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Commercially-built but developmental hexapod VR flight at university

Discussion in 'Commercial Simulators and Peripherie' started by Markypops, Aug 27, 2024.

  1. Markypops

    Markypops New Member

    Aug 27, 2024
    +1 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Hi people
    We have a commercially-built but developmental hexapod VR flight sim at the University I teach at. There are hooks into the software that we can use, with the blessing of the manufacturer. I'm interested in getting good motion compensation for the VR (hopefully with openXR-motioncompensation) and motion cueing (hopefully with Flypt Mover), especially in a way that's intuitive for students to muck about with.

    I'm planning to start with X-Plane 12 but would like to explore using Condor 2 also for gliding.
    It looks like people have mentioned issues with vibration when using a controller fixed to the sim as a VR reference, especially with a buttkicker too which we might add, so I'm interested to see how that works vs using an output from Flypt or the sim's own software which will sanity check the inputs and control the drives.

    Flypt seems to offer lots of flexibility over filter choice in the motion cueing, which sounds really good. I hope that getting profiles and comms with X-Plane started won't be too tricky. I'm interested to explore using the X-Plane outputs related to acceleration in the cabin directly: are they any use, or do we use motion at the CoG and distance from their to the pilot?