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H-bridge PCB for motion simulator

Discussion in 'Marketspace - Marktplatz' started by momo194, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. momo194

    momo194 New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
    +0 / 0 / -0

    I am selling an H-bridge PCB.
    This comes from my own researches to make my Flight Simulator. It is now perfectly working for months.
    The Thanos H-bridge was not good for me hence the N-MOS and P-MOS were becoming burning hot after a short time.
    This was the reason I decided to make my own board.
    At the beginning I used the Thanos AMC board, but now, I also use my own command board.

    The main features are :

    - Compact, 2 motors H-bridge with 10 to 20khz PWM driving
    - High voltage and current capability (50V, 20A or more not tested) due to extra large tracks and 105µm copper thickness.
    - High reliability : profesionnal finish (FR4 material, solder mask, silkscreen)
    To be used with over designed IRFP2907 HExFET (those stay ice-cold after a long time of use).
    - Fully compatible with Thanos AMC (see pinout) or MOMO's command board.
    - Current sensing through shunt. To be connected to MOMO's command board or not connected.
    - Uses reliable Intersil HIP4081 drivers.
    - LED status : red and green for each motor to indicate CW or CCW operation
    - Easy maintenance : fully removable HEXFET (screw terminal block), fuse, HIP4081 drivers, 7408 AND gates chips.
    - Need a 5V and a 12V power (external) or from MOMO's command board.
    - Need a correctly sized main power for the motors (car battery or you own 300VA to 1000VA power source).

    This board can drive big motors (bigger than wipper motors).
    For example those are the kind of motor that I actually drive :


    Here below are some pictures of my Flight Simulator which uses the MOMO's H-bridge :


    Here below are some picture of the H-bridge.
    WARNING : I only sell the PCB, not the components. See notes below for further details.
    Some zones have been blurred to avoid copying and masking my name.


    The H-bridge pinout is the following :

    1 : M1IN1
    2 : M1IN2
    3 : PWM1
    4 : SHUNT+
    5 : SHUNT-
    6 : NC
    7 : GND (low power)
    8 : Vcc (+5V)
    9 : +12V
    10 : GND (high power)

    (The same for Motor 2)

    - M1IN1 and M1IN2 determine CW or CCW operation mode as this :

    High, Low : CCW (or CW)
    Low, High : CW (or CCW)
    Both low : stop
    Both High : not permitted

    - PWM1 determines motor speed

    - SHUNT+ and SHUNT- are inteded to be connected to an AOP to be amplified and read by an ADC. MOMO's command board will do the job.
    This feature allow you to make an automatic calibration process hence a current peak indicates that a stop has been reached.

    I only sell the PCB, not the components ! The price is Eur 70. There is 1 PCB left
    But if you are intersted, I can order the missing components (1 week delay) and ship them to you (price to be discussed)
    I already have (2X8 IRFP2907 and 2X2 HIP4081 drivers and some resistors for the base of 2 boards, price to be disccussed)
    The detailed parts list will be shipped with the board.
    I can also solder them for you (price to be discussed)
    Shipping not included, the board are now in Belgium (price to be discussed)
    Je parle également français. I also speak french.

    Do not hesitate to ask questions !
    Thanks in advance,

  2. hulusi

    hulusi New Member

    Sep 15, 2013
    +0 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    DC motor
    I want to buy this pcb. please give me your e-mail