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.yef file and ingore list editing explained further?

Discussion in 'Yoda - ForceFeedback Scanner' started by kjg71, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. kjg71

    kjg71 New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
    Toledo, Ohio - USA
    +0 / 0 / -0
    I am having some success in making the yoda export file (using 2.0), but do not understand the concept of the The ignore list.

    The documentation sais it is to list the redetection values of a force feedback effect, which I understand represents all the values of one single effect. Apparently each effect has all the same 40 values?

    The documentation states that some game programmers will create the effects with different starting values, which I interpret as an effect just having different values from game to game. Example: Magnitude could start at 100 where 100 reprents 0 or no magnitude - while another game may have 0 for its start value. Assumming I am understanding this right, what is the reason to ignore some selected values (checked them in the list) in hopes of reducing the precision detection of an effect? Do you not mean reducing the value to increase precision detection of an effect?

    Also, the documentation states to use the windows editor for editing the .yef file values. This almost sounds like your talking about something other then the ignore list? Where can you change the values themself?....or are you meaning in the profiler math section after the export file is correctly sent?

    I had success exporting my .yef file only once in the couple hours I played with it so have not been able to get yoda to the profiler successfully on a consitant basis. This is another topic that I may play with a little more before creating a tread for help. Right now just want to understand the .yef file creation and ignore list editing ability from start to finish so I at least know I have mastered that step. I would then know I am not making any mistakes there.

  2. kjg71

    kjg71 New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
    Toledo, Ohio - USA
    +0 / 0 / -0
    Thanks for your reply!

    I will try to post questions based on your comment one at a time so I can understand it better.

    I could not agree more with your comment

    I will add some insight into what I was doing. I was running yoda with GT legends in hopes to capture curb/off the track and collision data. I know collision identification can come from the plugin and and math, but yoda was picking it very accurately as far it has occured or not (not focusing on G-s resulting from the bump or collision at this point)So want to use FF. Will need it anyway for Super Bike 2001.

    I have identified both the effects I want from yoda and it was pretty simple and consistant after a couple passes. The 1st quest I have is not so much how it works, but why the ignore list?

    The answer above I think explained what yoda is doing. I think I got and have successfully Identified the effects I want. However, when I go into each and pull up the ingore list, there seems to be 40 parameters for each effect.

    The manual shows an example where a constant force of magnitude is identified as the effect a users wants. The next screen shot shows the ignore list with 40 options (variations of a constant force effect) with magnitude checked.


    Is this to mean it needs to be checked here to send to the profilier? or at least checked to always use the value to compensate for inaccurate detecting in some games?

    I noticed you mention some games may play a real in-game effect right after the FF effect and it can confuse or cause a miss detect...so in a sense, I am interpreting the ignore list as a way to say use this value no matter what?

  3. kjg71

    kjg71 New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
    Toledo, Ohio - USA
    +0 / 0 / -0
    I will expand your comment as how I understand it. This is all good information!!!

    I may have added a word or two to your quotes just so I have clear....don't mean to mis quote you though :)

    Got it..understood

    Got it..understood

    understood, but will elaborate...see below

    to understand this better, I starting writing some documentation for me that would eventually be shared here or in the wiki. I think it best to see how right I am on the concept and whether or not this explains the ingore list and what a checkbox means and does. Alot of this comes from you are saying

    Dealing with FF effects that are inconsistant

    Some effects may change their starting value from game to game, because the game programmer is outputing a real ingame value imediately after the force feedback effect is initalized. This changing of values can be ignored within the .yef file so that it will use only the effect's occurance instead. This will allow for the redetection of this effect to be more consistant by not comparing values. If a yoda file did not redetect an effect you had specified in the .yef file, you must then check the effect in the effect's ignore list to ignore the size of the effect and just detect the occurance.

    You can figure out which effects you need to ignore by storing/saving two exports of the file and comparing which values that are different by opening the .yef files in a text editor or a differencing text tool like winmerge.


    Here you can compare the start values that are stored for differences. Save one file with comments of what effect is changing and the other as it is. Load the as is file into yoda and attached an ignore entry for the effects that were different (use your commented version of the file opened in another window or keep winmerge open). The .yef files will store the first contact values of an effect and the ignore list.

    Whenever the effect is encountered, it will now render that effect using the value set in your .yef file and use ignore flags as well.This will solve most redetecting issues that may be happening.

    so how's that? ....Is it fairly accurate or close?

    Thanks for your replys
  4. kjg71

    kjg71 New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
    Toledo, Ohio - USA
    +0 / 0 / -0
    yea...I meant to say on game initiation. I like the term you use better

    gamestart / racestart

    that is a good way to say it :yes:

    I think I have experienced the counting of more then 2 effects during redection I have to play around with it more to get a handle but I understand. I think it is getting there.

    Now I need to have sucess sending to profiler as it is not consistant for me. actually I only got it to go over only once.

    here is what I do

    1. open yoda2
    2. doing export load list and selecting the .yef file
    3. network enable not checked cause using same machine
    4. open sender and making sure activate Yoda FF scanner is checked
    5 set yoda export file in sender (.yef file)
    5. open profiler and scroll so I can see yellow areas that represent FF forces being sent
    6. hit play game on sender..may launch game if set they way
    7 watch for values to come through

    sound about right?

    pretty much what I am doing but I'll try again tonight.

    Thanks for your help!!!!
  5. bsft


    +0 / 0 / -0
    This is an old thread, but I have found this

    I would like to inform you that version 1.0 of Yoda does work
    under Windows XP 32 bit. So I was able to get a file from a game.
    However, I have found out that version 1.8 of x-sim only have the facility
    to be able to get the yoda file to x-sim.
    I have found that 2.089 and 2.1013 does not have this facility.
    Is there a way to find the hex address from the yoda file information so as
    I can transfer this address to injector? As I cannot seem to get the yoda
    file to be read by x-sim.
  6. bsft


    +0 / 0 / -0
    being ignored am i?
  7. bsft


    +0 / 0 / -0