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Basic 2DOF desk racer (building log)

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by Joni, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. Joni

    Joni New Member

    Jun 17, 2015
    +0 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Hi everyone!

    I will be building 2dof desk racer and try to make a detailed project posting to hopefully help others too. My project will be going forward veery slowly but hopefully by the end of the year (2016) it will be ready and rocking. I will be asking alot and try to answer alot too :)

    I have been playing car simulators from Street Rod 2 and never really enjoyed racing. Now you are thinking "wait whaat?" but drifting is my therapy and something that I never got bored to do. Until I win lottery, I will have to settle with a simulation of it. That is actually the focus here too. To make it cheap. I am talking about around 300 euros (+/- 100e), which will propably mean I need to get lots of parts for free.

    As I said, my project will be 2dof desk racer where the motors will be mounted to front of the seat and only the seat will be moving. Seat will be Playseat Evolution with as little modding as possible. Motors will be some random 12v wipers from a wreck. Also I will be getting an u-joint from a friend. 4-point harness will be added too, I heard it gives a nice addition to immersion of G-forces!

    Key aspects (in order)

    Is there any drifters here? Is it worth it to build a motion simulator? What do I need to consider before starting to build?

    Thank you :)


    Some initial drawings
  2. noorbeast

    noorbeast VR Tassie Devil Staff Member Moderator Race Director

    Jul 13, 2014
    Innovative tech specialist for NGOs
    St Helens, Tasmania, Australia
    +10,909 / 54 / -2
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, JRK
    I will be looking forward to following your project progress.

    My eldest son is mad keen on drifting. If drifting is your thing you may want to consider traction loss, either as part of the build or as future upgrade, it would add a hell of a lot to the experience.

    I have a similarly designed compact simulator, which started out as 2DOF but got upgraded to 3DOF with heave: http://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/dx-racer-compact-simulator.5866/
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Blame73

    Blame73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2014
    +1,120 / 2 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform
    Hey @Joni welcome to the forum.
    Is always worth building a simulator!

    If you like drifting I'd suggest you evaluate also adding the 'traction loss', so a 2DOF + TL
    About your sketch: I'd go up to the shoulders and not to the base of the seat, especially with weak wiper motors

    EDIT: @noorbeast was faster than me
  4. Joni

    Joni New Member

    Jun 17, 2015
    +0 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Thanks for the fast replies :)

    I did not mention about traction loss because i thought its not that well suited with static wheel and shifter? After lots and lots of time thinking I decided to keep feet static and only the seat moving. And I got this feeling that this will be first of many builds :) Traction loss and more juicier motors will be added