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Question Can I adjust the motor operation angle?

Discussion in 'Motor actuators and drivers' started by kleskim, Oct 21, 2023.

  1. kleskim

    kleskim New Member Gold Contributor

    May 20, 2023
    - 74Coins
    +0 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, Arduino
    Hello, I have a question while making a 2DOF simulator with a motor.

    1. Is there a way to set the motor operation angle?
    In SMC3 and SIMTOOLS, the motor's crank arm operating angle is approximately +-60. But the motion angle I want is about +-15. Is there an option to adjust the motor operation angle in SIMTOOLS or SM3?

    2. When running in SMC3, the motor is at approximately 0 degrees, but when running in SIMTOOLS, the crank arm position of the motor is fixed to -angle MAX and operates from there.
    Same in Aceto Corsa - starting at angle MAX
    Is it possible to start the motor angle at 0 angle in SIMTOOL?

    3. When the angle of the left and right motors is wrong due to a malfunction, the crank arm fixed to the motor shaft is now disassembled, adjusted in position, and then reassembled. Is there a way to level the crank arms of the left and right motors through a program without reassembly?

    Below are the sample settings I am producing.

    1. Specifications
    24V TRUCK WINDSHIELD MOTOR X 2(almost 50W maybe....)
    400W PSU X 1

    2. SMC3 setting environment
    Kp= 400
    Ki = 0
    Kd = 0
    Ks =1

    Fpwm = 25
    PWMmin = 70
    PWMmax = 140
    PWMrev = 10
    Max Limits = 215
    Clip input = 245
  2. noorbeast

    noorbeast VR Tassie Devil Staff Member Moderator Race Director

    Jul 13, 2014
    Innovative tech specialist for NGOs
    St Helens, Tasmania, Australia
    +10,909 / 54 / -2
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, JRK
    SimTools has Axis Limiting but hardware limits should really be set in SMC3: https://www.xsimulator.net/communit...driver-and-windows-utilities.4957/#post-48121

    Clip Input Used to create a band at either limit of the target range beyond which any values sent to the SMC3 are clipped. In addition to this clipping, if the motor feedback does move beyond this range (typically through inertia), the SMC3 will attempt to brake the motors hard by driving them in reverse until they are back out of this limit zone. The value can be anything from 0-255 (however can’t be less than the current limit setting). Reverse braking is applied in the band between the Clip Input and the Max Limit settings. Reverse braking can be disabled - refer to PWMrev.

    Max Limits Used to create a band at either limit of the feedback range beyond which if the motors move (typically through inertia) the SMC3 will automatically shutdown the drivers and keep them disabled until reset. This is essentially a safety mechanism if something goes wrong. The value can be between 0-255 (however can’t be greater than the current clip setting).
