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Showroom first 2DOF Seat mover

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by obobo, Nov 14, 2016.

  1. obobo

    obobo Active Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    +77 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    Bon cet après-midi j'ai bricolé un peu sur le simu

    pour décentraliser l'électronique de bord

    J'ai récupéré un boitier NEC qui trainait dans un coin
    je l'ai ouvert et un peu évidé

    j'ai ouvert et démonté l'alimentation pour récupérer le bouton et la prise d'un côté et le ventilateur de l'autre.

    j'ai adapté le ventilo sur l'avant de la tour ( ok c'est pas très beau visuellement mais c'est pas grave !)

    j'ai démonté la sabertooth, l'arduino et l'alimentation du simulateur.
    j'ai installé au fond du boitier un bout de parquet flottant pour fixer le tout

    j'ai tout recablé, ressoudé, et préparé.

    et j'attends d'avoir une gaine chaussette pour que les cables soient propres et des borniers pour les branchements des potars
    le boitier posé à côté de la tour de jeux

    j'ai monté les moteurs sur cosses pour pouvoir éventuellement démonter facilement le tout


    this afternoon I tinkered a bit on the simu

    To decentralize the on-board electronics

    I recovered a NEC box that was trailing in a corner
    I opened it and a little hollowed out

    I opened and disassembled the power supply to retrieve the button and the plug on one side and the fan on the other.

    I adapted the fan to the front of the tower (ok it's not very beautiful visually but it does not matter!)

    I disassembled the sabertooth, the arduino and the power supply of the simulator.
    I installed at the bottom of the box a piece of floating parquet to fix everything

    I recovered everything, re-soldered it, and prepared it.

    And I expect to have a sock sheath so that the cables are clean and terminals for the connections of the pots
    The box placed next to the game tower

    I mounted the motors on lugs to be able to easily dismantle everything

    now sleeping !!

    maintenant dodo ! 2017-01-18 14.07.59.jpg 2017-01-18 14.08.06.jpg 2017-01-18 14.09.48.jpg 2017-01-18 14.09.51.jpg 2017-01-18 14.23.45.jpg 2017-01-18 14.42.54.jpg 2017-01-18 16.41.45.jpg 2017-01-18 16.41.53.jpg 2017-01-18 17.44.55.jpg 2017-01-18 18.49.15.jpg
    • Like Like x 1
  2. Blame73

    Blame73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2014
    +1,127 / 2 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform
    Is that the only fan you're going to use or will there be another one over the electronics?
  3. obobo

    obobo Active Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    +77 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    one fan on the PSU and the 12cm on the box

    the side stay open until i've received a 20cm fan to put on the side panel

    and i don't restart the rig until the connectors are ok
  4. Wanegain

    Wanegain Active Member

    Nov 6, 2013
    +300 / 2 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform, 4DOF
    This is good but this is also a big box for only 3 components :p
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. obobo

    obobo Active Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    +77 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    Yes it is a big box, but a free box !!
  6. Wanegain

    Wanegain Active Member

    Nov 6, 2013
    +300 / 2 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform, 4DOF
    It's a great argument :D
  7. obobo

    obobo Active Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    +77 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    Hi everybody
    So after the switch to simtools 2, I encountered worries.

    First of all, I had the engines that worked perfectly in output test but engine 2 (the one on the right) could not go up in games (AC and pcars)
    It started from the horizontal, then the first time the crank descended, it did not rise again. The engine 1 on the other hand worked perfectly.

    I have uninstalled all the softs (simtools, arduino and describe), reinstalled simtools 1.3 and tested, correct operation.

    So I still uninstalled simtools 1.3, and handed over simtools 2 so in output tests, the engines work is good, getting down and getting back up with me on the seat without any problems.

    In the aftermath, after all these tests, I broke the support plate of the cardan (wooden plate), so I replaced the wooden supports by a steel foot for the cardan.

    After 1 day of lost to repair, I was able to resume the tests. Last night, after full adjustments, I was able to play Assetto corsa properly for 3/4 hours and ETS2 for 1 hour.

    But at the end, engine 1 (left) is just warm, while engine 2 is very very hot. I can not leave my hand on it.

    Is that someone would know why one of my engine is very hot and not the other?

    The photos show the steel support, then the results of the output tests
    Pitch and roll to + or - 100

    ---------> fr below

    salut à tous
    Alors après le passage à simtools 2, j'ai rencontré des soucis.

    tout d'abord, j'avais les moteurs qui fonctionnaient parfaitement dans output test mais le moteur 2 (celui de droite) n'arrivait plus à remonter dans les jeux (AC et pcars)
    il partait de l'horizontal, puis la première fois que la manivelle descendait, elle ne remontait plus. Le moteur 1 lui par contre fonctionnait parfaitement.

    J'ai desinstallé tous les softs (simtools, arduino et describe), reinstallé simtools 1.3 et testé, fonctionnement correct.

    J'ai donc encore desinstallé simtools 1.3, et remis simtools 2 donc dans output tests, le fonctionnement des moteurs est bon, descente et remontée avec moi sur le siège sans aucun problèmes.

    dans la foulée, après tous ces tests, j'ai cassé la plaque de support du cardan (plaque en bois), j'ai donc remplacé les supports bois par un pied en acier pour le cardan.

    après 1 journée de perdue pour réparer, j'ai pu reprendre les tests. Hier soir, après pleins de réglages, j'ai pu jouer correctement à Assetto corsa pendant 3/4 heures et ETS2 pendant 1 heure.

    mais à la fin, le moteur 1 (gauche) est juste tiède, tandis que le moteur 2 est très très chaud. je ne peux pas laisser la main dessus.

    est ce que quelqu'un saurais pourquoi un de mes moteur est très chaud et pas l'autre ?

    les photos montrent le support en acier, puis les résultats des output tests
    pitch et roll à + ou - 100

    Attached Files:

  8. noorbeast

    noorbeast VR Tassie Devil Staff Member Moderator Race Director

    Jul 13, 2014
    Innovative tech specialist for NGOs
    St Helens, Tasmania, Australia
    +10,982 / 54 / -2
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, JRK
    I don't think your issue is SimTools, it is more likely your code, motor settings or design issues. Work through those in that order.

    With respect to design at the onset I advised against having the rose joints at 90 degrees to each other, as that could create binding: https://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/first-2dof-seat-mover.9289/#post-117914

    I also wonder what range you are using for the lever movement. Torque efficiency falls off rapidly over 38-40 degrees up and down, which would make the motors work much harder.

    The rig only has a short inherent design leverage length, so it is really important that the balance is spot on with yourself and all peripherals included.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. obobo

    obobo Active Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    +77 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, Arduino
    In a short time I will rework the position of the engines by changing the squares so this problem will not arise, even if I did not have this before

    I do not say it comes from simtools, but I was asking if anyone would see a clue about this problem

    dans peu de temps, je vais retravailler la position des moteurs en changeant les equerres donc ce problème ne se posera plus, même si je n'avais pas ça avant

    je ne dis pas que ça vient de simtools, mais je demandais si quelqu'un verrait un indice sur ce problème
  10. noorbeast

    noorbeast VR Tassie Devil Staff Member Moderator Race Director

    Jul 13, 2014
    Innovative tech specialist for NGOs
    St Helens, Tasmania, Australia
    +10,982 / 54 / -2
    My Motion Simulator:
    3DOF, DC motor, JRK
    I was trying to lay out a troubleshooting pathway to try and pin down the problem.