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Question Knauf's controller using FlyPT

Discussion in 'DIY peripherals' started by Alexandre Martel, Aug 14, 2024.

  1. Alexandre Martel

    Alexandre Martel New Member

    Nov 8, 2023
    +1 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Good day folks!
    First thread here... Feel free to let me know if I do anything wrong :roll

    I'm in the process of building a 6DOF motion sim which will be based on the DIY solution provided by our beloved friend Chris Knauf, whom I thank a lot for his design and contribution to this newly found and rather expensive hobby I've got going here. :grin

    Only thing right now I'm currently unsure about is the following assumptions:
    1. My understanding is this system/software is made to use Simtools output for standard linear actuators DOF motion, then convert them into rotary actuators DOF motion using the algorithm for stewart platforms which is built-in the arduino program loaded in the ESP32.
    2. I plan on using FlyPT, which I think can be set-up to output rotary encoder cues directly into the ESP. Am I right?
    If I decide to use Simtools, I'm pretty sure it's going to be straightforward, but if I want to go ahead with FlyPT, I'm assuming I'll have to make some changes in the arduino program to remove the algorithm conversion... Another option would be to output linear actuator cues from FlyPT and keep the software as-is... Other option would be to output from FlyPT thru Simtool, but then I might be introducing some lag... Am I?

    I really would like to use FlyPT mainly for VR motion compensation and also for its modular mindset.

    Let me know what you guys think and what you'd recommend. I'm quite used to tinkering with arduino programming but if there is an easier, straightforward solution, as long as it is robust and minimize lag, I'd be interested!

    Cheers from Quebec!