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Pot signal becomes erratic when power is supplied to drivers

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by Josh Latka, Jan 31, 2025 at 22:12.

  1. Josh Latka

    Josh Latka New Member

    +0 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    I’ve been working on my 2 dof rig and trying to test the motors and drivers
    I’m using 2 ibt2 with adruino uno r3 and 2 1500wat 24v psu
    When I start smc everything is as it should be. Pot signals are solid lines.
    When I supply power to the motors the pot signals become slightly noisy and do not produce a solid line when left in position.
    When changing the settings to test motor movement (motors move correctly) the erratic signal makes the motors oscillate back and forth with very small movements when the pot is recentered as they are moving to the unstable signal of the pot.
    When I turn the power off to the motors the pot signal becomes stable and solid.
    I’ve tried adjusting all the settings in smc to reduce this affect with limited success.
    I can reduce the noise to a point but it only effects the motor movement and doesn’t completely eliminate the noise and effect and the pot signal stays noisy constantly until the psu are powered off
  2. Joe Cortexian

    Joe Cortexian Member Gold Contributor

    Sep 8, 2021
    +19 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Sounds like noise. Did the pots cost more than 25 cents? Are the wires to the pots anywhere near the motor wires? Are they routed near the motors?
  3. Josh Latka

    Josh Latka New Member

    +0 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    They are cheap basic pots, 10 for like $10
    I have solved the problem by adding a 10nF ceramic capacitor to the pots ground and wiper poles. This stopped the erratic motor motion but the signal was still slightly noisy from a lack of shielding
    I shielded the pot and bit of wires extending out of the casing with electrical tape and noise cleared up
    I also noticed the pots where picking up signals when being touched is what led me to try it and it fixed the issue
  4. Joe Cortexian

    Joe Cortexian Member Gold Contributor

    Sep 8, 2021
    +19 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Great! I actually have a low pass filter on my inputs mostly because I use a Hall Effect transducer which outputs a PWM signal but also because it lets me be lazy about the wiring.

    A low pass filter also has a resister in addition to the cap. The values are hardly relevant since you only care about a very low frequency.