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single DLP in 3D vs. 3 LCD's in 2D?

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Building Q&A / FAQ' started by brian7408, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. brian7408

    brian7408 New Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Pardon me if this has been asked before, but I'm trying to get a consensus/opinions on how to set up my monitors for my project. I'm looking into going with a Simxperience system and want it to be as immersive as humanly possible. I still haven't decided what to do for monitors. My current options are:

    a.) 3 32 inch LCD TV's running side by side with Eyefinity

    b.) 1 60 inch DLP with 3-D and headtracking.

    Both these setups can be had for just about the same price from where I sit.

    From a hardware standpoint, I think the 3 monitor setup would be less taxing and more versatile, and offers more of a sense of speed, without the need for head tracking. The 3D setup is also very immersive, but in a slightly different way. I haven't had the chance to play rfactor or iracing in 3-D to really see the difference it makes.



  2. Skaut69

    Skaut69 Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    UK, Hull
    +1 / 0 / -0
    I`ve use to play with TrackIR and i managed to do it only with Race ON and all GTR simulators. Grid and Dirt are to chaotic. Moving your head left/right makes you feel like you loose control - your car sudenly going other way. 3D makes it more comfortable because you have open space inside of the car and you see where is the other moving part of terrain. Unfortunately there is a huge problem in case of Stereo view from cockpit - at the moment (until game engine will support 3D view itself).
    Always you have to set proper depth of the landscape so you might end up with corossed picture in another place. In case of simulator it is always compromise between perfect Stereoscopic view in the cockpit or outside. You can find some settings between them - to get correct sharpness but it will happen only if you will drop down depth of the main view.
    I am playing this way at the moment but i don`t bother about messy cockpit. I am more focused on the road and cars to be distracted by this.
    Basicaly in your case i would go for three screens instead of 60 inch 3D. This size is to small to get propper immersion with 3D. It is nice to see all this on the front of you in proper place but you will be more immerse having sied view. Like you said - it is really nice sense of speed when you have landscape moving on your side.
  3. brian7408

    brian7408 New Member

    Dec 24, 2010
    +0 / 0 / -0
    What type of 3D drivers / glasses are you using? I took some time and played around with this today using both the iz3d and Nvidia drivers in anaglyphic mode on Dirt2, rFactor, GTR2, and Race 07. I found the convergence problem you describe pretty bad with the iz3d drivers, but none of that with the Nvidia drivers. It looked great with the Nvidia drivers, and I was able to set the depth almost to 3/4 full before I began even noticing any convergence at all. it looked just fine in the car and outside the car.
  4. Skaut69

    Skaut69 Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    UK, Hull
    +1 / 0 / -0
  5. axle182

    axle182 New Member

    Nov 10, 2009
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Brian, ill be watching this thread VERY closely:) I just started googling and scanning the net for anyone with advice on 3x32 lcd's. Some info on my setup - racecar chassis that i have converted into a simulator, its still early days, planning has been done and parts ordered but work hasnt commenced. Its a Legendscar chassis, front and rear clip removed, full rollcage. Im using a modified Happ wheel with a logitech DFP circuit board, and Leo Bodnar controller board, and a 30A8 amplifier for the ffb. Just finished laying out the control panel! Idea is to have real world legendscar pedals/wheel and feel.

    The question ive started to look at is monitors. I currently run 3x22 samsung LCD monitors on a triple head to go, and the new chassis would really work alot better going to 3x32. Issue is what LCD's, im looking at the 720p lcd hdtv's, best i can find is 6ms response, looks like weight isnt an issue, as they will be bolted firmly to the chassis with welded mounts. I didnt want to spend major $ on some high end 32s only to have them fail because -

    Big issue is, as a second stage to this simulator, id like to turn it into a full motion in the future, so vibration of the 32 LCDs might be an issue. Is this something you have found info on? The motion is taking a back seat, as an even larger question for my setup is how heavy will it be once completed and how hard will it be to get it to move!

