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Motion simulator project with 2 DOF

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by Danilo Silva, Feb 20, 2024.

  1. Danilo Silva

    Danilo Silva New Member

    Feb 16, 2024
    - 4Coins
    +0 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Hello everyone, I come here to share with you my project to build a motion simulator with 2 dof.

    I'm using for the circuit:

    Arduino one;

    2 24v motors with 82RPM;

    2 BTS7960B H-bridge modules

    2 hall sensors
    2 switched sources
    I'm basing myself on this project

    For the case I am using a plastic tool box with a lock.
    IMG_20240220_104534.jpg IMG_20240220_104546.jpg
    The electrical connections between external and internal will be with powercon speakon connectors
    I'm still designing the cockpit structure, trying to create a lightweight and adjustable structure design.

    Materials for the structure I only have:

    1 universal gear shift joint

    1 m8 threaded bar
    4 label terminals with M8 thread

    The project is still in development, there's still a lot to do, but I'm happy to be able to move forward.
    When I tested the motor with SMC3Utils, the motor stopped when turning the hall sensor in the same direction as the motor shaft and would no longer start. So I tested it by turning the sensor in the opposite direction of the motor shaft rotation and with that the motor started to change the direction of rotation, when I turned the hall sensor to the left the motor turned to the right, when I turned the sensor to the right the engine turned to the left, but at no time did the engine stop or shut down. I don't know if it's a problem, because in most of the projects I've seen here with you, the hall sensor is rotating in the same direction as the motor shaft. If anyone can give me a tip I would appreciate it.
    Should the hall sensor or potentiometer rotate in the same direction or can we use a gear rotating in opposite directions?

    Well, to update the project, I'll post it here with you....thanks

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