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Some questions regarding DIY ffb steering wheel

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Building Q&A / FAQ' started by PsychePone, Aug 11, 2023.

  1. PsychePone

    PsychePone New Member

    Aug 11, 2023
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Hello! This forum so far was a great help finding info about building DIY steering wheel, but I still have some questions that I couldn't find answers to. I intend to change this into a tutorial in the future.

    The idea:
    So I want to build reeeeeeeeeally cheap sim wheel with 900* of rotation and FFB. After looking at some videos and prices, I decided to use dual 775 motors and stm32.

    The question:

    So, there are few things that I don't really understand.
    - Will two bts7969 be enough? I think I saw that some people use 2 per motor, but I might be mistaken
    - I need some help regarding wiring dual motors with STM
    - again wiring... I saw that some people have STM attached to some bigger green board. Not sure what it is and what it does. Any info would be appreciated.

    Parts list: (so far)

    2x 12v 775 150w motor
    STM32 board
    Cheap LED 12v 300w driver
    2x BTS7960 motor driver