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Codemasters F1 2017 plugin

SimTools plugin for Codemasters F1 2017

  1. Sarge

    Sarge Active Member Gold Contributor

    Aug 11, 2016
    - 181Coins
    +64 / 0 / -0
    F1 2018 has a 'legacy' setting in game. If you switch this on, and change the name of the .exe to F1 2017, it might work with Simtools via the F1 2017 plugin. I have not bought it yet, so I haven't tested the final game. This method might be worth trying for now, until a plugin surfaces.
  2. Sarge

    Sarge Active Member Gold Contributor

    Aug 11, 2016
    - 181Coins
    +64 / 0 / -0
    While I'm at it;

    Sorry for the stupidly long post;

    Below is the UDP data specification from Codemasters themselves for F12018;

    The F1 series of games support the outputting of key game data via a UDP data stream. This data can be interpreted by external apps or connected peripherals for a range of different uses, including providing additional telemetry information, customised HUD displays, motion platform hardware support or providing force feedback data for custom steering wheels. The following information is a summary of the data that is outputted so that developers of supporting hardware or software are able to configure these to work with the F1 game correctly. If the information you require is not contained here, or if you have any issues with the UDP data itself, then please let us know and a member of the dev team will respond to your query as soon as possible.

      The main change for 2018 is the introduction of multiple packet types: each packet can now carry different types of data rather than having one packet which contains everything. A header has been added to each packet as well so that versioning can be tracked and it will be easier for applications to check they are interpreting the incoming data in the correct way.

      Each packet has the following header:

      struct PacketHeader
      uint16 m_packetFormat; // 2018
      uint8 m_packetVersion; // Version of this packet type, all start from 1
      uint8 m_packetId; // Identifier for the packet type, see below
      uint64 m_sessionUID; // Unique identifier for the session
      float m_sessionTime; // Session timestamp
      uint m_frameIdentifier; // Identifier for the frame the data was retrieved on
      uint8 m_playerCarIndex; // Index of player's car in the array


      The motion packet gives physics data for all the cars being driven. There is additional data for the car being driven with the goal of being able to drive a motion platform setup.

      N.B. For the normalised vectors below, to convert to float values divide by 32767.0f. 16-bit signed values are used to pack the data and on the assumption that direction values are always between -1.0f and 1.0f.

      Frequency: Rate as specified in menus

      Size: 1341 bytes

      struct CarMotionData
      float m_worldPositionX; // World space X position
      float m_worldPositionY; // World space Y position
      float m_worldPositionZ; // World space Z position
      float m_worldVelocityX; // Velocity in world space X
      float m_worldVelocityY; // Velocity in world space Y
      float m_worldVelocityZ; // Velocity in world space Z
      int16 m_worldForwardDirX; // World space forward X direction (normalised)
      int16 m_worldForwardDirY; // World space forward Y direction (normalised)
      int16 m_worldForwardDirZ; // World space forward Z direction (normalised)
      int16 m_worldRightDirX; // World space right X direction (normalised)
      int16 m_worldRightDirY; // World space right Y direction (normalised)
      int16 m_worldRightDirZ; // World space right Z direction (normalised)
      float m_gForceLateral; // Lateral G-Force component
      float m_gForceLongitudinal; // Longitudinal G-Force component
      float m_gForceVertical; // Vertical G-Force component
      float m_yaw; // Yaw angle in radians
      float m_pitch; // Pitch angle in radians
      float m_roll; // Roll angle in radians
      struct PacketMotionData
      PacketHeader m_header; // Header

      CarMotionData m_carMotionData[20]; // Data for all cars on track

      // Extra player car ONLY data
      float m_suspensionPosition[4]; // Note: All wheel arrays have the following order:
      float m_suspensionVelocity[4]; // RL, RR, FL, FR
      float m_suspensionAcceleration[4]; // RL, RR, FL, FR
      float m_wheelSpeed[4]; // Speed of each wheel
      float m_wheelSlip[4]; // Slip ratio for each wheel
      float m_localVelocityX; // Velocity in local space
      float m_localVelocityY; // Velocity in local space
      float m_localVelocityZ; // Velocity in local space
      float m_angularVelocityX; // Angular velocity x-component
      float m_angularVelocityY; // Angular velocity y-component
      float m_angularVelocityZ; // Angular velocity z-component
      float m_angularAccelerationX; // Angular velocity x-component
      float m_angularAccelerationY; // Angular velocity y-component
      float m_angularAccelerationZ; // Angular velocity z-component
      float m_frontWheelsAngle; // Current front wheels angle in radians

      The session packet includes details about the current session in progress.

      Frequency: 2 per second

      Size: 147 bytes

      struct MarshalZone
      float m_zoneStart; // Fraction (0..1) of way through the lap the marshal zone starts
      int8 m_zoneFlag; // -1 = invalid/unknown, 0 = none, 1 = green, 2 = blue, 3 = yellow, 4 = red
      struct PacketSessionData
      PacketHeader m_header; // Header

      uint8 m_weather; // Weather - 0 = clear, 1 = light cloud, 2 = overcast
      // 3 = light rain, 4 = heavy rain, 5 = storm
      int8 m_trackTemperature; // Track temp. in degrees celsius
      int8 m_airTemperature; // Air temp. in degrees celsius
      uint8 m_totalLaps; // Total number of laps in this race
      uint16 m_trackLength; // Track length in metres
      uint8 m_sessionType; // 0 = unknown, 1 = P1, 2 = P2, 3 = P3, 4 = Short P
      // 5 = Q1, 6 = Q2, 7 = Q3, 8 = Short Q, 9 = OSQ
      // 10 = R, 11 = R2, 12 = Time Trial
      int8 m_trackId; // -1 for unknown, 0-21 for tracks, see appendix
      uint8 m_era; // Era, 0 = modern, 1 = classic
      uint16 m_sessionTimeLeft; // Time left in session in seconds
      uint16 m_sessionDuration; // Session duration in seconds
      uint8 m_pitSpeedLimit; // Pit speed limit in kilometres per hour
      uint8 m_gamePaused; // Whether the game is paused
      uint8 m_isSpectating; // Whether the player is spectating
      uint8 m_spectatorCarIndex; // Index of the car being spectated
      uint8 m_sliProNativeSupport; // SLI Pro support, 0 = inactive, 1 = active
      uint8 m_numMarshalZones; // Number of marshal zones to follow
      MarshalZone m_marshalZones[21]; // List of marshal zones – max 21
      uint8 m_safetyCarStatus; // 0 = no safety car, 1 = full safety car
      // 2 = virtual safety car
      unint8 m_networkGame; // 0 = offline, 1 = online

      The lap data packet gives details of all the cars in the session.

      Frequency: Rate as specified in menus

      Size: 841 bytes

      struct LapData
      float m_lastLapTime; // Last lap time in seconds
      float m_currentLapTime; // Current time around the lap in seconds
      float m_bestLapTime; // Best lap time of the session in seconds
      float m_sector1Time; // Sector 1 time in seconds
      float m_sector2Time; // Sector 2 time in seconds
      float m_lapDistance; // Distance vehicle is around current lap in metres – could
      // be negative if line hasn’t been crossed yet
      float m_totalDistance; // Total distance travelled in session in metres – could
      // be negative if line hasn’t been crossed yet
      float m_safetyCarDelta; // Delta in seconds for safety car
      uint8 m_carPosition; // Car race position
      uint8 m_currentLapNum; // Current lap number
      uint8 m_pitStatus; // 0 = none, 1 = pitting, 2 = in pit area
      uint8 m_sector; // 0 = sector1, 1 = sector2, 2 = sector3
      uint8 m_currentLapInvalid; // Current lap invalid - 0 = valid, 1 = invalid
      uint8 m_penalties; // Accumulated time penalties in seconds to be added
      uint8 m_gridPosition; // Grid position the vehicle started the race in
      uint8 m_driverStatus; // Status of driver - 0 = in garage, 1 = flying lap
      // 2 = in lap, 3 = out lap, 4 = on track
      uint8 m_resultStatus; // Result status - 0 = invalid, 1 = inactive, 2 = active
      // 3 = finished, 4 = disqualified, 5 = not classified
      // 6 = retired
      struct PacketLapData
      PacketHeader m_header; // Header

      LapData m_lapData[20]; // Lap data for all cars on track

      This packet gives details of events that happen during the course of the race.

      Frequency: When the event occurs

      Size: 25 bytes

      struct PacketEventData
      PacketHeader m_header; // Header

      uint8 m_eventStringCode[4]; // Event string code, see above

      This is a list of participants in the race. If the vehicle is controlled by AI, then the name will be the driver name. If this is a multiplayer game, the names will be the Steam Id on PC, or the LAN name if appropriate. On Xbox One, the names will always be the driver name, on PS4 the name will be the LAN name if playing a LAN game, otherwise it will be the driver name.

      Frequency: Every 5 seconds

      Size: 1082 bytes

      struct ParticipantData
      uint8 m_aiControlled; // Whether the vehicle is AI (1) or Human (0) controlled
      uint8 m_driverId; // Driver id - see appendix
      uint8 m_teamId; // Team id - see appendix
      uint8 m_raceNumber; // Race number of the car
      uint8 m_nationality; // Nationality of the driver
      char m_name[48]; // Name of participant in UTF-8 format – null terminated
      // Will be truncated with … (U+2026) if too long
      struct PacketParticipantsData
      PacketHeader m_header; // Header

      uint8 m_numCars; // Number of cars in the data
      ParticipantData m_participants[20];

      This packet details the car setups for each vehicle in the session. Note that in multiplayer games, other player cars will appear as blank, you will only be able to see your car setup and AI cars.

      Frequency: Every 5 seconds

      Size: 841 bytes

      struct CarSetupData
      uint8 m_frontWing; // Front wing aero
      uint8 m_rearWing; // Rear wing aero
      uint8 m_onThrottle; // Differential adjustment on throttle (percentage)
      uint8 m_offThrottle; // Differential adjustment off throttle (percentage)
      float m_frontCamber; // Front camber angle (suspension geometry)
      float m_rearCamber; // Rear camber angle (suspension geometry)
      float m_frontToe; // Front toe angle (suspension geometry)
      float m_rearToe; // Rear toe angle (suspension geometry)
      uint8 m_frontSuspension; // Front suspension
      uint8 m_rearSuspension; // Rear suspension
      uint8 m_frontAntiRollBar; // Front anti-roll bar
      uint8 m_rearAntiRollBar; // Front anti-roll bar
      uint8 m_frontSuspensionHeight; // Front ride height
      uint8 m_rearSuspensionHeight; // Rear ride height
      uint8 m_brakePressure; // Brake pressure (percentage)
      uint8 m_brakeBias; // Brake bias (percentage)
      float m_frontTyrePressure; // Front tyre pressure (PSI)
      float m_rearTyrePressure; // Rear tyre pressure (PSI)
      uint8 m_ballast; // Ballast
      float m_fuelLoad; // Fuel load
      struct PacketCarSetupData
      PacketHeader m_header; // Header

      CarSetupData m_carSetups[20];

      This packet details telemetry for all the cars in the race. It details various values that would be recorded on the car such as speed, throttle application, DRS etc.

      Frequency: Rate as specified in menus

      Size: 1085 bytes

      struct CarTelemetryData
      uint16 m_speed; // Speed of car in kilometres per hour
      uint8 m_throttle; // Amount of throttle applied (0 to 100)
      int8 m_steer; // Steering (-100 (full lock left) to 100 (full lock right))
      uint8 m_brake; // Amount of brake applied (0 to 100)
      uint8 m_clutch; // Amount of clutch applied (0 to 100)
      int8 m_gear; // Gear selected (1-8, N=0, R=-1)
      uint16 m_engineRPM; // Engine RPM
      uint8 m_drs; // 0 = off, 1 = on
      uint8 m_revLightsPercent; // Rev lights indicator (percentage)
      uint16 m_brakesTemperature[4]; // Brakes temperature (celsius)
      uint16 m_tyresSurfaceTemperature[4]; // Tyres surface temperature (celsius)
      uint16 m_tyresInnerTemperature[4]; // Tyres inner temperature (celsius)
      uint16 m_engineTemperature; // Engine temperature (celsius)
      float m_tyresPressure[4]; // Tyres pressure (PSI)
      struct PacketCarTelemetryData
      PacketHeader m_header; // Header

      CarTelemetryData m_carTelemetryData[20];

      uint32 m_buttonStatus; // Bit flags specifying which buttons are being
      // pressed currently - see appendices

      This packet details car statuses for all the cars in the race. It includes values such as the damage readings on the car.

      Frequency: 2 per second

      Size: 1061 bytes

      struct CarStatusData
      uint8 m_tractionControl; // 0 (off) - 2 (high)
      uint8 m_antiLockBrakes; // 0 (off) - 1 (on)
      uint8 m_fuelMix; // Fuel mix - 0 = lean, 1 = standard, 2 = rich, 3 = max
      uint8 m_frontBrakeBias; // Front brake bias (percentage)
      uint8 m_pitLimiterStatus; // Pit limiter status - 0 = off, 1 = on
      float m_fuelInTank; // Current fuel mass
      float m_fuelCapacity; // Fuel capacity
      uint16 m_maxRPM; // Cars max RPM, point of rev limiter
      uint16 m_idleRPM; // Cars idle RPM
      uint8 m_maxGears; // Maximum number of gears
      uint8 m_drsAllowed; // 0 = not allowed, 1 = allowed, -1 = unknown
      uint8 m_tyresWear[4]; // Tyre wear percentage
      uint8 m_tyreCompound; // Modern - 0 = hyper soft, 1 = ultra soft
      // 2 = super soft, 3 = soft, 4 = medium, 5 = hard
      // 6 = super hard, 7 = inter, 8 = wet
      // Classic - 0-6 = dry, 7-8 = wet
      uint8 m_tyresDamage[4]; // Tyre damage (percentage)
      uint8 m_frontLeftWingDamage; // Front left wing damage (percentage)
      uint8 m_frontRightWingDamage; // Front right wing damage (percentage)
      uint8 m_rearWingDamage; // Rear wing damage (percentage)
      uint8 m_engineDamage; // Engine damage (percentage)
      uint8 m_gearBoxDamage; // Gear box damage (percentage)
      uint8 m_exhaustDamage; // Exhaust damage (percentage)
      int8 m_vehicleFiaFlags; // -1 = invalid/unknown, 0 = none, 1 = green
      // 2 = blue, 3 = yellow, 4 = red
      float m_ersStoreEnergy; // ERS energy store in Joules
      uint8 m_ersDeployMode; // ERS deployment mode, 0 = none, 1 = low, 2 = medium
      // 3 = high, 4 = overtake, 5 = hotlap
      float m_ersHarvestedThisLapMGUK; // ERS energy harvested this lap by MGU-K
      float m_ersHarvestedThisLapMGUH; // ERS energy harvested this lap by MGU-H
      float m_ersDeployedThisLap; // ERS energy deployed this lap
      struct PacketCarStatusData
      PacketHeader m_header; // Header

      CarStatusData m_carStatusData[20];

    • Appendices for the various IDs used in the UDP output:





    • FAQS

      How do I enable the UDP Telemetry Output?
      In F1 2018, UDP telemetry output is controlled via the menus. To enable this, enter the options menu from the main menu (triangle / Y), then enter the settings menu - the UDP option will be at the bottom of the list. From there you will be able to enable / disable the UDP output, configure the IP address and port for the receiving application, toggle broadcast mode and set the send rate. Broadcast mode transmits the data across the network subnet to allow multiple devices on the same subnet to be able to receive this information. When using broadcast mode it is not necessary to set a target IP address, just a target port for applications to listen on.

      Can I configure the UDP output using an XML File?
      PC users can edit the game’s configuration XML file to configure UDP output. The file is located here (after an initial boot of the game):

      ...\Documents\My Games\<game_folder>\hardwaresettings\hardware_settings_config.xml

      You should see the tag:



      <udp enabled="false" broadcast=”false” ip="" port="20777" sendRate=”20” format=”2018” />



      Here you can set the values manually. Note that any changes made within the game when it is running will overwrite any changes made manually.

      What is the order of the wheel arrays?
      All wheel arrays are in the following order:

      0 – Rear Left (RL)

      1 – Rear Right (RR)

      2 – Front Left (FL)

      3 – Front Right (FR)

      Do the vehicle indices change?
      During a session, each car is assigned a vehicle index. This will not change throughout the session and all the arrays that are sent use this vehicle index to dereference the correct piece of data.

      What encoding format is used?
      All values are encoded using Little Endian format.

      Is the data packed?
      Yes, all data is packed.

      Will my F1 2017 app still work with F1 2018?
      F1 2018 uses a new format for the UDP data. However, the F1 2017 implementation is still supported by the game and is referred to as the “legacy” format. This should allow most apps implemented using the previous data format to work with little or no change from the developer. To use the old format, please enter the UDP options menu and set “UDP Format” to “legacy”. Specifications for the legacy format can be seen here: http://forums.codemasters.com/discussion/53139/f1-2017-d-box-and-udp-output-specification/p1.

      How do I enable D-BOX output?
      D-BOX output is currently supported on the PC platform. In F1 2018, the D-BOX activation can be controlled via the menus. Navigate to Game Options->Settings->UDP Telemetry Settings->D-BOX to activate this on your system.

      Advanced PC Users: It is possible to control D-BOX by editing the games’ configuration XML file. The file is located here (after an initial boot of the game):

      ...\Documents\My Games\<game_folder>\hardwaresettings\hardware_settings_config.xml

      You should see the tag:


      <dbox enabled="false" />



      Set the “enabled” value to “true” to allow the game to output to your D-BOX motion platform. Note that any changes made within the game when it is running will overwrite any changes made manually.

      How can I disable in-game support for LED device?
      The F1 game has native support for some of the basic features supported by some external LED devices, such as the Leo Bodnar SLI Pro and the Fanatec steering wheels. To avoid conflicts between Codemasters’ implementation and any third-party device managers on the PC platform it may be necessary to disable the native support. This is done using the following led_display flags in the hardware_settings_config.xml. The file is located here (after an initial boot of the game):

      ...\Documents\My Games\<game_folder>\hardwaresettings\hardware_settings_config.xml

      The flags to enabled/disable LED output are:

      <led_display fanatecNativeSupport="true" sliProNativeSupport="true" />

      The sliProNativeSupport flag controls the output to SLI Pro devices. The fanatecNativeSupport flag controls the output to Fanatec (and some related) steering wheel LEDs. Set the values for any of these to “false” to disable them and avoid conflicts with your own device manager.

      Please note there is an additional flag to manually control the LED brightness on the SLI Pro:

      <led_display sliProForceBrightness="127" />

      This option (using value in the range 0-255) will be ignored when setting the sliProNativeSupport flag to “false”.

      Also note it is now possible to edit these values on the fly via the Game Options->Settings->UDP Telemetry Settings menu.

  3. Sarge

    Sarge Active Member Gold Contributor

    Aug 11, 2016
    - 181Coins
    +64 / 0 / -0
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Jeroen Vrancken

    Jeroen Vrancken ProSIMU T3000 Gold Contributor

    Jun 25, 2016
    - 55Coins
    +11 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, SCN6
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. Jeroen Vrancken

    Jeroen Vrancken ProSIMU T3000 Gold Contributor

    Jun 25, 2016
    - 55Coins
    +11 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, SCN6

    Tried that method to, Sims tools starts but my rig has no motion :(
  6. tiopepe srl

    tiopepe srl New Member

    Oct 23, 2017
    +0 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, SCN5
    I have a problem with game vibe vs F1_2017.
    Simtools work fine with this plugin, but Game vibe does not detect the sim and I don't receive any data (see pictures below).
    Game Vibe works fine with Assetto Corsa and RFActor2, I have the issue only with F1_2017
    Thanks in advance for the support[​IMG]

    Attached Files:

  7. tiopepe srl

    tiopepe srl New Member

    Oct 23, 2017
    +0 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, SCN5
    ...more information

    Attached Files:

  8. noorbeast

    noorbeast VR Tassie Devil Staff Member Moderator Race Director

    Jul 13, 2014
    Innovative tech specialist for NGOs
    St Helens, Tasmania, Australia
    +10,993 / 54 / -2
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, JRK
    Not all plugins have Game Vibe support yet.
  9. tiopepe srl

    tiopepe srl New Member

    Oct 23, 2017
    +0 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, SCN5
    have a plan to develop a plugin to works with game vibe?
  10. noorbeast

    noorbeast VR Tassie Devil Staff Member Moderator Race Director

    Jul 13, 2014
    Innovative tech specialist for NGOs
    St Helens, Tasmania, Australia
    +10,993 / 54 / -2
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, JRK
    As plugins are developed an maintained by members in their spare time it will happen when @value1 has the time and inclination to revisit and upgrade the plugin.

    The option is always open for anyone to create a plugin to meet their immediate needs, see here for details if you are interested: https://www.xsimulator.net/communit...lugin-for-simtools-2-0-api-documentation.131/
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2019
  11. tiopepe srl

    tiopepe srl New Member

    Oct 23, 2017
    +0 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, SCN5
    I am not able to manage software language to write a plugin.
    Are you sure that the problem is F1_2017 plugin that are not able to pass a data to game vibe?
    Because I am not finding any topic about this.
    How can I ask at @value1 if you have planned to implement this?
  12. noorbeast

    noorbeast VR Tassie Devil Staff Member Moderator Race Director

    Jul 13, 2014
    Innovative tech specialist for NGOs
    St Helens, Tasmania, Australia
    +10,993 / 54 / -2
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, JRK
    @value1 will already be aware of your interest, nothing further is needed, it is a question of free time in his very busy life.
  13. tiopepe srl

    tiopepe srl New Member

    Oct 23, 2017
    +0 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, SCN5
    no way to me.
    I am waiting of new release of F1_2017 plugin

    But is very strange that I am only one that have this issue!
    Are you sure that the problem is F1_2017 plugin that are not able to pass a data to game vibe?