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Project X-Sim will be stopped

Discussion in 'Off Topic - All other stuff here' started by value1, Jun 27, 2012.

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  1. value1

    value1 Nerd SimAxe Beta Tester SimTools Developer Gold Contributor

    Jan 9, 2011
    Zug, Switzerland
    +3,327 / 11 / -1
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, JRK, Joyrider
    This is very sad news and a shock to all here I would think!
    I can only repeat what I wrote on x-sim: …I would like to ask you for some patience and give the forum and the people a chance… and …From my experience I can tell that such a sim project needs a lot of time. I [still] wish I could be driving my sim already.

    sirnoname: I would like to thank you sincerely for all your work and passion you put into your x-sim project, the great adventures you have made possible and still make possible! The sim-world will miss you!
    What a pity that my project does not see the light of day before the closure of your software :cry:
  2. floriske.nl

    floriske.nl Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    Graphic Designer
    +3 / 1 / -0
    Although I do understand Sirnoname's position I think this is a move that shouldn't be made.

    I hope Sirnoname wants to consider keeping the new site up and running for a while even though the software will not be further developed by him for now!

    I also hope he is willing to give some work out of hand, like developing the new site and forum administration during that period so he can concentrate on other things and we can try to keep the community alive.

    TO ALL X-SIMULATOR.DE USERS: Please register at the new site, the future of X-Sim lies there, not here!
    I know the new site isn't at the level it should be yet, but why post here if the new version isn't even supported here?

    @RACERAY: Is this what you want? Or do you want X-Sim to keep evolving?
    I know it sounds harsh (and No Offense Intended!) but please reconsider closing this forum for posting about the software (or working together with Sirnoname) but keep it running for user reference. If the right steps aren't made X-Sim will eventually stop completely and thus this site will as well eventually. I know this site is sort of your pride and joy but since you chose not to cooperate on X-Sim 3 it's a logical consequence to close the forum for software related stuff.

    @Sirnoname: Thanks, thanks and thanks again for all your efforts and great work. I really hope this message finally opens some people's eyes resulting in possibilities to keep the project alive!
  3. fooons

    fooons New Member

    Nov 2, 2011
    Técnico Sistemas Informáticos
    +0 / 0 / -0
    I have readed the post several times, I'm surprised and I cant understand how a so genial project cant be supported by the comunity.

    No words, but I will continue working in projects. You have my entire suppport for new software, new forum or what you need.

    We are always searching for new version of drivers, SO, design software, offimatic sotware... and now we have latest version of a incredible motion software and nobody matters. Guys x-sim3 is next generation, is future projects, is the effort and knowlede of a person and a comunity.

    Please think it twice, x-sim.de
  4. floriske.nl

    floriske.nl Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    Graphic Designer
    +3 / 1 / -0

    Since it looks like you already threw in the towel :( I have to be honest about a few things:

    • You are a great guy and created a great piece of Software, but should try to put things more into a (long term) perspective instead of constantly picking up only the negatives

    • I indeed am trying (not tried) to help you but I don't feel ignored by the users, the response to the Poll wasn't high, but in regards to the active members not bad either. Unfortunately you didn't want to do anything with the results of it, which is needed to get more active members (NOFI!)

    • To be honest regarding my help I feel somewhat ignored by you instead (once again: NOFI!):
    - I have/had a ready to use new site and forum design (http://floriske.nl/x-sim) which would only require 3 minor efforts from you side (FTP, Board admin & software.x-sim.de): Ignored!
    - I did a clear interest poll on the forum division and been pretty clear why it should be changed (users complained about it as well): Ignored!
    - Did a (imho good looking) redesign on the software at your request which made me believe you where back on a positive vibe: Ignored by stopping the development and closing down the site! Draft 3 Converter.jpg
    • I think your expectations have always been too high for such a young new community:

    If you start a new community and want to see it grow:

    • The most important thing is to give it TIME!

    • You can not expect everyone from the old community to simply hop over, this takes TIME! (the new forum opened on march 18th, 3 months is a very short time to expect a lot of activity).

    • Need a solid base (correctly divided forum, good looking website), this takes TIME!

    • A community has to grow it will almost never explode like you would like to see, this takes TIME!.

    I really hope that, while you can fully concentrate on other things, you will give me and the others a chance to let X-Sim.de grow and keep the community alive:

    • If I look at whois of x-sim.de it expires in December so you could give us 5 moths TIME! to try

    • If you are willing to grant me root ftp access I can place the new site design and add the board theme (co-existing next to the current site: no phpbb source code changes needed!)

    • I can supply you with ready made bmp's for the software in the same style (and when needed even in the exact same sizes as the current ones, in which case I can even add them to the software with resource hacker <- just tried this, but can't find the background image in resource hacker)

    • If you are willing to grant me board admin access I will change the forum division (once again: no phpbb source code changes needed!)

    • The 3d (ftp and admin being 1st and 2nd) minor effort from your side needed: software.x-sim.de for headerless integration.

    Just to be clear: absolutely No Offense Intended, just trying to keep this community alive!

    If you do eventually decide to stop anyway which would be very sad news :( at least consider to keep the supporter edition available at a specific prize (without technical support from your side)
  5. RaceRay

    RaceRay Administrator Staff Member SimAxe Beta Tester

    Nov 8, 2006
    Self-employed | Web and application development
    Hamburg, Germany
    +2,028 / 13 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, SimAxe, SimforceGT

    you asked me to give up and kill the forum and i said no. - Thats right - I will not kill the domain x-simulator.de either i want to give up the forum but I had and have no problem with the circumstance to close ALL x-sim software related threads and link to x-sim.de.

    When you want me to do that you never explained it concret enough - i understood to kill the old site not to close old content like floriske suggests.

    However, we can talk about the threads you want to see closed and than go on, but please do not make me, the x-simulator site or the other user responsible for the current situation of x-sim3. That´s a absolutely complete dog breakfast as it is up to you to ignore any support questition here.
    When you feel to be forced to answer here, you do not have to wonder why there is only a lack of response at x-sim.de

    I suggest some things in the past to be more successful in forming a strong and powerful community for the x-sim project but there was ignorance for my suggestions - Now i must close x-simulator.de for x-sim.de?

    In the past during the time of xsim2 you told us that there is only little response of the community and you stopped the supporting and developing of it. Now the situation looks similar with the difference, that you want to make me the guy who is responsible for the fact there are no developers for x-sim3.

    Soory, but this is bullshit!

    Personally I met you as a smart and nice guy and only a few people appreciate your great work with the same enthusiasm as i do but your whole statement and the reason for your stops are complete illogical.

    Btw. you want the community to move to x-sim.de so than you wrote your post in the wrong forum.

    Cool down first and when you want me to close the x-sim related threads or you need some tips to generate more active members just write me a PM and i will be helpful.
  6. tronicgr


    +0 / 0 / -0
    To my humble opinion, there is activity on x-sim3 but most of it is on the Projects blog. That's the reason that people don't create forum posts anymore unless its about a problem or something that is no clear and need some explanation.

    The x-simulator.de on the other hand doesn't have this BLOG thing and people are posting all over, doesn't matter if its a question about future plans, or a project they are up to, or the weather in Zimbabwe...

    I want the new x-sim3 forum to blossom and have lots of activity one day. This may take some time, its still at its birth and needs time to grow as all good things in life. But I also like to have around the old x-simulator.de forum too as a historical reference, because with no history there is nothing that can teach us how things should be done in the future.

    Best Regards to Sirnoname and Raceray (and may this crisis be over soon!)

  7. Frakk

    Frakk Active Member

    Apr 15, 2009
    +4 / 0 / -0
    Long time no post. How is everyone doing? :)

    As some of you know, I used to contribute a fair amount to the community here and tried to help as much as I could. Then came a point when I had to realize the community is nothing else, but a kind of dictatorship where sirnoname has to get what he wants, and it doesn't really matter what the community wants or asks for.

    This is exactly why many active and important members stopped wasting their time.

    In my humble opinion, history will repeat itself and things will only go in circles, but please prove me wrong sirnoname.

    All you good people I wish you the best, and good luck!
  8. kubing

    kubing Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    teacher, Industrial electronic programmer
    kelantan Malaysia
    +0 / 0 / -0

    cool down all. i hope this happen not because of Google ads above? :cheers:
  9. adgun

    adgun Active Member

    Jan 28, 2008
    +137 / 4 / -0
    Je stopt maar jongen.
    Om X-sim3 van de grond te krijgen mis je cociale vaardigheden!
    Je hebt talloze mensen die je wilde helpen toen de boel op de grond lag gewoon genegeerd.
    Mensen een jaar in het ongewisse gelaten en dan uit het niets met een tweede site gekomen zonder uitleg om verwarring te voorkomen enz.enz.
    ik hoop dat je hier iets van opsteekt in je verdere leven
    het zit echt in je zelf
    gr ad
  10. christianr3

    christianr3 Member

    Dec 26, 2011
    +1 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, JRK
    hi all :hi: , I would like to know how do I sign on x-sim.de, which do not get, try to use my login does not work here but I could help, thanks
  11. RaceRay

    RaceRay Administrator Staff Member SimAxe Beta Tester

    Nov 8, 2006
    Self-employed | Web and application development
    Hamburg, Germany
    +2,028 / 13 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, SimAxe, SimforceGT
    Hi all,

    x-simulator.de will be compeletely recreated and new designed in a few weeks
    with a complete new idea that brings some fresh breeze!

    THIS forum is alive and even when the x-sim software should be stopped we will offer you another great project in the next weeks.
    i am sure it will meet and exceed all your stringent demands :)

    So i would be pleased when you guys do not leave our common forum and when you stay hungry and curious about the new idea.

    YOU are the community, and as long as we ll pulling in the same direction we achieve the best possible results for our goal. :)

    Best regards
  12. christianr3

    christianr3 Member

    Dec 26, 2011
    +1 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, JRK
    Hi Rene, thanks for replying, but I do not understand, I thought they were going to close this forum and continue in the other direction x-sim.de is difficult to understand why I do not speak English, I am using a google translator, I understand now that there will be 2 sites to see? good I like very much this site because I am learning a lot to make my simulator, I hope not close this forum, greetings! :cheers:
  13. RaceRay

    RaceRay Administrator Staff Member SimAxe Beta Tester

    Nov 8, 2006
    Self-employed | Web and application development
    Hamburg, Germany
    +2,028 / 13 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, SimAxe, SimforceGT
    Hi Christian,

    x-simulator.de will not close, that´s the most important thing ;D
    I don´t know what happens with the other site. I am not responsible for it.

  14. kubing

    kubing Member

    Sep 27, 2010
    teacher, Industrial electronic programmer
    kelantan Malaysia
    +0 / 0 / -0
    anybody here please tell us who come first? x-sim software or x-simulator forum. seems like chicken and egg.
  15. furlo88

    furlo88 Member

    May 17, 2012
    - 10Coins
    +0 / 0 / -0
    is not my intention to leave the forum :).
    But I find it difficult to continue my project without a keystage :(

    http://www.x-simulator.de STAY ALIVE !!!!
  16. floriske.nl

    floriske.nl Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    Graphic Designer
    +3 / 1 / -0
    Just a carefully positive update to this matter:

    I managed to get Sirnoname to the point to give it another go.

    I will be working hard on the new and improved x-sim.de site and software design and re dividing the forum the next few days.

    Hopefully this will give the users and Sirnoname a new boost and positive vibe to continue and the community to grow!

    I think it would be best if Sirnoname can fully focus on the software and leave the community part to us.
  17. bvillersjr

    bvillersjr Active Member

    Oct 11, 2008
    Ohio, USA
    +23 / 1 / -0
    I've read through these posts and I've witnessed over the years the many threats that X-Sim will be cancelled and threats that it will become commercial.

    They are only threats. It never really happens.

    Whenever the software isn't getting enough attention or whenever SirNoName doesn't get what he wants, he makes these threats.

    This time the threats are intended to make you abandon this website that we have all come to love.

    I for one am tired of seeing everone that helps around here be kicked in the head by a constant series of threats. People are literaly in the middle of building simulators and spending their money, then these childish threats come and they don't even know if they will have a software to run their simulator.

    The fact is, if it wasn't for RaceRay and all the work he did to make and promote this community, you wouldn't even know about X-Sim! Now SirNoName will kick him in the head too. It's not the first time. Every major contributor here has been kicked in the head and has left the community. I left this community to make my own software due to the instability.

    Fortunately for me, I no longer rely on X-Sim or the cycle of insanity.

    If indeed X-Sim is cancelled or if these threats against the users continue, I will develop a software for this community.
  18. Roadster2

    Roadster2 Member

    Apr 20, 2007
    +42 / 2 / -0
    Really good to hear some positive messages here from Raceray and Bvillersjr. Providing we can get some equivalent software (or better ?) sorted then it's good for the community. Every cloud has a silver lining.

    Long live www.x-simulator.de
  19. christianr3

    christianr3 Member

    Dec 26, 2011
    +1 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, JRK
    this is the picture of my simulator design, may not be very nice and may have many design faults, but I did a lot of effort in time and money, the reason? that is something that I'm building with the help of others in this community and that makes me feel good!, even not using the x-sim software but until today and built my first simulator solving thinking of the design and construction and then I would worry about installing the software and know how to use it, but now I worry that if they close the forum will not know how to query people to help me finish my simulator and most importantly to help me know how the software to make it move my simulator :no: , I hope that the closure does not happen, because then I think that many people who started to build our projects we can not finish it , sorry for my English, Greetings :thbup:

    Attached Files:

  20. bvillersjr

    bvillersjr Active Member

    Oct 11, 2008
    Ohio, USA
    +23 / 1 / -0

    SirNarcissist. Is the the X-Sim software officially cancelled, or was it just a way to manipulate the users into your will?

    If it is officially cancelled, I can begin work on a quality freeware solution for the users you abandon.

    And let us not forget that YOU created this division because you wanted to make X-Sim commercial and therefore created another website. I know this because you asked me to participate in this commercialism. You even posted pictures of my products there.
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