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Question preset load and gain for belt tension ?

Discussion in 'Electronic and hardware generally' started by harrie, Mar 19, 2024.

  1. harrie

    harrie Member

    Oct 1, 2022
    +20 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Arduino, 4DOF
    i did make lebois seat belt tensior with the 24 volt dc motor . i got 2 arduinos driving for now 5 motors . seat belt is onto arduino nr 2 axis 2b with a potmeter 10 k . working nice but would like to ad the function for preload and gain settings ore a switch for of/on . i got a arduino sketch but it is for servo motors .
    what i wanting to do
    1 . preload setting to adjust the start position of the tension with a potmeter
    2 . gain setting to adjust when playing . the force that is pulled with a potmeter adjustable when playing in game
    3 . switch to turn of/on the complete tension motion .
    4. how to set this up? adding a nr3 arduino card ? with a skech onto it only for belt tension ? is it possible in simtools to setup a motion gain with a potmeter/ remote keyboard keys ? . turnig in game playing a potmeter/keyboardkey so all axis motion gain are getting more ore less ?

    i got lebois arduino seatbelt tension skech but it is for servo motors ? flypt setup ? could this make working for simtools setup ? lebois smartbox for belt

    // Licence CC BY NC SA
    // www.lebois-racing.fr/en
    // Use native USB

    //#define EcoMode //The servo driver will be turned down when their is no torque to apply.

    #define NATIVEUSBPORT //it's not reliable when using the programming port

    int TorqueTarget = 0;
    int gain = 4095;
    int preload = 1;

    int EnablePin = A0;

    void setup() {
    pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(6, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(3, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(6, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(7, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(12, LOW);
    digitalWrite(13, LOW);
    delay(3000); //safetys delay to flash the board

    SerialUSB.begin(115200); //To communicate with FlyPT. In FlyPT, put that number in "Serial speed".

    analogWriteResolution(12); //if you have an error here, it's because you didn't select the right Arduino
    pinMode(DAC0, OUTPUT); //to avoid wiring problems, both pins are used
    pinMode(DAC1, OUTPUT);
    analogWrite(DAC0, 0);
    analogWrite(DAC1, 0);
    digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

    void loop() {

    int target = min(preload + TorqueTarget * gain / 4095, 4095);

    #ifdef EcoMode
    if (TorqueTarget == 0 && gain == 0) {
    } else {
    #ifdef PotentiometerMode
    analogWrite(DAC0, target);
    analogWrite(DAC1, target);
    analogWrite(DAC0, target);
    analogWrite(DAC1, target);
    analogWrite(DAC0, target);
    analogWrite(DAC1, target);

    void SerialReaderB() {
    int rawValue = 0;
    while (SerialUSB.available()) { //To communicate with FlyPT. In FlyPT, put that number in "Serial speed".
    char incomingChar = SerialUSB.read();

    if (incomingChar == 'A') {
    } else if (incomingChar == 'B') {
    if (SerialUSB.available() >= 2) {
    uint8_t valueMSB = SerialUSB.read();
    uint8_t valueLSB = SerialUSB.read();
    TorqueTarget = (uint16_t)valueMSB << 8 | (uint16_t)valueLSB;
    } else if (incomingChar == 'C') {

    void enableServo() {
    digitalWrite(EnablePin, LOW);
    void disableServo() {
    digitalWrite(EnablePin, HIGH);
    analogWrite(DAC0, 0);
    analogWrite(DAC1, 0);