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My first 2DOF full frame 2 dof + traction loss

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by MRjIGGLES, Sep 10, 2023.


    MRjIGGLES New Member

    Sep 9, 2023
    +3 / 0 / -0
    I gonna show my first project here. I am a complete noob on simulator rigs, so i have a lot of questions. In the past i build some button boxes and sidepanels for FS22 with arduino's.


    My idea is to use a frame from an cheap standard sim rig, then weld some more parts on it. I saw someone did that here and i really like the idea. I have a tig-weld machine and get next week a 3d-printer.

    I want 3 motors, but i see now its really difficult to find new one for a good price. Shipping cost are insane, so if some-one have a good idea for finding some good one, for a good price...:thumbs. The suggested ones in the FAQ are no longer available. The only one I found on ali-express have only 4 till 10 nm of torque, or the heavy ones are insane in price.

    I am gonne use my Samsung Odysse 49 inch curved screen, with my Thrustmaster t300 wheel, Thrustmaster TH8a shifter. The Thrustmaster T-LCM pedals i dont have yet, i buy them later. I want the rig not to big, i think, total length max 2.00m, and 1.20 wide.
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    MRjIGGLES New Member

    Sep 9, 2023
    +3 / 0 / -0
    This the my setup I now use for ETS2 and FS22:


    Works fine with my headtracker, only the realisme is bad. First thing to do now is get a good sketch and plan, and gather some parts.
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