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Daytona USA Plugin

SimTools game plugin for Daytona USA

  1. tangodownnz

    tangodownnz New Member

    Apr 30, 2024
    +0 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    Daytona USA has a “No handicap mode”

    Read below for instructions.

    However, Daytona with No Handicap mode, Daytona USA could be the best driving game ever created, but for one problem. Tyre degradation. In this mode your tyres wear out, and they wear out real quick. After only one lap the car becomes uncontrollable. Yes you can pit, but that only gives you one more lap. The tyre deg really takes away from the great arcade style of that we all know and love. But we don’t want handicap as well, because it takes the fun out of the game, knowing no matter how good your driving is, you will always be caught, even if your opponents car crashes. Both these problems ruin the games potential to be the greatest arcade driving game ever. In fact, even though I love the game so much, I can’t play it because of handicap mode. And just when I found a way to turn it off, I found the tyre problem.

    So to make Daytona USA into the undisputed best arcade racing game ever, we need a way to have handicap mode OFF and tyre deg OFF, then you will have the best. There must be a way to do this. Tyre deg is off by default, so there must be a simple line in the games coding to keep it off. Infact I read in Normal mode tyre deg stays off with handicap off. Tyre deg may only be active in grand prix and endurance modes. But we need these extra laps.

    There must be somebody that can find a way to turn tyre deg off with handicap off. PLEASE HELP

    No Handicap Mode: The game keeps races close by increasing the top speed of any car that is not in first place, which gives all players a chance to catch up. To disable this option (On "Twin Type" games only), press all four view change buttons at the course selection screen. A small white point will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. In multi-player races, No Handicap Mode will only be activated if more than half of the players enter this code. If the machine is configured for Grand Prix mode or Endurance mode as described above, entering the No Handicap Mode will have added effect of wearing away your tires during game.
  2. Brett

    Brett Member

    Apr 15, 2015
    Carrum Downs Victoria Australia
    +22 / 0 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, 3DOF, JRK
    Is this plugin going to be coverted to SimTools version 3? Not having it in v3 is basically the only reason I still use Simtools v2 at present.