  7. Skaut69

    Skaut69 Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    UK, Hull
    +1 / 0 / -0
    :tape: :tape: :tape:
    ..o no i will not. It`s to good to keep it quiet. I really need someone who is going to make one so others can see that i am not bullshitting when i am writing about my experience.

    Come onnn..... :brows: - skip some holiday plans.
  8. Frakk

    Frakk Active Member

    Apr 15, 2009
    +4 / 0 / -0
    I know you are not bullshitting. Send me the cash and I'll prove it! :D
  9. Cleeve

    Cleeve New Member

    Jun 28, 2010
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Here is the Tom's Hardware Review of a polarized dual-projector system where the original poster got the idea and the diagram. It's quite detailed as to what's required and how to set it up, a good read if you're interested in duplicating this setup:

    http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/3d- ... ,2589.html

    ...although a good alternative is a 3D Vision setup only requires a single projector and no metal screen, it can be used on a white wall.

    It's also a cheaper alternative, but the downside is the cost of extra glasses (currently $150/pop). But the projector and 3D Vision kit with glasses can be bought for under a grand brand new.
  10. Frakk

    Frakk Active Member

    Apr 15, 2009
    +4 / 0 / -0
    Great article, thank you for sharing!

    It is true that the single beamer setup is cheaper, but the shutter glass technology was outdated even when it came out. The refresh rates are way too slow which isn't the best for your eyes, plus the glasses are fairly bulky too.

    The dual projection and polarized glasses are WAY SUPERIOR to any other technology. IMAX could use the shutter glasses with a single projection to save cost, but why don't they? Because they want to be the benchmark in 3D motion picture quality.
  11. egoexpress

    egoexpress Active Member

    Dec 13, 2006
    Germany - Frankfurt/M
    +10 / 1 / -0
    Hi and welcome!

    Compared to the polarized method, the shutter glasses method is pretty much BS, Imho.
    The price for a projector with an adequate refresh rate for the use with shutterglasses is as high as for two regular projectors imho, then you have to wear these uncomfortable shutter glasses, and the effect isnt even as good as the polarized method.
    I have had a shutter glasses based setup, and I wouldnt recommend it at all, now that the polarized method is available for a reasonable price.

    So, back to topic please... DIY polarized stereo 3D. :freu:

  12. Cleeve

    Cleeve New Member

    Jun 28, 2010
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Oh no, my friend... not so!

    I am the fellow who wrote that Tom's Hardware article, and I an testing a 3D Vision projector RIGHT NOW and it's absolutely fantastic. FAR SUPERIOR to polarized dual-projector. Absolutely no crosstalk.

    The old stuff tried to do the job at 60 Hz, but 3D Vision uses 120 Hz refresh rates. That's 60 FPS for each eye. No stuttering, no strobing, completely flawless. The new glasses are light and rechargeable with over 40 hours on a charge.

    The reason that theatres use polarized glasses isn't superior technology, it's cheaper glasses. You don't want to be handing some shmuck a pair of $150 when he pays $8 to see a 3D movie. You want to give him something disposable worth less than a buck that he can keep if he wants to. That's why theatres use passive polarized glasses.

    My review will be live in a couple weeks, but believe me guys, given a choice between the two the Acer H5360 projector on a 3D Vision setup, or polarized dual-projectors, 3D Vision is the way to go. No messing around with 2 projectors, no calibrating, no filter expense, no metal sheet for a screen. And under $1000. There's no contest unless you need to show more than 5 people the screen at the same time, the cost of the glasses is the limiting factor.
  13. egoexpress

    egoexpress Active Member

    Dec 13, 2006
    Germany - Frankfurt/M
    +10 / 1 / -0
    It is, and has ever been an issue refresh rate. And beamers with true refresh rates higher than 100Hz are quite expensive, afaik.

  14. Cleeve

    Cleeve New Member

    Jun 28, 2010
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Not so!

    Acer H5360: brand new, 120 Hz, $640

    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... &Tpk=H5360

    It's what I'm testing right now. I have a dual projector setup and I'm dumping it for this. It's much better. (mostly because of the lack of crosstalk, but also because 3D Vision supports Blu-ray 3D. Can't do that on a dual projector system, not yet anyway.)

    Add a 3D Vision kit for $200 and you're off to the races for $840 plus tax on your white wall... no aluminum screens. :)
  15. egoexpress

    egoexpress Active Member

    Dec 13, 2006
    Germany - Frankfurt/M
    +10 / 1 / -0
    What's so special about those glasses. Arent they shutter glasses like all the others? I guess I have like 6 different shutter glasses of various qualities at home already. Why spend 150$?

    Ok, that is cheap indeed. What a pity, that it isnt LED techique already.

    However, two of those Acer beamer combined with polarized method will give 240Hz, 120Hz for each eye, and no anoying shutter glasses for 150$.

    And if you want to watch a movie with 4 friends, add 600$ for additional glasses :no:

  16. Cleeve

    Cleeve New Member

    Jun 28, 2010
    +0 / 0 / -0
    I don't think so. The old eDimensional glasses I have at home don't work with the 3D Vision IR protocol. In any case I don't think the old ones support 120 Hz, in most cases.

    With polarized the refresh rate is irrelevant because each projector is dedicated to a single eye. The passive glasses don't strobe, they just block out one of the projectors. 60 Hz, 120 Hz, or 240 Hz (two projectors wouldn't be 240 Hz BTW, it would be 120 Hz per eye which is a little different), it doesn't matter for passive polarized 3D.

    As far as annoying, the 3D Vision glasses are NOT. Very light, no more annoying than polarized. Probably far less annoying than the cheap paper polarized glasses actually. They even work fine over my glasses, quite comfortable.

    Honestly, it sounds like you have some preconceived notions about 3D Vision, I can't say I blame you as I also assumed they'd suck before trying them out. I used the old eDimensional glasses in the past, too.

    But They don't suck, and the lack of crosstalk is fantastic, and Blu-ray 3D is really quite spectacular as well. The cost of the glasses is the only real downside that I've come across in my review, but at $1000 less than a new passive polarized setup you can buy a lot of extra glasses... realistically I found that it was hard to fit more than 6 viewers at a time in my home theatre room when i was testing the dual-projector setup. And frankly, the 3D Vision glasses will drop in price as adoption increases.

    When it comes down to it you can believe what you want, but you certainly owe it to yourself to at least give it a try before investing in one or the other. But in my experience, and I've reviewed both of these systems professionally, 3D Vision is the way to go man.
  17. egoexpress

    egoexpress Active Member

    Dec 13, 2006
    Germany - Frankfurt/M
    +10 / 1 / -0
    I think I am pretty done with shutter glasses, as I tried it with them plenty times.
    I get your point, but I doubt that I would want having to use 150$ glasses with batteries or cables, nor would I want to spend additional 150$ for each of my friends to see a 3D movie with me as well.
    After all, a setup with 2 (LED-)beamers with polarized filters attracts me more, still.
    The polarised glasses I have from the cinema are pretty cool, comfortable, require no electronics, and did cost 1Euro.
    And if someone, after having some beers, places his arse on them, well, who cares :)

    But thanks for sharing your experience anyway! Looking forward to your review!

  18. Cleeve

    Cleeve New Member

    Jun 28, 2010
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Well, since there's no way to watch a Blu-ray 3D on a dual-projector system, at least it's nice to have the option. :)

    I do understand the reasons for your prejudice against LCD shutter glasses, but if you're ever walking about in your local electronics store and they have one of the 3DTV's playing back a Blu-ray 3D disk, you should consider trying them on for a demo.

    I think you will be very surprised at the smooth playback and clarity. I know I was!

    Kind regards,

    - Don
  19. egoexpress

    egoexpress Active Member

    Dec 13, 2006
    Germany - Frankfurt/M
    +10 / 1 / -0
    Not yet ;D

    RealD announced on their webpage, that they are working on consumer products as well.

    But If the price for those glasses would drop significantly from 150Euro, I guess I would reconsider...

  20. Cleeve

    Cleeve New Member

    Jun 28, 2010
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Yeah, looking forward to specifics on that. Would be neat to have a high-end consumer polarized 3D option.

    Well, that's the idea. Early adopters are going to get hosed by the high prices, but once Blu-ray 3D becomes more prevalent, volume and prices should drop. I expect the glasses to hit $50 or so within a couple years. In the meantime, it might still make the most financial sense if you're buying the system to play games... usually a one-person activity. For Blu-ray 3D, you could wait to buy more glasses. Since there's no other way to watch Blu-ray 3D other than shutter glasses, it's something most people will want to wait to adopt anyway because there's no cheaper alternative... yet. :D