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Basic questions for dummy in Actuators

Discussion in 'Motor actuators and drivers' started by OscarH, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. OscarH

    OscarH Member

    Jun 8, 2008
    Paris, France
    +9 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Hi Gentlemen,

    I have already spend a lot of time in reading this forum, but beyond many many usefull informations, I'm stuck in questionning myself of basic stuff : actuators...
    (I must admit my electronic background does not help much in mechanical domain. :blush: )

    I still have a couple of question in mind for a basic fligth/car simulator (like the ones designed by Tronic's or Tornado-blu):

    - What is the acceptable travel speed for actuator : 300 mm/s ? More ?
    - What is the lifting capacity (if I want to move let say 100kg, do I need 150, 200, 300 kg ?)
    - What is the reasonnable traveling range ?
    - What is the torque required (may not be adequate for a linear device !) or power needed ?

    I know this may depends on the ratio in between actuator and the final moving element (if you bring in some pulleys, gears or lever arms). Let assume this is for a one to one displacement (i.e moving me on my seat). I can convert as a fonction of the final setup.

    Thanks for the forum. Keep going on. And thanks to Tronics who gave me the virus of motion simulator.
  2. tronicgr


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hi OscarH,

    As you know on my Joyrider I use simple car windscreen wiper motors that are kind of slow and not so powerful! I measured speeds of 45-55 mm/s that are slow in some cases. I would prefer to have 100mm/s at least to be perfect for the joyrider.

    On lifting capabilities matters they are somehow weak but in a well balanced motion simulator, as joyrider is, they fit fine. The arrangement of joyrider doesn't require from the motor to lift the weight but push the mass around that is more easy.

    I have an effective range of +45 to -45 degrees to both axis, that are more than enough for a open cockpit like the joyrider. But I decide to cover it an convert in into a full enclosed cockpit I would recommend no more range from +20 to -20 degrees.

    I cannot help you on the torque matter as I never got the chance to measure my motors, but in a small test I made with a 25Kg spring balance attached on its axle arm, I broken its spring easily!

    I hope that I helped enough... :thbup:

    Best Regards, Thanos

    PS. From what I've seen so far, DC motors are great but often require a huge amount of energy to do the right job (many amperes), that why I seek for an affordable AC motor solution for our next generation of motion simulators!