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Wood and Metal 2DOF Rig

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by Joe Cortexian, May 28, 2022.

  1. Joe Cortexian

    Joe Cortexian Member Gold Contributor

    Sep 8, 2021
    +26 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:

    I am a retired computer engineer and hobby carpenter. I have been sim racing more than 15 years going back to Project Gotham 3 on Xbox 360 with an Xbox wheel. Over the years my static wood rig has evolved and now that I am retired I am looking to make the step to a motion rig.

    I built a prototype with motion in mind and am using that as a static rig until I get motors and controls squared away.


    This is the completed prototype. I will rebuild it pretty much to this spec but take into account what I learned.

    The monitor stand is the separate black metal at the front. The monitor doesn’t need to move since I race in VR most of the time.

    The wheel support is the standard Trak Racer DD1 wheel support ($99). The 580mm inside width of the uprights is so that this will fit. While I was waiting for the DD1 supports I made wood ones which work fine but are not particularly photogenic. They are a lot cheaper.

    The uprights will be extrusions on the next version. NOTE: When I bought them from AliExpress in March 2022 they were free delivery. Now delivery is $40.


    This is the full extent of the Universal Joint. This is 22 degrees which is way more than I can actually use. I can move it this far in three directions. The pedals will hit the floor tilting forward but the height of the Universal joint could be easily increased. The black hunk at the back is a ButtKicker Advance.


    This detail shows the connection. This is has no perceptible flex.. I plan on keeping the bottom parts wood. 2x6 are actually 140mm so I will rip (saw) them to 120mm. The premium planed 2x6s I will use are 135mm.

    The cross piece is under the backbone so that it does not interfere with my feet.

    Lessons Learned From the Prototype

    Originally I planned to attach the motors to the wheel support cross member. This is a bit problematic due to access and interference. The DOF Reality system does just that but for me it seemed better to use the more common actuation from behind the seat. So the back bar in the design is specifically for attaching the actuators. The prototype doesn’t have the back bar just a seat support.

    The backbone should be the best (flat straight not twisted) 2x6 available. I thought I had a pretty good piece (leftover from another project). It became obvious that even a slight “twist” is a big defect. For the next revision I will start with “furniture” grade clear pine 2x6 . These are a little bit smaller (135mm width) than standard 2x6 because they are planed. That’s OK the standard 2x6 is more than large enough. As of May 2022 these cost about $30.

    Make sure that all of the pieces attached to the backbone are square. A carpenter’s square (framing square) is generally not square enough (well mine isn’t). If they are square the ends of the back board and wheel support are exactly the same distance apart on both ends. Next time I will precisely set those distances (<1mm). I will provide an illustration in a later post when I am doing the actual work.

    The holes for attaching the seat need to be “precision” drilled. Precision means within 1mm distance between the front of the support and the hole. Misalignment of the seat, pedals and wheel will be noticeable.

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  2. Joe Cortexian

    Joe Cortexian Member Gold Contributor

    Sep 8, 2021
    +26 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:

    The design is based on measurements of the prototype. There are issues such as the distance between the seat, wheels and pedals that needed to be worked out experimentally. Those dimensions are pretty universal if you are using a car seat. The dimension of the U-joint from the back of the rig will depend on driver weight and equipment weight. The wheel, power supply, pedals, shifter and ButtKicker will impact the balance.


    The stationary base is just the box frame from my original static rig. If all goes well I will replace this with a 3rd axis in the future.

    All of the wood structural connections (black circles) are 3/8 inch bolts. 8mm will also work but here in the states 8mm tends to be more expensive.

    For the connection between the backbone and the wheel four 3 ½ inch carriage bolts are used. This provides a smoother top since that is where your feet will be. The two bolts at the very back are also 3 ½ inch carriage bolts.

    For the main seat support there is “interference” from the U-joint and Butt Kicker attachment on the bottom. This means that through bolts are not a good option. Instead I use these:

    LQ Industrial 30pcs M8x25mm Furniture Screw-in Nut Zinc Alloy Bolt Fastener Connector Hex Socket Drive Threaded Insert Nuts For Wood Furniture Assortment - - Amazon.com

    I use the 3/8 inch version on the wood frame. I use M8 for interfacing wood pieces to the wheel support extrusions. These provide stiff connections and easy disassembly.

    These are also used for the shifter/handbrake at the back. At the front the connection will be to an extrusion so gussets are used. 8mm versions of these are used in the bottom board for compatibility with the gussets and corner supports.


    Universal Joint Connection

    The U-joint is connected to short 2x6s top and bottom. The holes must be drilled with a drill press and a template or some other means to get the holes precisely square with the U-joints.

    These Yokes are made for an old Land Rover but were the least expensive parts I could find. I am not big on junk yard roaming. These provide 22 degrees of rotation as measured by iPhone.

    Flanged Yoke - 262469P - Aftermarket | Rimmer Bros £10.75 (x2)

    Universal Joint - RTC3690P1 - OEM | Rimmer Bros £9.20

    These arrived in the states from Britain in 3 days! These are press fit and I don’t have a press. When I put the second one in I dremelled the holes out a bit and lubricated to get them together. The bolt pattern is 2 ½ x 2 inches. I used 3/8 bolts and screw in nuts to connect the yolks to the wood.

    The wood provides additional height and clearances for the extreme movement cases so doesn’t add to the height above the floor. Once attached to the 2x6 they are easy to attach to the backbone 2x6 and adjust.

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  3. Joe Cortexian

    Joe Cortexian Member Gold Contributor

    Sep 8, 2021
    +26 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:

    I was originally attracted to this site based on the smc3 control system. I have some experience with the Arduino and it was a completely understandable approach. I picked up some H bridges and a pretty hefty 24V power supply. I also had a 20W motor purchased for a TBD upgrade on another Arduino project.

    With these parts I put together a motor test stand to allow me to understand how things work before I invest in real motors:


    I have not been able to get reliable performance with this very simple setup. When I run the sin wave motion generator the motor will track for 10-15 seconds and then stop tracking. When the tracking stops I can see that the motor is OFF according to SMC3Utils. I cannot turn it back on. If I exit and restart SMC3Utils the motors will come back on momentarily and then stop. Seems like the motor moves to the target position and shuts off.

    Here is the setup and example of the failure plot with settings:


    Can anyone suggest what I might be doing wrong? I get the same result with two totally different pots.

    This is the stock smc3 version 1.00 set to MODE2. I did make a change to the version just to verify I was loading what I thought I was loading.

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    Last edited: May 31, 2022
  4. early_m

    early_m Active Member

    Jul 28, 2016
    +350 / 4 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform
    Is the h bridge getting hot? Maybe a cooling issue?
  5. Joe Cortexian

    Joe Cortexian Member Gold Contributor

    Sep 8, 2021
    +26 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Thanks for the suggestion! The h bridge is cool as a cucumber. There is a heat sink on the back and it only runs for few seconds.

    The motor is OFF and the yellow line goes to zero. It does not seem to even be trying to send power to the motor. Trying to turn the motor back on does not work.
  6. Joe Cortexian

    Joe Cortexian Member Gold Contributor

    Sep 8, 2021
    +26 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
  7. Joe Cortexian

    Joe Cortexian Member Gold Contributor

    Sep 8, 2021
    +26 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    My conclusion is that I have to be more robust in grounding and powering the external devices. Aka running pin wires to the H bridge isn't good enough.

    I think with USB 3 you might be OK but with USB 2 it is marginal in terms of current. It's also possible that the H bridge I originally used was causing more significant power issues. These led to the motors "turning off" and also the serial communications breaking down.

    Based on what I have read the Arduino is designed to use an external power supply even when USB is connected. So I will do my build with a separate power supply for the Arduino and the signal side of the electronics. I will use a voltage regulator off the 24v motor supply. Then everything will have a common ground reference on that board. The USB is just a serial port connection.

    Thanks for all of the inputs.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2022
  8. Joe Cortexian

    Joe Cortexian Member Gold Contributor

    Sep 8, 2021
    +26 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Yes, it’s been awhile and I have successfully “completed” my 3DOF rig. The air quotes are because it’s never done it’s a process.

    Let’s start with the obligatory look at my working rig video. I would like to preface that with a few notes:

    • I have gotten tripped up by the fact that the camera is pointed toward the back of the rig. So the motions of the levers are "backwards".
    • This is a 1962 Ferrari 350 which is extremely touchy to drive and tends not to go where it's pointed due to the 1962 suspension. It does make for a good demo.
    • This track is Maple Valley which was part of Forza 4. It's not a real track because the hills would be too steep. Again good for illustration.
    • There is a "traction loss" axis. You can see the rig move that way if you look for it but it's not tuned up yet. I have had a lot of issues here and only 2 working motors at the moment.

    Looks pretty good but soon after I made this video two of the gearboxes had a problem. There is too much play between the shaft and the main gear due to wear. The wear is due to abuse while I was figuring out various issues. It was really slamming around and often breaking other stuff until I got to this point.
  9. Joe Cortexian

    Joe Cortexian Member Gold Contributor

    Sep 8, 2021
    +26 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    I see it has been more than a year since I posted. I wonder how many people get to a certain point and give up. I suspect a majority or members. For me I started over for version 2.0. First the obligatoy video of the second generation rig in motion. This is AC at Maple Valley which as lots of hills and banks. This time a 1970 Lotus manual:

    On the moving carriage I have added a steel plate between the U joint and the wood centerpiece. This allows the bolts to be further apart on the center frame. The base is different and relies on steel braces rather than through bolts. This allows some adjustment to make the frame level overall and adds strength.

    The main reason I started over was that the motors I selected were pretty much destroyed. I knew from the beginning that they were marginal but I didn’t realize that the strength of the gearbox was going to be the limiting factor. I was concerned about the 8nM of torque and that was barely enough. Their biggest advantage was that they were only $80.

    I spent several months investigating lead screws as an alternative to motor levers. I decided that for a lot less time and money I could build a 2D lever rig with better motors and enjoy it. I did build a test leadscrew axis which I intend to use as a traction loss axis in version 2.1.

    In my motor search at that time I was intrigued by the RLV40 gearbox. This features a 14mm keyed hollow shaft and a variety of mounting options. The motor itself is removable and can be repurposed for a future 4 axis lead screw rig.

    In September of 2023 I bought two of these motors from Amazon:

    Ironically these motors are the same price as my initial motors today. These motors were risky since there is no stated torque or data on the motors and no Amazon reviews. 120W seems low but that was significantly more than my previous motors. The 24 RPM wasn’t ideal but my gut and experience was saying that the motor just doesn’t move that fast. Of course that also implies twice the torque since my other motors were 52 RPM.

    I really wanted to know what the torque of this motor gearbox combo was. My guess based on the 120W was that a 52RPM motor would generate 12nM of torque (based on the 80 watt motor generating 8nM of torque). For 24RPM the torque should be doubled to 24nM.

    I measured the torque using a luggage scale. The torque was pulled through a 3 inch lever arm and measured 80 lbs at 80% power (PWM = 200). The 100lb scale overflowed at 255. So the torque is 25 foot pounds or 34nM. This is born out by the rig working well for 6 months now.

    I have always been concerned that the 2D design would slam the motor shaft via the lever arm. The rotational slamming is bad enough but the perpendicular force on the motor shaft is significant. These forces tend to move the shaft out of alignment with the gears.

    After a few fun hours of taking this beating the motor and gears loosened up causing slack in the driving chain causing even more slamming of the gearbox. My fault analysis showed that the shaft bearing in this type pf motor was damaged causing some misalignment. The combination of these factors eventually led to broken gear teeth.

    It may be overkill but the new design has sleeve bearings on either side of the lever attachment to the shaft.

    Here is the entire drive unit:

    On the bench from with both drives:

    Top view on the rig:

    Hall Effect position sensor in 3D printed fixture:

    This fixture holds the sensor exactly in the middle of the shaft. Another fixture is used to exactly center the magnet. If there is misalignment the Hall Effect response is not linear. I modified the code so that the 512 position on the sensor is done in software with a #define offset. Precise rotation of the hall sensor is difficult and imprecise.

    NOTE: This hall sensor uses I2C by default. This is a problem because the access time is an order of magnitude longer than accessing an analog input. Removing the resister puts the device in PWM output mode. This PWM output can be read by the analog input after passing through a simple low pass filter (one resister one capacitor).

    Early in the process I decided to go with hardware limit switches. By hardware I mean that the software doesn’t know that the motor is at the limit. The diode prevents driving into the limit but allows driving away from the limit. This is a bit tedious to implement and not intellectually satisfying but continues to prevent damage to components and stress on the motor. It is possible to tune aggressively without worrying about overshooting into a hard stop. There is a hard stop 2-3mm beyond the limit to prevent momentum causing damage to the switch. The link below is to good explanation for how this works:


    NOTE: There is a voltage drop across the diode which means that moving off the limit requires a higher than expected PWM Max. I spent way too much timing trying to fix what turned out to be a non-problem.

    The 2x4 bearing blocks are cheap. The 2x4 tend to be what wears so there is some wiggle in the bearing block due to the soft wood. These are 28mm long so the load is spread out.


    Amazon motors

    Hall Effect Sensors (same as version 1.0):


    Motor Drivers (same as version 1.0) https://a.co/d/07fYOi6o

    Long 14mm shafts from McMaster-Carr https://www.mcmaster.com/catalog/130/1365/1439K36

    Sleeve bearings also McMaster-Carr https://www.mcmaster.com/catalog/130/1426/6658K198

    Oversized 6mm keys (6.03) from McMaster-Carr https://www.mcmaster.com/catalog/98870A351

    I started attaching the encoder with this but it has too much slack:


    For this design I built in exterior sleeve bearings on both sides of the lever arm. In theory these bearings get most of the load torque and the shaft is supported on both ends.

    I also decided that to reduce risk I would drive from the back since that was the more common mechanism around this forum. It was an abysmal failure. I knew my rig was not well suited for this as it is much sitffer in the front. I decided to go back to a front drive like the original. This has worked out very well. Now I don’t worry about it because it has been working flawlessly for such a long time.

    An inherent problem with the lever drive is the “slack” in the drive. This is due things like the Heim/lever mechanism having flex in order to work and various other sources that might be correctable. The first is the connection between the motor and the shaft. This is a hollow shaft motor but it is keyed with a 6mm key. I noted that there was a tiny bit of play between the key, shaft and the motor. This play led to more “slack” in the drive. The oversize keys from McMaster Carr (6.03mm to fit in a 6mm key) greatly reduced that problem. At first I was concerned about disassembly but things pull apart easily with a pry bar or a slide hammer. OK, maybe not easily but also not a big issue with the right tools.

    A bigger concern was the play between the lever arm and the shaft. I used a keyed bushing but even with the oversized keys there was a lot of slack. I added a clevis pin through a hole which helped but was not ideal. The up side was that it was easy to try different lever arm lengths.

    So I decided to impose on a friend to mill flats on both sides of the shaft so I could assemble it this way:

    This worked fine and there is ZERO play between the shaft and the lever. The problem is that the milling took a long time. In retrospect it would have been less time to weld the lever arm to the shaft. Welding should work if you are sure about the lever length.

    So for now am just having a good time using this daily without having to fiddle with it. I have almost finished with the lead screw drift axis. I also have a design for a low cost SFX-150 style actuator which will beused on my next rig. The 2D design obviously has limitations and I think I can make a unique at a much lower cost than the existing options.

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