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quality of telemetry and cpu speed/cores number

Discussion in 'Forum and Website' started by abs, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. abs

    abs Active Member Gold Contributor

    Mar 3, 2011
    +66 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, SCN5
    Hello , i am experiencing some lagging depending on the sim

    iracing - it is the slipro
    rfactor2 - the speed in sim goes down if i use another lcd for telemetry (motion on the second PC is hence affected)
    ac - it seems to be the image quality

    question : I have a am3 MOBO and 4 cores amd cpu . I was wondering if a 6 cores would improve the gaming
  2. kanuk

    kanuk If it ain't moving, it ain't simulating...

    Jan 24, 2015
    Melbourne Australia
    +202 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, 3DOF, DC motor, Arduino, JRK
    If you are talking about upgrading to the new X99 Intel based system, yes, it would be far faster than any AMD cpu in the arena of gaming. Unfortunately, AMD CPU's aren't the strongest for gaming purposes. But I would also advise you that a Z97 based system running the ever popular i7 4790K on a good overclockable board would give you a major advantage in gaming speed. With all this though, what GPU (graphics card) are you running?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. abs

    abs Active Member Gold Contributor

    Mar 3, 2011
    +66 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, SCN5
    no i was thinking of keeping everything as is and upgrade with a second hand cpu from ebay

    the board is old and served me well for years . i was not planning to change hardware before 1 or 2 years (hopefully 3)
    as i purchased stuff (accuforce for instance)
    the graphic card is a gtx 760 2 mb
  4. kanuk

    kanuk If it ain't moving, it ain't simulating...

    Jan 24, 2015
    Melbourne Australia
    +202 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, 3DOF, DC motor, Arduino, JRK
    Then I would suggest upgrading your graphic card. You will see far more of a performance increase with the dollars spent on a GPU than a CPU. Something like a 960GTX is quick and cheap. That coupled with a cheap CPU upgrade might just do what you need it to do ;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. bsft


    +0 / 0 / -0
    what graphics card do you have currently?
  6. abs

    abs Active Member Gold Contributor

    Mar 3, 2011
    +66 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, SCN5
    this is the card: Evga superclocked 02G-P4-2765-KR G-sync Geforce GTX 760 2 GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI exp. 3.0 sli

    mobo asus M3n-HT , cpu phenom II 4 cores 965 3.4 Gh, 8 gig of ram

    the card is recent (to me anyway , less than 2 years). I overclocked 7.5 percent. I run 3 x 27 inch screen with that card . I run another LCD with another cheap graphic card (for Z1simwheel sofware)

    i cleaned a litlle the registry with ccleaner. I cleaned a little the startup with msconfig . It helped a little only.

    I am not too sure why the sudden change but it might be related to the second very cheap graphic card dedicated to Z1simwheel software. I ordered a more recent cart (yet still cheap ) it might solve the problem .

    as i said i was not planning a major upgrade now if i can keep this hardware at least one more year...
  7. bsft


    +0 / 0 / -0
    whats the cheap graphics card? its it nvidia as well?

    if the main card runs fine in SLI without the extras, then the smaller card could be conflicting somehow.
  8. bsft


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Granted I dont run 3 screens, and only one, but have to disagree. My dual racers have 3.9 gighz AMD quad cores, 4 gig ram, win 7 32 bit, cheap as motherboard and 560 Ti in each and run spot on with no problems for games and motion.
    My main home ride is AMD6 core with GTX 560ti, 16 gig ram , I run 1 x 32" screen, 7 " screen and arduino tm 1638 dash and motion, no problem. I run win7 64 bit.

    EDIT. I did some benchmarking of my AMD 8 core , GTX590 and 8 gig ram against Intel machines of similar or slightly higher specs. The frame rate was negotiable, meaning, 3-5 frames more than mine per second on theirs. And thats over 110 frames in some games.
    Dont discount the AMD just yet.
  9. kanuk

    kanuk If it ain't moving, it ain't simulating...

    Jan 24, 2015
    Melbourne Australia
    +202 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, 3DOF, DC motor, Arduino, JRK
    Indeed @bsft
    I never disagreed that an AMD isn't capable, just that it isn't as capable. I know because this is something I have been involved in from the days of yore (since the Sinclair ZX80's), can code in Z80, 6502, 68xxx and X86 and hardware was my major qualification in university which enabled my early working days as a HW Engineer with the Big Boys in IT. However, let me also inform you that I am by no means an expert, because we know that experts know it all. I do not....

    The advise that I imparted onto the OP was for the tendency of his problems faced. As I stated, was he upgrading? No. I see. Because if he was, no doubts to it, an Intel 4790K with Z97 chipset will whip the pants of most systems (inc the new HAswell X99) in performance dollar to dollar. But if he wanted grunt, then an X99 system will do the job. So i suggested then that his graphic card may be a better option. I now learn that his graphic card ( a 2GB 760) is running 3 x 27 in screens (which I would have an educated guess is at a res of 1080p each), that is now a field resolution of 3240p. the 2GB card is well and truly at the end of its tether. It simply does not have enough vid mem to do that job with any efficiency. SO yes @abs , a graphic card upgrade is in order, provided the rest of the information is on even keel.

    And to all the AMD fans that i may have offended with my previous post, I will amicably apologise whilst holding on to my knowledge...
  10. bsft


    +0 / 0 / -0
    @abs , what is the smaller card you are running? again, is it ATI or Nvidia. And as for 3 screens, turn the resolution down and try that to take some load off the main GPU card.
    People are quick to tell you to toss out a perfectly good card because they would rather run better. before you do, try running lower res and fiddle with textures. Find out and look up info to see if there is a possible conflict.
    The other programs you run, they may be conflicting in someway.
    @yobuddy and @eaorobbie may also be able to help
  11. bsft


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Im not a fan, its what I can afford.
  12. kanuk

    kanuk If it ain't moving, it ain't simulating...

    Jan 24, 2015
    Melbourne Australia
    +202 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, 3DOF, DC motor, Arduino, JRK
    For sure. In terms of value per dollar the AMD does offer plenty of it. And please @bsft by no means is my post an offensive one. It's not intended that way. And by no means am I an advocate of throwing out perfectly functioning equipment. I myself have a 760GTX running one of my older machines with a Q6600 2.4 ghz clocked to 3.8Ghz. But lets call it like it is, if you are running 3 x 1080p and want that to run at decent framerates with decent graphics with a 2GB card then you are pushing the proverbial up the proverbial. But @abs , bsft is right when he says fiddle with your settings. That would be turning down the play resolution, disabling AA, MSAA, FSAA and running it with minimum settings to see if it improves your gameplay.
  13. Alexey

    Alexey Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2014
    Electronics Technician
    Adelaide, Australia
    +622 / 2 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    Here is a little tip that has worked wonders for me. Save at least $10 per week and at the end of the year buy an upgrade. Save an extra dollar here and there and you get further. Even $5 per week should suffice to keep up with a mid level performance.

    Keep it up and every year you will keep up with modern game titles. In saying that I actually didn't upgrade my computer last year because of good peripheral selection. There is no need to be current in hardware terms except for when you see bad performance. To make more sense of what I mean:

    My current setup, runs any game @ ultra and has done so continuously over time due to overclocking:

    i5 2500K running @ 4.3GHz
    GTX 970 G1 Gaming (overclocked)
    16G ram overclocked @ 2133
    120GB SSD + 500GB HDD

    This year I bought the GTX970 ($525) was running GTX 580 SLI before
    Last year I bought nothing at all
    Year before was motherboard with one touch overclocking ($220) +CPU air cooler ($50)
    Year before that was the SSD ($140) plus extra 8G ram ($120) + extra GTX580 for sli ($220)
    Year before that was the i5-2500K ($250) + motherboard and ram ($100) + GTX 580 ($350) The I5 was new, bought the mobo, ram and GTX 580 second hand.
    Year before that I was running a Q9550 and HD4870 (not as powerful setup but played almost all games on high (that I was playing) at the time.

    I would still be using the GTX 580 SLI setup if it wasn't for Evolve (which I greatly regret buying). But then with that the GTX 970 is going to last a long time and I'll add a second one in two years time. The CPU is 4 years old!! and it pulls up just fine.

    Personally I don't see the point on wasting money on low grade computer components because you are constantly compromising, instead buy second hand more powerful components rather than buy new turd grade parts.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. bsft


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Ergh, he asked for help, we have suggested to him what may help, he doesnt have the money for upgrade.

    ..........why do I bother any more............
  15. abs

    abs Active Member Gold Contributor

    Mar 3, 2011
    +66 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, SCN5
    the lower end card is GTS 250

    thanks guys for all the info and tips

    I fiddle a little with the hardware and this is so far what i have got .

    I tested iracing , AC anf rfactor 2 . these are my favorite games

    config 3 x 27 screens hooked on the GTX760 , one extra LCD hooked via GTs 250 , 4 session of z1simwheel running on 19 inch LCD, slight overclock of the cpu (3.6 vs 3.4 Ghz)

    on iracing : slimax software lags a little whereas the z1simwheel software runs or not (it does not matter) . however the 19 inch Lcd is hooked on the GTS250 . (hypothesis : that might be the reason why of the lags and slow down of the system.)
    interstingly : if i run fanaled instead of slimax --> it is rock solid fast
    in iracing the graphics are all maxed out and the game play is nice execpt of the lags of the slimax softare on slipro

    on rfactor 2 : all is fine in all cases only if i dont run at all the Z1simwheel software on the 19 inch Lcd for data (hooked to the cheap and old GTS250)
    on ac : all seems to be better but slight lags in graphics (still a little) . If i dont run z1simwheel the quality and game play seems to go to normal

    also i forgot to mention , the screen that run as a display data died few days ago. It might be a coincidance because as soon as (or almost) i changed screen the lags started . this is one reason why i suspect the card but then again it could be just a coincidance ...

    on friday i should receive a evga GT 730 2GB Low Profile 2GB GDDR5 64Bit D . Hope it will solve the problem.
    the cpu i could use are all second hand and expensive. I prefer for now save the cash for a greater upgrade ...
  16. Alexey

    Alexey Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2014
    Electronics Technician
    Adelaide, Australia
    +622 / 2 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    One thing you can try is download MSI afterburner and view your CPU usage + GPU usage + GPU VRAM usage.
    Run the games without the fourth display all together and without any simulation software, so barebones game at the graphical fidelity you normally play on. Make notes of performance of the games i.e. view graphs in MSI afterburner and also note your average FPS in games. Then run the game with your fourth screen + simulation software and compare the two performance results. You would then be able to guesstimate what to look at from there. If it is your CPU that is struggling you will notice an fps drop whilst the extra software is running.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  17. abs

    abs Active Member Gold Contributor

    Mar 3, 2011
    +66 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, SCN5

    hello thanks for the tip

    i deactivated the extra graphic card to use only the higher end card with 27 screens
    by the way, the motion is achieved via an extra laptop computer . I use an extra laptop because a year ago or so i went though similar lag problems.
    anyway i deactivated via the nvidia software the GTs 250 to keep only the gtx 760 runing the 27 inch screens
    i kept motion via the extra laptop
    i used slimax for the slipro and other simdash peripherials i normally use
    iracing : very slight noticeable lag with slimax -> which is a big improvement
    rfactor 2 : no problem of lags
    AC : very fluid

    therefore all tend to believe the bloody GTS 250 is defecive or dying or lagging somehow because of burned chip ,..

    I also recall smelling burning hardware before the death of my data lcd. this was happening for days or weeks . I was not able to pinpount where it was from . that might be related

    i ll change the blxxxx graphic card . i ll update this thread after changing card and testing
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2015
  18. Alexey

    Alexey Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2014
    Electronics Technician
    Adelaide, Australia
    +622 / 2 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    Sounds like you've already identified the fault, that smell of burnt electronics is unmistakable.
    If it was the monitor or GPU is the question. You could also be getting a performance boost because the CPU has a lighter load without the secondary GPU as opposed to the second GPU being faulty. If you get this newer card and you still have performance loss it could be CPU bottleneck.

    You mention that the 250 has a burned chip, is that the same as the burning smell you noticed or was that two separate issues? MSI will monitor temperatures of your graphics cards, so if you run it you would see that the card is running in excess of 80 degrees. If that is true then the GPU chip is dead.

    If you want to test without MSI, run the games with the 250 activated for at least 10 minutes then quickly turn off your computer and turn your supply off at the wall. The with your finger press along the heat sink of the GPU and the PCB board and if its too hot to touch for longer than 2 seconds it's over 60 degrees. If it's too hot to even touch for half a second it's over 80 degrees. Before you go touching the PCB some safety for your hardware, DO NOT do this whilst on carpet. do it somewhere like floorboards/tiles. Then before touching the GPU touch the chassis of the computer to discharge yourself of any static electricity. Keep hold of a metal part of the computer at all times whilst touching the GPU. Also make sure power is turned off at the wall before poking any fingers inside the computer.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  19. abs

    abs Active Member Gold Contributor

    Mar 3, 2011
    +66 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, SCN5
    thanks for the tips
    when i said the gts 250 has a burned chip i was just tossing ideas . actually i dont know but the smell was there ...

    however it never occured to me about overheating . It could be it . that would explain why in rfactor all of a sudden it all slows down in the middle of a race . that second GPU had a hard time to keep up whereas it never happend before. I ll check the fan tomorrow night and do some more tests

    thanks to everybody
  20. abs

    abs Active Member Gold Contributor

    Mar 3, 2011
    +66 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, SCN5
    hello i have some updates
    I did not receive yet my new GPU card for my data LCD.
    however, I performed some tests with MSI afterburner. The gpu cards dont get hot . temps remain at 45 degrees or so.

    I did a test with physx dedicating the lower end card gts 250 to physx . Improvement where seen in terms of game play but some lags remained.
    i am hiting a bottleneck somewhere maybe my whole system . If i dont run that 4th screen all seem to run smooth and good though

    I have question about sliying the main GPU card gtx 760 . do sim games react well to a sli config ? or should i buy a higher end card such as GTx970 4Gb

    do sim games benefit from phys x ?

    next step will be maybe sliying my cards or change main GPU cards

    unfortunetly i spent money on CPU upgrade for a 6 core (that is a second hand from ebay and it is on its way) . the benefit might be minor.
