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2DOF Sabertooth 2x32, 12Volt Gear Motor.

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by Dave Irwin, Apr 15, 2020.

  1. Dave Irwin

    Dave Irwin New Member Gold Contributor

    Jun 21, 2016
    Weirton, WV
    +5 / 0 / -0
    I'm not sure if you meant a physical line on the body of the sensor but I have hand turned the sensor so that the feedback line is in the center of the SMC3 utility screen(where the dotted line is).

    I have rotated the lever arms so that the seat is level.

    When I increase the value of the PWMax, the motors began to turn and went past the clip input/max limits line and shut off.

    I can lower the max limit and clip input values but that would result in the motors rotating indefinitely.

    I have uncommented the "reverse motor" comment in the arduino code and uploaded the sketch to the board. The result was that the motor went in the opposite direction until it reached the max limit/clip input line and then shut off.

    I was looking at @armpit's build thread and watched one of his first videos. It showed him controlling the seat with SMC3. I notice that the target line and feedback line in his video are synchronized:

    When I do the same thing in SMC3 I do not see synchonized feedback and target lines. The move independently. The only way for me to match the target line is to move the feedback line with the manual option until the target line overlaps the feedback line.

    My video shows the two lines operating independently.

    In the tutorial for SMC3 it says:

    Does anyone have an idea of why the lines feedback line would neither move toward or away from the target line?

    I'm going to search the forum to see if anyone else has had a similar issue and see if I can find more videos of SMC3 in action.

    Thanks for reading and feedback.
  2. Dave Irwin

    Dave Irwin New Member Gold Contributor

    Jun 21, 2016
    Weirton, WV
    +5 / 0 / -0

    Thanks for the tips. I actually found out what the issue was:

    I needed to adjust the lever because the angle was too extreme. While I was making those modifications, I inspected the wires. They were all connected as the should be BUT the solder on the ground of 1 of the motors had come loose.

    SMC3 is now working as expected after I resoldered the ground to the hall sensor.

    So, If anyone is seeing the following issues when they are doing the first build, make sure you check that all the wires are connected and none of the solder is loose.

    • Any power to the motor causes it to turn 360 degrees non stop until power is disconnected.
    • SMC 3 feedback line does not move with the target line. The feedback line runs independently.
    Here is a short video of SMC3 using the motion setting to drive the motor. The feedback line moves with the target line like it supposed to.

    My next step is to follow this guide to create a motion profile: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/faq/steps-to-create-a-motion-profile.228/.

    Thanks for the help diagnosing the problem everyone.
    • Like Like x 2
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2020
  3. Dave Irwin

    Dave Irwin New Member Gold Contributor

    Jun 21, 2016
    Weirton, WV
    +5 / 0 / -0
    Small Update:

    I added support to the back of the rig where the arms where connecting to the rig. Originally I had a single vertical support shaft in the center of the rig. It was not sturdy and caused a lot of play.


    I took some time to connect a USB hub and a power strip to my rig so that I connect all of my devices easily. The hub connects to my gaming pc with a 15 foot Usb cord.

    My rig is on a platform that has locking caster wheels, this allows me to push it into my furnace room when not in use. The idea is that I roll my rig infront of my oculus cv1 cameras, connect the usb hub and plug the power supply into the wall and I am ready to play. It works in practice and haven't had any issues with they "moveable rig" design. Ignore the duct tape on the DFGT. It's long been time for an upgrade, a fanatec csw v2.5 is what I've set my sights on.


    One of power supplies burnt out while using the rig at the end of the first day of testing.


    I had two of these cheap switching power supplies and intended on running them in parallel. After the first one burnt up, I had the choice to buy another cheap one(under $20) and then connect them in parallel and hope that it was sufficient or look for a tried and true power supply.

    I ended up ordering one based on this conversation: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/the-ultimate-power-supply-thread-for-sim-builders.6793/

    Here is the power supply. If I would have went with this one originally it would be about the same price as the 2 "cheap" ones I started with.


    I have been spending a large amount of time reading the SimTools manual and testing using SimTools and the tuning center. I have created and tested profiles for RaceRoom and Project Cars 2.

    1) Is there a setting that separates "Acceleration" from "shifting" in the Surge force? I would like to tone down the shift effect but keep the acceleration effect.

    2) I feel a bit dense reading this section in the manual:


    When I accelerate, the surge and pitch forces should be the same right? The weight of the car gets shifted to the rear and the front end lifts due to acceleration. So, the surge force should push me back into the seat AND the pitch force should push me back into the seat. The way that I read that section, it makes me think it would do the opposite.

    3) Is it better to use the tuning center to manually increase the minimum and maximum values for the sake of toning done the effects OR would it be better to let the tuning center calculate the min/max values and then add smoothing?

    In raceroom the surge and sway forces are over 15 when recorded in the tuning center. With those values they are cartoonishly powerful. I have manually adjusted them to be 30 for the sake of toning them down and for them to feel more realistic. Would it be better to leave them at 15 and add 50% smoothing?

    4) I've created a default profile in simtools and tested it in the output testing to verify that the forces are producing the correct output. For example, positive sway pushes me to the right and negative sway pushes me to the left.

    When I used the default profile as a base and ran RaceRoom, the effects produced opposite outcomes. I had to close the game, leave the percentage values, and check the Dir boxes to reverse the effect.

    Do different games require different Dir settings or did I set up the default profile incorrectly?

    5) In GameManager you can adjust individual settings:


    Let's say that my simtools profile has heave at 10%, and I've used the tuning center to set the min/max of heave at 5.0.

    If I increase heave by 10 in the Game Manager profile will it set the min/max of my tuning center value to min/max 15.0?

    Will that change register in the tuning center UI? If I change the tuning center value will it add the profile value and the sum of both will be the value?

    Thanks for reading and for any feedback. This has been an excellent project and it would have never happened without this community.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2020