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Need Advice&Guidance Building FS2004 Cockpit

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Building Q&A / FAQ' started by DonCorleonez, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. DonCorleonez

    DonCorleonez Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    +15 / 0 / -0

    I am from indonesia. After watching tronicgr on youtube/thanos, it is really open my eyes :clap: in motion simulator. I am biggest fan of FS series, so i really thrilled :yippiee: when i know that someone/thanos had success built motion simulator for FS, which is in the past it was only dream for me and my fellow in FS indonesia community(yyy.indoflyer.net).
    Right know i really interested to build something like thanos did. I am not from electrical engineering, or mechanical engineering, i am from metallurgical engineering. But it is not endure my interest to build this motion simulator.
    I had read thread started by thanos, knoob21, brilvejr(CMIIW), and others similar thraed. But i am still confused, where i have to begin with my project.
    My motion simulator general spec:
    - Frame --> Joyrider --> can you give me details of construction??coz, i'll start by build this first.
    - I want to use wiper motor
    - I want to play it in FS series or if it is possible i want to use for racing aswell.

    After read knoob21 in step by step thanos project..i decided using POLOLU as motor driver. My question is in indonesia it's hard to find Dual VNH3SP30 Motor Driver Carrier MD03A..can you people suggesting another kinds of motor driver??or there is tutorial for build your own motor driver??my alternative is using VNH3SP30 Motor Driver Carrier MD03A i think is a single version of Dual VNH3SP30 Motor Driver Carrier MD03A..can it be my alternative by using two of this??

    Oya..i got an idea..what is chance using sewing machine motor instead of wiper motor??
    the specification of this motor is 120W 0.6 A 200/250V 50/60Hz is it possible using that motor??

    So people i really need your advice and guidance to help me brainstorme this idea..
    Especially in electronic, motor and software area.

    I dont have any idea about interface..maybe you people can give me some advice in DIY interface or any alternative interface..


    Indonesian Chair Pilot!!! 8)

    Can you explain to me yhe basic terms that is use in Motion Simulator, such as:
    -and any kinds of terms that is used especially in thanos work

    Attached Files:

  2. DonCorleonez

    DonCorleonez Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    +15 / 0 / -0
    i still can not stop watching Full Motion Sim on F16, Buzzing the Acropolis is really buzzed me up!!!
  3. DonCorleonez

    DonCorleonez Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    +15 / 0 / -0
    Thx sirnoname for your advice, i've added some photo including the driver motor, motor from sewing machine and the joyrider frame. :yippiee:
  4. knob2001

    knob2001 Member

    Dec 3, 2008
    Madrid, Spain
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hi DonCorleonez...

    With such a nick-name i'm a little scared if my help is not useful and i will wake up tomorrow with a horse head inside my bed!

    Anyway, be very welcomed to this fantastic journey called DIY TronicGr Joyrider... it will have some really hard moments, but on every step you complete you will have a very big self-esteem smile on your face.

    As i told on my topic, for me it was very-very-very usefull to read the AMC topic under hardware compatible forum. There is all the hardware stuff you must know about... along with all the weird words. Google is a big friend... the more you read about, the more you will be able to solve your problems. I tell you this becouse on DIY everybody ends doing thing different of the original, and then nobody than you will know to answer your questions... ;D

    What you need to know to just beging your sim:
    1. Joyrider: look here -> http://www.acesim.com/main.html
    You have to pay just 15$. It's worth of it, and you will have more than 30 pages with a lot of experience based knowledge.
    Be carefull to read Thanos site (and then read some of my post to see other ways to do the same... once you get the basic idea you will find another way me and everybody else here would never imagined), specially the advices about the PVC diameters.

    2. Then buid your AMC. This is the brain that will control the motors. The last version is 1.5 and is fully tested all over the forum. If it doesn't work at least you don't have to wonder if there's something wrong with the squematics. To build it there's a lot of pre-made parts list. It's not too complex but be really sure to check twice what you are ordering. The PCB... order to etching service, or do it by yourself... but check the dimensions when print it (100% zoom... and so). You will need a PC with Serial port, or buy a FT232R compatible USB to Serial adapter.

    3. Then build the H-BRIDGE. As i read on your post, you have decided the pololu... for me it was a matter of time. It's just 39$, and when i have time i will make the Thanos's one for sure, but right now with a little baby and full time work, i just want to see things moving. The differences between the pololu and the wonderfull thanos's h-bridge is the first one only controll 2 motors instead of 4. If you order a simple Pololu you will only control 1 axis. But... as i told you, if i had the time, i would made the Thanos's one.

    4. Install the software, program the AVR, calibrate, and play!!!!

    At least that is the path i'm following.

    About the motors, you will need something capable of hard movement. Look here, i think it's a very good place to start. On heavy loads, the motor can easely eat more than 15A (or even 25A), so you need something as big as a wipermotor. My motors are from a Nissan Almera. They are not very hard to find those on junk stores.

    And... last but not least, be patient, do things in a relax mood, and double check every step... because after all, your body will be inside that bunch of metal and pvc... :thbup:

    Regards, and good luck, some months ago, when i started my joyrider, i was at the same state you are right now: a lot of info talking about too much things.
  5. DonCorleonez

    DonCorleonez Member

    Mar 14, 2009
    +15 / 0 / -0
    Hi..knob2001..i just finished reading 4 pages full of information and inspiration from your thraed..
    yeah by reading your thread i also felt the same you did. Bit of lame..hehe..

    The biggest probs in building the H-bridge is because i am not sure here in jakarta, I could easily found any parts that is use by thanos.
    Btw, i also will try to build like thanos did.

    Oia, i have one questions.
    In order to make this motion simulation working, how much computer DO we need??Right know i thINK about 1 computer, FS and X-Sim work in same computer..CMIIW

    So, knob2001 is your tronicGR Joyrider is finished yet??i dont see any updates in your thread since feb.

    Btw. thx mate. This site is really warm for noobz like me..
  6. tronicgr


    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hi Oggie

    As Oscar said, you have to do a lot of study before starting gathering the materials and the electronic parts. You first need to learn how all these stuff do work. You could start by reading my AMC1.5 thread. On its first page there are the latest PCB board layouts and firmware that you can use.

    Although it may not look easy to build my h-bridge design (DSMhb1.2b) it is suggested. The commercial types motor controllers are too expensive or limited for what they give. I explain in my AMC thread the differences and the limitations of commercial motor controllers.

    For motors I'd suggest using car wiper motors because they are inexpensive, fully compatible with my electronics (AMC1.5+DSMhb1.2b) and fits perfectly on a balanced 2DOF motion cockpit as the joyrider. The sewing machine motors you mention are AC motors that need special AC motion controller to be used (really expensive).

    Don't be disappointed by the tons of information around my project. Its better that no information at all!!! :brows:

    Best Regards, Thanos