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Simulated Wind using MonsterMoto and ArduinoUno

Discussion in 'SimTools compatible interfaces' started by SilentChill, May 15, 2015.

  1. Avenga76

    Avenga76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2014
    Network Engineer
    Auckland, New Zealand
    +853 / 6 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, JRK
    Thanks, I have tried changing the math value. I have tried deleting it and increasing it and decreasing it with no luck.

    I just tried it with No Limits 2 and it is doing the exact same thing so I am not sure if it is game related. I am wondering if it is a faulty MM or something wrong with the uploading the code or the Arduino.

    This is what happens.

    When I first plug the Arduino in I will see the motor 2 light on and it putting out around 1.8v on only the 2nd motor port. The first motor light is turned off and there is no voltage to the first motor port.


    The moment I start the game, so before the game finishes loading or asks me if I want to use my rift, both motor ports turn on and put out about 3.8v. It doesn't change at all based on speed, the fan speed stays constant and the voltage stays constant.


    It will stay like this until I either unplug the Arduino or reset the Arduino. If I try to go back in to the GameDash settings page before re-plugging the Arduino it will say that my Comm port is not accessible.

    It is like the Arduino is crashing or something
  2. SilentChill

    SilentChill Problem Maker

    Jul 19, 2014
    Railway Maintenance
    Morecambe, Lancashire, England
    +3,489 / 34 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform, 6DOF
    Hmmm I have no idea as it just worked when I used it. I can't try anything myself as I only have the v2.0 beta installed so until the dash app is working im stumped sorry :(
  3. Avenga76

    Avenga76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2014
    Network Engineer
    Auckland, New Zealand
    +853 / 6 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, JRK
    Dang. I will try another MM, I just need to solder the header pins, power and fans to it. I ordered 12 MM's and 5 Arduinos because I want to try swapping my JRK's for Arduino/MM and I ordered tons more than I needed in cause I had some faulty ones. I only need 7 MM's for my projects so I have 5 spare.

    I see lots of soldering in my future :)

    • Like Like x 4
  4. SilentChill

    SilentChill Problem Maker

    Jul 19, 2014
    Railway Maintenance
    Morecambe, Lancashire, England
    +3,489 / 34 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform, 6DOF
    Haha you should see the pile of dead ones I have, in fact I have a box full of them
    • Funny Funny x 2
  5. Avenga76

    Avenga76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2014
    Network Engineer
    Auckland, New Zealand
    +853 / 6 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, JRK
    Yeah, your posts with all your MM troubles were what made me order so many spares. I have been putting it off for ages but I needed some for this project so I figured I would order more than enough to swap out my JRK's. As long as I have enough to do a proof of concept with one my bigger 5,500 RPM motors then I will be happy ordering more if need be, they are cheap enough, all 12 of my MM's were cheaper than 1 JRK and the JRK's aren't grunty enough to run my bigger motors.

    I will let you know if I have any luck figuring out what is going wrong. Thanks for your help.
  6. Avenga76

    Avenga76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2014
    Network Engineer
    Auckland, New Zealand
    +853 / 6 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, JRK
    I tried a new MM and new Arduino and still the same problem.

    I didn't bother hooking up the blower, just connected my multimeter up directly.

    When I plug in the Arduino both motor show 1.8v and then when I launch the game both motors go up to 3.8v and just sits there until I unplug the Arduino.


    I just want to make sure I am loading the code correctly. I am using the Arduino IDE and I use that to load the .ino file then I select the right comm port then click the upload button, is that all I need to do? No other steps? It says "Compiling sketch" then "Done uploading" so it looks like it is uploading okay.
  7. SilentChill

    SilentChill Problem Maker

    Jul 19, 2014
    Railway Maintenance
    Morecambe, Lancashire, England
    +3,489 / 34 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform, 6DOF
    @Avenga76 yeah you are deffo doing it right, have you got the bits per second setup up correctly in both the dash app and in your windows device manager ?
  8. Avenga76

    Avenga76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2014
    Network Engineer
    Auckland, New Zealand
    +853 / 6 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, JRK
    I am running 9600,8,N,1 like in the first post in both the Dash app and the windows device manager.

    Here is a screenshot of my settings in case you can spot anything that I have done wrong.

  9. Avenga76

    Avenga76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2014
    Network Engineer
    Auckland, New Zealand
    +853 / 6 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, JRK
    Doh, I found what I was doing wrong. I put "PAD 3.0" instead of "PAD 3 0" which was causing the GameDash and Arduino to crash. (You can see the mistake in the screenshot I posted above, dang 1440p monitors making it hard to read small screenshots :mad:)

    There is still something funny with the first MM I used, When it is in the Motor Off mode which is 1.8v then only one of the motor lights is on, on the second MM they are both on when idle, In game and as soon as you start moving then it works perfectly.

    I will post a video of it shortly working with 1 blower, then I will add another blower
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. Avenga76

    Avenga76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2014
    Network Engineer
    Auckland, New Zealand
    +853 / 6 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, JRK
    Awesome!! There isn't anything wrong with the first MM, that motor light must be an error light because once I connected both fans up then both motor lights are off until I start moving then they both come on. It must have just been saying I didn't have a motor/fan attached because when I was testing the other MM both the lights were on when the game wasn't running.

    Here is a test video with one blower and the multimeter hooked up to the second motor port.

    And here is a fun little video of both blowers vs a toy car, it reminded me of that Mythbusters episode when they drove a car behind a jet place.

    Some photos of my prototype.




    I am really happy with how it is all working now. I am going to mount them my rig and run some ducting and make a defuser.

    One other question. Would it be possible to change what happens when the output goes over 255? Currently if it goes over 255 then the fans will just stop, it would be good if it just stayed as full power if it goes over 255. It just means I will need to change the maths for REALLY fast cars or coasters, like in that video above I can get away with Math * 10 but on faster steel coasters I need to drop it down to around 8. I guess I just need to find the fastest coaster and set up my maths based it's top speed.
    • Like Like x 4
  11. SilentChill

    SilentChill Problem Maker

    Jul 19, 2014
    Railway Maintenance
    Morecambe, Lancashire, England
    +3,489 / 34 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform, 6DOF
    @Avenga76 awesome glad you got it working :D Those fans were what I wanted but I couldn't afford them at the time, maybe one day I will get them sorted
  12. SilentChill

    SilentChill Problem Maker

    Jul 19, 2014
    Railway Maintenance
    Morecambe, Lancashire, England
    +3,489 / 34 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform, 6DOF
    Yeah thinking about it it would probably really easy to just put code in that something like "if x>255 then x=255 "

    I dunno my coding is still poor but it may possibly work
  13. Avenga76

    Avenga76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2014
    Network Engineer
    Auckland, New Zealand
    +853 / 6 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, JRK
    It is a really cool and easy project if anyone if thinking of giving it a blast.

    Now I just need to mount them to the rig, buy some ducting and make a defuser.

    I am useless at coding also so I asked one of my programmers at work to code it for me. I explained what I wanted and how the code works and he quickly came up with what you need to add

    void ReadData(){
      if (Serial.available() == 4)  {    //if 4 bits available in the Serial buffer...
            int i;
            for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) {       // read and label each byte.
                   bufferArray[i] = Serial.read();
             if (bufferArray[0]  == 'S'){
               SpeedGameDash = ((bufferArray[1]-48)*100) + ((bufferArray[2]-48)*10) + // Take values 1-3.
                    if (SpeedGameDash > 255){
                                    SpeedGameDash = 255;
               //Serial.print("You have set the Speed to a Value of:");  
    The main addition is the "if (SpeedGameDash > 255){ SpeedGameDash = 255;} " part, but he also changes some other lines so it is easier to just replace the whole "ReadData" section. What this does is if the speed value after the maths goes over 255 then it will limit it to 255 which is the motors at full speed.

    It basically works like FFB clipping so instead of the fan just switching off it will clip the rest, so you still want to get the maths pretty right but it allows for if you use something that is REALLY fast every now and then.

    Here is an example of when I have the maths too high.


    You can see that the output for Dash 1 is 372 so that is being clipped down to 255 which is full speed, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between 272 and 372 because I started clipping at 255.

    For this coaster I use a math of 10 times so normally in this fastest section of the track I would be at 248, very close to max, that is how you want to tune in and then this new code just means that if you creep over that 255 limit then it will clip instead of turning off the motors. In this demonstration I increased the maths to 15 times just to show the clipping.

    Here is the full code

    #define BRAKEVCC 0
    #define CW   1
    #define CCW  2
    #define BRAKEGND 3
    #define CS_THRESHOLD 100
    int inApin[2] = {7, 4};  // INA: Clockwise input
    int inBpin[2] = {8, 9}; // INB: Counter-clockwise input
    int pwmpin[2] = {5, 6}; // PWM input
    int cspin[2] = {2, 3}; // CS: Current sense ANALOG input
    int enpin[2] = {0, 1}; // EN: Status of switches output (Analog pin)
    int statpin = 13;
    // This just works with one variable from the Game Dash.
    int Speed ;
    int SpeedGameDash = 0;
    int bufferArray[4];
    void setup()
    pinMode(statpin, OUTPUT);
    // Initialize digital pins as outputs
    for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
       pinMode(inApin[i], OUTPUT);
       pinMode(inBpin[i], OUTPUT);
       pinMode(pwmpin[i], OUTPUT);
    void loop(){
      //****************************** READ DATA FROM SERIAL ******************************
    motorGo(0, CW, Speed);        //Motor1
    motorGo(1, CW, Speed);      //Motor2
    if (Speed=0 , motorOff);
    void motorOff(int motor)
    // Initialize braked
    for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
       digitalWrite(inApin[i], LOW);
       digitalWrite(inBpin[i], LOW);
    analogWrite(pwmpin[motor], Speed);
    void motorGo(uint8_t motor, uint8_t direct, uint8_t Speed)
    if (motor <= 1)
       if (direct <=4)
         // Set inA[motor]
         if (direct <=1)
           digitalWrite(inApin[motor], HIGH);
           digitalWrite(inApin[motor], LOW);
         // Set inB[motor]
         if ((direct==0)||(direct==2))
           digitalWrite(inBpin[motor], HIGH);
           digitalWrite(inBpin[motor], LOW);
         analogWrite(pwmpin[motor], Speed);
    void ReadData(){
      if (Serial.available() == 4)  {    //if 4 bits available in the Serial buffer...
            int i;
            for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) {       // read and label each byte.
                   bufferArray[i] = Serial.read();
             if (bufferArray[0]  == 'S'){
               SpeedGameDash = ((bufferArray[1]-48)*100) + ((bufferArray[2]-48)*10) + // Take values 1-3.
                    if (SpeedGameDash > 255){
                                    SpeedGameDash = 255;
               //Serial.print("You have set the Speed to a Value of:");  
    void CalcPWM() {
        if (SpeedGameDash > 0){
        int oldSpeed = Speed;
        Speed = map(SpeedGameDash, 0 , 255 , 0 , 255);
        if (oldSpeed != Speed){
        //Serial.print("Fan Speed set to :");
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    Last edited: Oct 16, 2016
  14. SilentChill

    SilentChill Problem Maker

    Jul 19, 2014
    Railway Maintenance
    Morecambe, Lancashire, England
    +3,489 / 34 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    DC motor, Arduino, Motion platform, 6DOF
    @Avenga76 thought it would be easy :D Simple addition really
  15. Avenga76

    Avenga76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2014
    Network Engineer
    Auckland, New Zealand
    +853 / 6 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, JRK
    Yeah, it took him 3 minutes :) and that included me emailing him the code and then ringing him to explaining what I wanted and what the code did.

    So much easier than trying to figure it out myself :)

    I just tried it in iRacing and it works really well. I didn't need any maths because the value is in KPH so the fan speed will map from 0-255KPH without any maths. I tried it with the HPD which has a top speed of 273KPH and it worked really well. I only go over the 255 limit by 18KPH so it isn't worth changing the maths for, with this new code it means it just keeps those last 18KPH at max speed instead of cutting the fans.

    It is quite awesome. I have them just sitting in front of my rig at the moment so it will be so much better when I do all the ducting and mount it to the rig
    • Like Like x 1
  16. andpal

    andpal New Member

    Oct 8, 2013
    +6 / 0 / -0
    You guys are fantastic !! I have been loocking for this for so long time and finaly it's done in a master way.. !!

    I'm so sorry for asking this but I have no clue were to go and ask.
    I'am have build and wired just like instructions to run 4 fans. Arduino and MM are done but I have never used the Sim Tools so this is a brand new book for me.

    I have installed the Sim Tool programs and buyed the plugin packs but now I dont know how to set Everything up in the software like in GameEngine,GameManager ? Can any one be so kind to help me out and give me a Quick tutorial. I will only use simtools for this Wind Simulator effekt and would be so gratefull if some one could help me. I manage to install the plui dont even know g in for No limit, and did the adjustments as SilentHill showed in the Pictures but nothing happens when the rollercoaster is running so I asume I have not getting the other programs running as needed ?

    Sorry for my poor English, best regards Andreas from Sweden
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. Avenga76

    Avenga76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2014
    Network Engineer
    Auckland, New Zealand
    +853 / 6 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, JRK
    Hi, welcome to the forum.

    You can run more than one fan off each port, just make sure you don't go over the limit of the MM's and you would need a heatsink on the MM

    You need The Game Engine, Game Manager and Game dash running.

    Make sure you have turned on the dash option in each game in the game manager.

    Have you installed the plugin and patched the game?

    The best place to start is the FAQ page, it has really good documentation that will tell you how to install plugins and turn on the game dash.

    Have a read through the Game Engine, Game Manager and Game dash pages, you can ignore the sections about the motion as you are only using the wind simulator parts of it.

    Once you have the plugins installed and the dash installed you need to upload the code to the arduino and follow the instructions on the first page of this thread.

    If you are still stuck after reading the manuals in the FAQ section then feel free at ask for help, tell us how far you got, like did you install the plugins etc.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  18. Avenga76

    Avenga76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2014
    Network Engineer
    Auckland, New Zealand
    +853 / 6 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, JRK
    I wrote a more detailed guide on how I did the hardware side of the project so will post it here in case anyone wants to see how I did all the wiring and mounting.

    This is a wind simulator that will vary the amount of wind based on the speed of the car.

    It is built using an Arduino Uno with a Monster Moto shield. It runs off Sim Tools which also runs my DIY motion and it works with any game that outputs the speed telemetry, so it works with iRacing, Dirt Rally, PCars, Assetto Corsa, No limits roller coaster, AMS and tons of other sims.

    The Arduino code was written by SilentChill over at the Xsimulator forums and you can find it here https://www.xsimulator.net/community/threads/simulated-wind-using-monstermoto-and-arduinouno.6876/

    I started off with the base components. I am using a pair of Seaflo 4" In-Line blowers. They are 270CFM each, they run on 12V and pull 6A each, they were around $29 USD each.


    For the controllers I am using an Arduino Uno and with a Monster Moto shield. I got them without the header pins attached because I will be used some more of them for an upgrade I have planed for my DIY motion simulator


    They are really cheap off ebay, $5 for an Arduino Uno and $8 for a Monster Moto so I brought a ton of them so I can also replace the JRK 12V12's in my motion sim with dual Monster Moto's


    It is really easy to prep the board, just solder the header pins on then wire in the power and fans. If you look on the left side you will see the + and - for the power supply, and on the right side you with see A1 and B1 for the first fan and A2 and B2 for the second fan. The A is positive and the B is negative.


    The Monster Moto then just plugs in on top of the Arduino


    After wiring up the first fan I did a quick test to see if it was all working, I have just connected it up to a battery for now. Once I have finished my design I will wire it back to the batteries that power my DIY Simulator.


    Here is a video of it running with just the one fan in No Limits roller coaster. I have my multi-meter hooked up to the second fan controller so you can see the voltage vary. It uses PWM so it is actually the duty cycle that is changing but my Multi-meter shows it as the voltage changing.

    Next I made a prototype mount for it, just using some wood and a blank PCB I had laying around


    The controllers all wired up, you can see the power from the battery at the front of the controller then the power to the fans going out the back of the board.


    This is the back side of the set up. The fans blow towards the motor on the other side.


    Here is a quick video of both fans vs a toy car, it reminds me of that Mythbusters episode when they drove a car behind a jet plane

    I then temporarily mounted the fans on top of my Accuforce.


    For now while I am testing I have just cable tied a battery up the front of my rig, it is a 9Ah battery so it should be able to run the fans for a couple hours between chargers.


    It is just secured on with cable ties at the moment. eventually I will make up a mounting plate for them and just run some ducting up.



    I will also make an enclosure for the controllers


    Here is a wide angle shot of my rig with the fans installed.


    The project cost about $70 USD in parts and one evening to do the electronics and another evening to do the mounting and testings.

    You could easily do this as a one day build project and at only $70 in parts it is a very cheap DIY project.

    It adds a lot to the immersion and it also helps keep you cool. I use the Oculus Rift CV1 so it helps a lot with keeping me cool. It is great for open wheelers and roller coasters.

    At the moment I have the fans mapped so 255KPH is max fan speed so it will ramp up from 0-255KPH and then anything faster than that will have the fans on max, you can adjust this in the software easily.

    You can really feel it as you slow down for corners then you can feel the big rush of wind as you accellerate out of the corners, I was trying it at Nords in the HPD last night and it feels like you are really flying down the straights and you can feel how quickly the car accelerates out of corners.[/quote]
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  19. andpal

    andpal New Member

    Oct 8, 2013
    +6 / 0 / -0
    Grate Guide !

    I still cant get it to work, I have PMed you if you have the time to answer. I have mapped the game right, hocked up the plugins, your full arduino code is Copy/Pasted and uploded = Done , and Everything says Game Running..

    Were do i Go wrong ? Wonder about the MM and Arduino if the parts working when the sims running ? Any Led that should indicate that it's sending signals ? When I connect the fan the green led on the side turns off and no led is lighting on that side after not even when sim is running ! Sound right or wrong ?
    • Winner Winner x 1
  20. Avenga76

    Avenga76 Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2014
    Network Engineer
    Auckland, New Zealand
    +853 / 6 / -0
    My Motion Simulator:
    2DOF, DC motor, JRK
    I replied to your PM but I will answer it here in case anyone else has the same problems.

    I am colour blind so I can't tell the colour of the LEDs but if you have the fan disconnected then you will get an LED warning light, if you have the fans connected, while idle there should be no LEDs next to the motor drivers, then when you start moving there should be a more different LED come on beside the motor driver chips.

    Do you have a multi-meter?

    If you connect the multi-meter up to an empty motor driver port then you should see around 1.8V like this


    If you don't then check the Arduino code is uploaded okay.

    Next you need to make sure that the Game Dash is seeing the data. If you open Game Dash you can see the data, Dash 1 is what we care about. You need to make sure you do the maths right in the command options, you want that output number to be UNDER 255, 255 is max fan speed so if you go over that then the fan will stop if you are using the code on the first page, I wrote some code on the last page which puts a limit instead of turning the fans off but for now just try with the maths low enough so the out is UNDER 255


    Next check you comm port settings and dash setting are right based on the first post in the thread.

    Then do a test in the game, run the game in a window and have the dash open so you can see the value of the Dash 1. Watch your multimeter and you should see the voltage going up and down like this test. I find No Limits is good for testing because you can just run it on autopilot and you don't need to drive a car or anything so you can watch the dash and multimeter

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