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Joyrider with linear actuators

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Building Q&A / FAQ' started by diz, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. diz

    diz New Member

    Mar 3, 2009
    +0 / 0 / -0

    I'm building a sort of Joyrider clone out of aluminum (wanted a welding project). I still need to complete the foot rest/pedal area, and monitor mount, but am otherwise done with the non-powered moving parts.

    Questions, after reading a lot of stuff here:

    1. To me, it seems like linear actuators (like those from the buggies site/plans), or the scn5 I found here, would be easier to rig up than the 2DOF pulley system. Any reason people don't seem to have done that on the joyrider?

    2. Everything I see here is centered around electricity. By the time you buy all of the motors, power supplies, etc, it almost seems to me like you could go with two hydraulic rams and a single pump with a two valves. Am I way off base here?

  2. diz

    diz New Member

    Mar 3, 2009
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Here's what I'm working on, by the way.

    Attached Files:

  3. tronicgr


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hi diz,

    Nice frame there! Since you can weld yourself you could made an easier exit:


    About your questions:

    1. Ian's DIY actuator working principle is very close to the one I used on my joyrider expept that he added an extending rod. This kind of actuator needs a workshop to be made with access to expensive machinery. Not for home made laboratory... The SCN5 are too weak to drive the joyrider in IMHO. They can provide only 10kgf !!!

    2. Hydraulics are a little dangerous for home use. They can leak high pressure oil if malfunction... And proportional (analog) valves would be way too expensive to use comparing to the simple electronics we use for the DC motors!

    3. oups no three... :lol:

  4. diz

    diz New Member

    Mar 3, 2009
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Look at that, you stole my design! :)

    Yeah it's going to be tough to get in and out of the thing. And I think I made it too big. Thought it's fairly light, there's still more moving mass than necessary. We'll see what we can do in V2.

    I see your point about the hydraulics. Have not priced that stuff out, but clearly would not want an accident with oil at 2000psi in my basement.
