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New 2DOF flight sim project......

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by jrmig, May 15, 2010.

  1. jrmig

    jrmig New Member

    May 12, 2010
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hi there,

    I am new to this site- and very enthusiastic about building a simple 2DOF (with provisions for yaw)- flight simulator.

    A little about me:

    I am an avid military aviation enthusiast (particularly Cold-War Russian aircraft.) Other than aviation, my interests are building/modding custom audio equipment- and playing my drums. I am an industrial controls specialist- I hold a BS in ECET from Purdue University- and several industrial automation certificates from Fanuc Robotics, Rockwell Automation, and Siemens.

    With that being said, I have to completely agree with tronicgr's approach to achieving 2DOF. It makes total sense to have an outboard microcontroller handle as much computation as possible- and leave the PC to simply run the simulation. With that being said, I am going to stick with what works- and the AMC board appears to work very well.

    Hopefully, all of you following this thread will learn something new- or perhaps get some ideas for your own project.

    Here are my requirements:

    -Small footprint At least as small if not smaller than a joyrider

    -Relatively quick acceleration for movements I am not concerned with the software's ability to handle this- I am more worried about the motors and power supply being able to source enough current and commensurable torque to handle-this for a range of different body types.

    -Relatively low-cost. I've seen some turnkey systems as high as $30,000 USD- so I guess that's my benchmark!!

    -Ergonomics exactly like those found in the F-16 cockpit. No, I am not into replicating every button, switch, and dial, I just want to be able to feel like what I've heard most pilots describe; It feels like I'm riding on-top of it, instead of sitting in it.

    -In parallel with the previous sentence, I would like to use VR goggles along with an IR head tracker- so that all that I am going to need to replicate is the pilots' seating position, and controls layout. I'll let the software handle the rest.

    -I would like to realize a full 45 degree pitch and bank with this project as well.

    Thanks for looking- and stay tuned for photos/regular updates..