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Elite Dangerous Horizons/Odyssey Plugin (XML edition) 19.03 update

Elite Dangerous Horizons/Odyssey

  1. Elite Dangerous Horizons Plugin (XML edition)

    Genre: Space Simulator
    Motion data:
    This plugin provides pitch, roll, yaw,speed, surge, sway and heave acceleration (SPACESHIP)

    This plugin provides pitch, roll and accelerations for yaw, surge, sway and heave. also Extra 1 Roll and Extra 2 Pitch (SRV)

    Differences from the others plugin available:
    -External configuration file (XML) for updating the pointer and other settings.
    -Plugin give faster output values compared to other plugin (from my own testing) helping eliminating possible "stuttering" movements.

    The plugin is configurable via an XML file (within the plugin folder) allowing you to:

    -Manually change the pointer without recompiling the plugin
    -Option to change the SRV DOF to reverse
    -Changing the % of force
    -Option to change the SRV Roll & Pitch from the Extra1-2 to the normal Roll / Pitch. (a force change to around 3 % is recommended for the SRV Roll & Pitch)

    This plugin works with the current version of Elite Dangerous: Horizons

    -New pointers
    -Removed the requirement for admin rights. (Be sure you use latest Simtools)

    Special instructions: As usual, you have to repatch, patching does NOT require admin rights anymore.

    DashApp Data:

    Author: Wagnard
    Based on the work of : value1, SilentChill
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