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Coder needed to properly implement pot filte,

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Josh Latka, Feb 14, 2025.

  1. Josh Latka

    Josh Latka New Member

    Jan 31, 2025
    +5 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    My self and several others have experienced fluctuating pot signals resulting in the motors making a crackling noise trying to follow the signal fluctuations
    A capacitor on the pots signal line and ground line make a big difference but still leaves some in wanted jitter
    I found a site explaining this situation with the adruino reading the signal and how a cap and software filter can stabilize the signal fixing the issue
    This explains how https://www.electroniclinic.com/arduino-analog-signal-filter-analog-sensor-value-fluctuates-a-lot/
    I found
    Arduino Filter for Analog Sensors coding to work the best

    after confirming the cap and filter clears up the signal using a print code to see the signal data I added the code to my smc sketch and did not experience the motor noise and jitter from the motor trying to make small adjustments to match the sensor value

    I am not very experienced at writing code, I can modify and edit but am not a coder
    Can someone with coding knowledge and experience put this filter into the code properly please?
    I’m not sure if I implemented it in the correct area and if I did it so it’s reliable

    ‘this is how and where I put the code

    const int FeedbackPin3 = A2; // Motor 3 feedback pin
    const int PotInputPin = A5; // User adjustable POT used to scale the motion (if enabled)

    //Pot Filter added by J Latka
    int PotData = 0;
    int filteredValue = 0; // Initialize filtered value
    float alpha = 0.05; // Filter coefficient (0 < alpha < 1)
    //Pot Filter added by J Latka
    int DeadZone1 = 0; // feedback deadzone
    int DeadZone2 = 0; // feedback deadzone
    int DeadZone3 = 0; // feedback deadzone

    This is the original code the filter was derived from in the attached pic

    Attached Files: