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First time build and seven questions

Discussion in 'New users start here - FAQ' started by blazingfirefly, Jun 7, 2015.

  1. blazingfirefly

    blazingfirefly New Member

    Jun 2, 2015
    +2 / 0 / -0
    Hello everybody

    First of all I would like thank you all for sharing your knowledge and making a start into DIY simulator a lot easier. I always thought of doing something like this being near impossible.:)

    I stumbled across your page when I was searching for simulators for the PC game Star citizen which will be released somewhat next year. So that will be the primary application which I want to use the simulator for.

    The plan is to build a small cockpit which would allow me to get a deeper immersion into the game. But I do play some racing games from time to time for which I want to use the simulator as well. First I fantasized about a 6DOF simulator but soon realized that this was way out of my league. I do have some basic understanding of electricity and wiring but no in deep knowledge. Welding is going to be a new topic for me.

    I am now planning to build a 2DOF Simulator like the one in the DIY guide: 2DOD Motion Simulator with truck wiper motor play seat.

    There is one change though. I would like to replace the moving upper part of the construction with this Playseat: FKRSE14123 (which I picked up for around 100.- at fk-automotive btw.)

    I decided on this play seat after I searched for days for an affordable (good-looking) car seat, which just could not manage to find. I hope that it is not going to turn out as a mistake.:)

    Of course I am going to weld it together but right now I am still trying to get all the other parts together.

    Since I am a student I am trying to keep my expenses as low as possible but I often get soaked into things and end up spending more than I anticipated.:)

    Like in the guide I plan on using the Monster Moto Shield and R1206 UNO Arduino as controllers which I already ordered on dx. Since the code can be found in the forums I think I will not run in any troubles there.

    Right now I am searching for Motors because the motors used in the Tutorial now cost around 100.-

    I am searching for alternatives but I am having a hard time finding cheaper alternatives. Or at least getting more buck for the money.

    And so I have seven question to the forum:

    1. What is the most important part concerning motors? What should I look out for?

    2. How many Nm do I need? I think I will need something around 10Nm, is that correct?

    3. Do I have to somehow mount them in a special angle? In the pictures in the tutorials one is mounted in a 90 degree angle while the other one is mounted in a different angle. Why is that?

    4. I did think of winch motors but since I want to stick to the tutorial as close as possible I neglected that part. Should I reconsider? How much harder is it going to be?

    5. How long do the rods have to be? I am considering something around 50cm. Or would you guys recommend shorter?

    6. When I saw the video the baseplate shacked quite heavily and there was a lot of noise from the moving parts. Is it somehow possible to design it less noisy? Like using a heavier baseplate for example?

    7. Do you guys see any threats in my construction or maybe changes which you would apply until now?

    I am open and thankful for any recommendations, remarks, comments etc. :)
  2. noorbeast

    noorbeast VR Tassie Devil Staff Member Moderator Race Director

    Jul 13, 2014
    Innovative tech specialist for NGOs
    St Helens, Tasmania, Australia
    +10,993 / 54 / -2
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, JRK
    1. What motors to use depends on the actual final design chosen, I am guessing you intend a shoulder mount full frame but can you please confirm that. Posting a plan, even if it is a photo of a hand drawn sketch would help. Here is some information about calculating basic force, speed and dimensions: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/faq/calculating-basic-linear-speed-and-forces.89/

    2. See 1, many of us have gone to worm drive motors like these, sometimes with different gear ratios, but there is a wide range of motors used and some people are still using wiper motors: http://www.motiondynamics.com.au/worm-drive-motor-12v-24v-200w-180-rpm-20nm-torque.html

    3. See the effect of angles on torque in the link provided, design influences rod angle but is also related to torque and speed.

    4. There are pros and cons to using winch motors, see here for further information: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/faq/dc-winch-motors-for-motion-simulators.151/

    5. The angle and hence length of the connecting rods are really a question of design based on consideration of the link in Q1, but here is a general guide: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/faq/shoulder-mount-rod-angles.149/

    6. Design, motor choice, rubber mounting feet, choice of materials, PSUs chosen and how fast the movements are will all have an effect on noise, I guess it depends on what you are aiming for. A well designed slow moving flight motion simulator using big worm gear motors will be pretty quite compared to a winch powered full frame running at 0.7 m/s and faster.

    7. I think you need to post a plan and far more detail for members to advise you properly, once you have considered the feedback provided. Have a good look through the FAQs as well, there is likely further information there you may find useful: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/faq/
    • Informative Informative x 1
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2015
  3. blazingfirefly

    blazingfirefly New Member

    Jun 2, 2015
    +2 / 0 / -0
    Thank you very much for your reply.
    Yes i intend to build a shoulder mount full frame simulator.
    The play seat which i want to use as the upper part of the construction, arrived today. :)
    I will try to sketch something out as soon as I have time, which will probably be in around 2 weeks (maybe sooner) since I have exams coming up.
    • Like Like x 1