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Activity stream for all registered members at Motion Simulator Community.

  1. Gefahren replied to the thread Tutorial SMC3 Arduino 3DOF Motor Driver and Windows Utilities.

    I looked in some of the other versions of SMC3 that people have written where they added things like soft start and such. In those I...

    Jul 27, 2024 at 03:36
  2. sallerding rated DaveH's post Informative in the thread FlyPT Mover.

    Rather than launching Mover directly, launch the saved config file instead by double clicking that (or a shortcut etc). ie; Think of it...

    Jul 27, 2024 at 01:39
  3. noorbeast rated Attyla.pl's post Agree in the thread IBT-2 H Bridge no 24v output.

    Very strange things you describe, Do I understand correctly that when you turn the hall sensor connected to A0 pin it changes the green...

    Jul 26, 2024 at 22:29
  4. Richard Eaton replied to the thread IBT-2 H Bridge no 24v output.

    Yes the Hall Sensor are now working individually so that issue is resolved, I think you are right about the Hbridge, they are not great...

    Jul 26, 2024 at 19:23
  5. Attyla.pl replied to the thread IBT-2 H Bridge no 24v output.

    Very strange things you describe, Do I understand correctly that when you turn the hall sensor connected to A0 pin it changes the green...

    Jul 26, 2024 at 19:06
  6. Richard Eaton replied to the thread IBT-2 H Bridge no 24v output.

    So I rewired everything last night, new wires etc, no different, it makes no sense. Here is my latest testing summary. POTs connect and...

    Jul 26, 2024 at 18:38
  7. dryas123 replied to the thread Tutorial SMC3 Arduino 3DOF Motor Driver and Windows Utilities.

    Hey, This would explain why the speed of my motors was always the same as it makes no difference how far target and current position...

    Jul 26, 2024 at 17:43
  8. michel123 attached a file to the thread Mover Simulated Wind Arduino Sketch.

    Hello, I used your code: #define BRAKEVCC 0 #define CW 1 #define CCW 2 #define BRAKEGND 3 #define CS_THRESHOLD 100 int inApin[2] =...

    flypt mover.jpg 20240723_115944.jpg Jul 26, 2024 at 17:11
  9. Rodeo5150 rated Jean Paul Andrade's post Funny in the thread Question problem with simtools 2.6.

    hello, I have an issue with my recently build sim, my emails to the simtools team are not responded so I hope someone in the comunity...

    Jul 26, 2024 at 15:52
  10. Rodeo5150 posted a new thread.

    Keyboard Stops Working

    Everytime I power up my aasd15 thanos 6dof motion board, my keyboard immediately stops working. Any ideas?

    Forum: DIY Motion Simulator Building Q&A / FAQ

    Jul 26, 2024 at 15:40
  11. Rodeo5150 rated noorbeast's post Informative in the thread Question 6dof finally finished. Abandoned for servo actuator build.

    This is an example of poor tracking, indicating SMC3 parameters need to be refined: [IMG] This is an example of improved tracking,...

    Jul 26, 2024 at 15:15
  12. Rodeo5150 rated noorbeast's post Informative in the thread Question 6dof finally finished. Abandoned for servo actuator build.

    My first suggestion would be to not use any filters until you have fully refined a good base motion profile, it will only add false ques...

    Jul 26, 2024 at 15:13
  13. Rodeo5150 replied to the thread Wheel Chair Motors for sale.

    Jul 26, 2024 at 14:24
  14. Javiju555 attached a file to the thread 4DoF controller and code?.

    Finally, I Upload the first photo of the rig, it still have all problems mentioned and I'm still working on it, but for everything else...

    IMG_20240725_130529.jpg Jul 26, 2024 at 14:21
  15. Sebastian2 replied to the thread Tutorial SMC3 Arduino 3DOF Motor Driver and Windows Utilities.

    Because PID is hard ;) Interesting work you have done there! I found some aspects of how the PIDs behaved odd, but they worked well...

    Jul 26, 2024 at 13:16