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Pot signal reporting in motor 2 and 3 from same pot

Discussion in 'Forum and Website' started by Josh Latka, Jan 31, 2025.

  1. Josh Latka

    Josh Latka New Member

    Jan 31, 2025
    +5 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    I am trying to test my motor’s configuration and components.
    I’m using 2 Ibt2 with Aduino uno r3 and smc 1.0
    Smc utility is reading my pot signal connected to a1 for motor 2 and motor 3 in smc utilities
    I’m not using a 3rd motor but don’t think it should be reading it and I’m wondering if there is a way to disable motor 3 in the code?
    I was suspicious of the connector block on the adruino board (the inner clamping pins) possibly connecting from a1 to a2
    I’ve altered the code for motor 2 to use Pinot a3 but the signal still registers for both motors in smc utils
    I reverted back to the original code and not sure if it could be problematic or not and maybe possibly sharing frequency settings also on both motors 2and 3
  2. Joe Cortexian

    Joe Cortexian Member Gold Contributor

    Sep 8, 2021
    +27 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Is it a genuine Arduino? Some of the knockoffs have those sorts of manufacturing issues. Maybe there is a solder short in the bottom. Look closely and maybe cut the solder short with a knife.
  3. Josh Latka

    Josh Latka New Member

    Jan 31, 2025
    +5 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Not a genuine board. Elegy.I checked. No short.I get the feeling it’s the light duty contacts inside the plastic header touching each other
  4. Josh Latka

    Josh Latka New Member

    Jan 31, 2025
    +5 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Ok. Swapped out for a genuine board and a break out cookie
    Rewired to cookie running pot 1 signal to a0 and pot 2 signal to a1
    Ran smc utils and pot signal on a1 shows feedback for motor 2and motor 3
    Turn the pot all the way to the stop and both motors 2 and 3 turn off.
    I’ve triple checked connections and reloaded info from original download and only changed to mode to
    I’m using smc ver1 with the latest smc utility version
    I’m sure this should not be working like this.
    Anyone have any ideas?
    It concerns me that motor 2, and 3 may end up sharing tuning settings if not addressed.
    I’ve commented out pin a2 and another line that was needed to compile, uploaded to board and no signal registers on motor 3 now.
    Again concerned there could be other properties sharing on motor 2 and 3
  5. Joe Cortexian

    Joe Cortexian Member Gold Contributor

    Sep 8, 2021
    +27 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Can you write a little program that prints out the analog values? Maybe uncouple the pots. That would tell you if it’s a hardware or software issue.

    I can’t rule out a software issue because I have seen something similar. It ended up in an X file.
  6. Josh Latka

    Josh Latka New Member

    Jan 31, 2025
    +5 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    That’s an idea but I’m only able to do minor code changes an editing. It’s beyond my scope of skills without spending ample time to learn to do what your suggesting .
    If I disconnect pot from a0 the pot on a1 still register a signal on motor 3 while only connected to a1 header.
    This leads me to believe it’s a software issue. I’ve tried 2 different pots of the same make with same results
  7. Josh Latka

    Josh Latka New Member

    Jan 31, 2025
    +5 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Using the example code from Adriano library to view the pot signal all pins show data but not in the same manor that of which the pins that are actually physically connected show data
    For example pin a1 shows data and data change when the pot is moved
    Viewing the data for pins a2 and a3 show a signal but it slowly moves in a downward direction and does not change when turning a physically connected pot.
    This is slightly confusing
    At first glance it would appear to be a hardware issue but physically turning a pot on another pin doesn’t change the printed output for the pins with no physical connection.
    In smc3 the signal on motor3 actually reflects the input changes on the pot connected to pin a1
  8. Joe Cortexian

    Joe Cortexian Member Gold Contributor

    Sep 8, 2021
    +27 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    I actually have a theory but it's just a theory. Do you have power connected to the barrel connector on the Arduino? If not your system will run but is limited by the amount of power that the USB interface can supply. There are specs for that but many PCs don't meet it. The USB 2 spec is much lower than USB 3.

    The correct solution is to wire power into the barrel connector. This eliminates that as an issue. There is a limit to how much power the Arduino regulator can supply but that has never been an issue for me. If you have PSU wall units for some electronics in a junk drawer somewhere you could use them directly. The input spec for the Arduino is broad I think 7-12V. I have accidentally run 24V into that and it didn't melt (not recommended).

    The ideal solution long term is to cut the wire off that junk power supply and hook it into your 12V main PSU. If you are using 24V you can get regulators that are simple and cheap at Amazon etc. They are like 5 for $10.
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Josh Latka

    Josh Latka New Member

    Jan 31, 2025
    +5 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    I am not using an external power source for,the adruino
    It’s being powered by the usb and is plugged into usb2 port on pc
    After doing some searching it’s normal for,the print monitor from the example sketch to show data for input pins with no physical connected components to show data as there is power at the pins an pick up electronic noise and print out as data with no identifiable range or direction. I found this on the adruino forums, and they say this is normal due to power being supplied to all pins regardless of a physical connection.
    I can give a try to applying a second source of power to the adruino board.
    I’m not sure why a lack of power will make the pot signal from motor 2 to be read by smc3 in the motor 3 panel along side the motor 2 panel and shut off both motors in smc when pot is rotated past max limits.
    I also find it strange that even if I change the output pin for the motor 3 pot signal to a different pin such as a3 motor 3 still reads the pot signal from motor 2 in smc3

    also commenting out motor 3 feedback pin along with its corresponding line in the sketch does eliminate motor 3 from reading any signal in smc3.
    My other concern is if the software is picking up signals on motor 3 properties could motor 2 also be trying to use any of the motor 3 properties most concerning the pwm frequency that is only setting is 4 or 35 for motor 3.