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Hi there.

Discussion in 'New users start here - FAQ' started by PeskyD, Jun 18, 2024.

  1. PeskyD

    PeskyD New Member

    Jun 17, 2024
    +0 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Thanks for letting me join.

    My friend mentioned he wanted to build a racing sim. I didn't know much about them tbh. but I do enjoy racing. I only play console atm and Im a GT7 fan. Always enjoyed played racing games since the first consoles ever came out. I've never been competitive and always consider it fun. That said I do have a Thrustmaster and have had for a few years now. I recently bought the PSVR 2 and it really upgraded my experience. Now I want to build a sim-rig. (I also need a hobby :grin).

    I started thinking of a 3 dof but after watching Peacemakers rig I thought well, in for a penny... Turns out it's gonna be a few pounds :roll.. Never the less, it's gonna happen..

    I've got a couple of work friends I've commandeered to this project who are both very interested and want to help it happen. We're actually gonna build it at work. We'll be using Peacemakers actuator design with the same base. Apparently, my engineering friend wants to a make a couple of small changes but I'll update of any changes we make.

    We are at a very early stage atm. We need to make a start on the actuators. We're just deciding how we are gonna print the parts which we think is a priority. Outsourcing 6 sets of them is more costly than an actual printer. so now it's "which printer and who's buying it?" one of the friends is my boss. He has an old printer but it's been challenging to use. He's all of a sudden starting to consider upgrading it. That'll be nice if he does.

    Quick question if anyone got this far, what material should we use for printing?