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Tutorial 2-dof

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by ming, Jun 12, 2021.

  1. ming

    ming New Member

    Jun 12, 2021
    +1 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    • We have seen many production processes of g-force seats at home and abroad, but the higher the degree of freedom, the more expensive the price. Therefore, this is a series production process. Firstly establish the degree of freedom, use the principle of balance, and change the angle of the platform to produce a forward and backward posture, which is used to simulate the acceleration or various states of people in the car.
    • 71E17399-B126-4AB6-8CD7-C255960C75A6.jpeg D906A44B-0E19-4751-804B-6043B1A6990F.jpeg 6A448AE6-383F-4E82-BF52-6BE7AA0F8B44.jpeg
    The motor with 2 degrees of freedom adopts a fertilizer motor of 50w according to the recommendation and economic cost, and the two motors are placed at both ends. A universal joint is placed in the rear section to move. The motor has been placed, the universal joint has not come yet.
    The software part uses ard single-chip microcomputer, and uses the computer to burn into the program for use.
    The overall use of the bracket is a profile, and the base part has been built up, and the overall progress is planned to be completed in two months.
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    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2021