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My first 2DOF full frame project, arduino, MM, Aluminium

Discussion in 'DIY Motion Simulator Projects' started by JonBakhol, Apr 11, 2018.

  1. JonBakhol

    JonBakhol Active Member

    Mar 16, 2018
    Netherlands harderwijk
    +46 / 1 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, JRK
    Good day to you all,

    I checked my pics....here they are..(even some questions.)

    First, the COG was determined. @FargusFaustmeister ...sorry I didn't check the COG shift with different people.
    We will find out how the seat-shifting will work when the apparatus is up and running.

    I took an thick Aluminum pipe, like 60mm x 5mm. Put it 90° under my rig.
    @Pino Pistolidas pushed me back until I flipped backwards.
    After a few attempts it was quite clear where the COG was/is.
    It surprised me that the COG is more to the front than I expected.
    Normally I game with nice, soft, smelly "old man slippers"...Now my balance was checked with some heavy army boots. (1,5 Kg more on the paddles instead of 500 gr)
    So I corrected the COG with 2 cm backwards, not because I calculated ....just because of a feeling.

    As you can see the CV-Joint ( @noorbeast ) is welded and also the brackets for the wiper motors.
    As this point...(it was like 22:30) I wanted to see some movement into this thing.
    So I connect a 12V supply to 1 motor.
    Lets see what it does, and get a kind of feeling with the outcome :)

    The angle between the wipers and the back, is it to steep? (20° - 30° to the front, 10° inwards....?) If I'm wrong, please correct me.
    I can lower the threaded point on the backside.....first try it like this, and then we will see.

    SMC3 tuorial,,,I think it is a nice little piece of software.
    I think I can understand the functions. Okay let's go...
    I already driven the wipers with this software and pot's works okay...okay...okay


    The pot's are mounted with an threaded M4 hole in back of the drive shaft.
    With a flexible connection, a 'non rotating' PVC tube (10mm x 6mm) between the back and pot (pic's will follow)

    Do I set them by hand in the middle position.....512 (0-1024) or ....5 Kohm (0Kohm-10Kohm) maybe .... 2,5 V (0 - 5V), and then install them?
    What will happen if my potential meter is turned to the MAX ( - or + )........And SMC3 utilis turns on?
    How to calibrate the Pot-meters?

    Can anybody explain this in layman's terms.

    Have a nice Ride,


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