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Roll/Pitch vector to yaw/pitch/roll

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by vthinsel, Oct 3, 2016.

  1. vthinsel

    vthinsel Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2015
    +565 / 2 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Arduino, 4DOF
    Hello !

    I'm struggling with mathematics... I should been more focused at school I guess..... :confused:
    Codemasters game give world vector for roll and pitch (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UTgeE7vbnGIzDz-URRk2eBIPc_LR1vWcZklp7xD9N0Y/edit?usp=sharing)
    From that I can calculate yaw vector . So far, so good. Now, I need to turn this into yaw pitch and roll in degrees/rad. I tried to apply this : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/...rix-to-euler-tait-bryan-angles-pitch-yaw-roll
    But it doesn't give expected results. roll/pitch do not move correctly when steering or accelerating/braking.
    Do I have to transform the roll/pitch/yaw vectors to something else before I apply the euler transformation ?

    One raw/pitch/yaw will be OK, I'll then move on heave/sway/surge. Playing with derivatives should do the job (event if we already have m_gforce_lat and m_gforce_lon)

    Goal is to make a generic Codemasters UDP plugin.

    Thanks for your lights !
  2. vthinsel

    vthinsel Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2015
    +565 / 2 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Arduino, 4DOF
    Up :)

    I got F1 2016 on PS4, and UDP telemetry looks good. At least, it seems to follow the codemasters spec. I can attach the raw file, to be used with my python tools.
    I'am able to extract roll and pitch vector (as well as GForceLon and GForceLat)

    Roll(0) = BitConverter.ToSingle(UDPBytes, 44)
    Roll(1) = BitConverter.ToSingle(UDPBytes, 48)
    Roll(2) = BitConverter.ToSingle(UDPBytes, 52)
    Pitch(0) = BitConverter.ToSingle(UDPBytes, 56)
    Pitch(1) = BitConverter.ToSingle(UDPBytes, 60)
    Pitch(2) = BitConverter.ToSingle(UDPBytes, 64)

    From that, I calculate yaw vector :
    Yaw(0) = Pitch(1) * Roll(2) - Pitch(2) * Roll(1)
    Yaw(1) = Pitch(2) * Roll(0) - Pitch(0) * Roll(2)
    Yaw(2) = Pitch(0) * Roll(1) - Pitch(1) * Roll(0)

    But now, I'm a bit stuck to compute the needed yaw/pitch/roll value expected by simtools ? Could someone shed some light ? I'm really really bad at math / trigo

    Hopefully, codemasters will activate UDP on dirt as well... the generic UDP codemasters plugin is on its way :)
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2016